• Redis学习 命令执行


    The way RESP is used in Redis as a request-response protocol is the following:

    • Clients send commands to a Redis server as a RESP Array of Bulk Strings.
    • The server replies with one of the RESP types according to the command implementation.

    In RESP, the type of some data depends on the first byte:

    • For Simple Strings the first byte of the reply is "+"
    • For Errors the first byte of the reply is "-"
    • For Integers the first byte of the reply is ":"
    • For Bulk Strings the first byte of the reply is "$"
    • For Arrays the first byte of the reply is "*"




    1. AcceptHandler,用来accept客户端的连接,并且把accept后得到的文件描述符设置为非阻塞O_NONBLOCK
    2. ReadHandler,用来read客户端发过来的数据,并且每当读到一条完整命令后就执行并把结果写到服务端的与该客户端相对应的缓冲区
    3. WriteHandler,用来把服务端的与客户端对应的缓冲区中的数据write给客户端




    每当fd可写,循环把与fd对应的返回结果缓冲区中的全部数据都发给对应的客户端,直到全部发完或该次事件处理的totwritten > REDIS_MAX_WRITE_PER_EVENT=1024*64write调用出错。


    A Request/Response server can be implemented so that it is able to process new requests even if the client didn't already read the old responses. This way it is possible to send multiple commands to the server without waiting for the replies at all, and finally read the replies in a single step.

    This is called pipelining, and is a technique widely in use since many decades. For instance many POP3 protocol implementations already supported this feature, dramatically speeding up the process of downloading new emails from the server.

    Redis has supported pipelining since the very early days, so whatever version you are running, you can use pipelining with Redis. This is an example using the raw netcat utility:

    $ (printf "PING
    "; sleep 1) | nc localhost 6379





    $ (printf '*2
    1 plus 1
    1 plus 1
    '; sleep 1) | nc localhost 6379


    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 5 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:44:44.657 - Accepted
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:44:44.657 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 144
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:44:44.658 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:44:45.638 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 0
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:44:45.638 - Client closed connection
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END



    # coding: utf-8
    import redis
    def main():
        client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)
        pipe = client.pipeline(transaction=False)
        for i in range(16 * 1024):
            pipe.set(i, i)
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 5 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:02.791 - Accepted
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.001 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.003 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.004 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.004 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.005 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.005 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.006 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.007 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.008 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.008 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.010 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.011 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.011 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.012 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.013 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.013 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.014 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.015 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.016 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.017 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.017 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.018 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.018 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.019 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.019 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.021 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.022 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.022 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.024 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.025 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.025 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.026 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.028 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.028 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.029 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.033 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.033 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.034 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.035 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.035 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.037 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.038 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.038 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.039 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.040 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.040 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.042 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.042 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.042 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.043 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 10548
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.044 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.108 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 0
    13021:M 12 Dec 17:47:03.108 - Client closed connection
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END


    把上面python代码range的参数改为16 * 1024 * 100,出现了13429:M 12 Dec 18:00:18.557 - sendReplyToClient EAGAIN, fd: 6这种日志。


    range参数改为16 * 1024 * 10,命令行执行python main.py & python main.py

    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 5 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:05:49.267 - Accepted
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 5 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:05:49.269 - Accepted
    Create file event on fd: 7, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:05:53.103 - 2 clients connected (0 slaves), 993008 bytes in use
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:05:58.237 - 2 clients connected (0 slaves), 993008 bytes in use
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:03.371 - 2 clients connected (0 slaves), 993008 bytes in use
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:08.513 - 2 clients connected (0 slaves), 993008 bytes in use
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.131 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.134 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.134 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.134 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.135 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.136 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.283 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 7 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.284 - readQueryFromClient fd: 7, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.285 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.285 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Delete file event on fd: 7, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.285 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Fd: 7 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.285 - readQueryFromClient fd: 7, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 7, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.286 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 7 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.287 - readQueryFromClient fd: 7, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.287 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.287 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Delete file event on fd: 7, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.288 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Fd: 7 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.288 - readQueryFromClient fd: 7, nread: 16384
    Create file event on fd: 7, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.289 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 16384
    Fd: 7 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.290 - readQueryFromClient fd: 7, nread: 16384
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.291 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:09.291 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Delete file event on fd: 7, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:19.984 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:19.984 - sendReplyToClient EAGAIN, fd: 6
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:20.121 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:20.122 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:20.122 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:20.122 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:20.122 - sendReplyToClient EAGAIN, fd: 7
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:23.854 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:23.854 - sendReplyToClient EAGAIN, fd: 7
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:24.085 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:24.085 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 6
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:24.192 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is writeable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:24.192 - try sendReplyToClient to fd: 7
    Delete file event on fd: 7, mask: writeable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 6 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:26.373 - readQueryFromClient fd: 6, nread: 0
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:26.373 - Client closed connection
    Delete file event on fd: 6, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END
    Poll and handle: START
    Fd: 7 is readable
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:26.510 - readQueryFromClient fd: 7, nread: 0
    13596:M 12 Dec 18:06:26.510 - Client closed connection
    Delete file event on fd: 7, mask: readable
    Poll and handle: END
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ToRapture/p/12030842.html
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