• Python学习笔记——基本数据结构



        shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana']

        print 'I have', len(shoplist),'items to purchase.'

        print 'These items are:', # Notice the comma at end of the line
        for item in shoplist:
            print item,

        print ' I also have to buy rice.'
        print 'My shopping list is now', shoplist

        print 'I will sort my list now'
        print 'Sorted shopping list is', shoplist

        print 'The first item I will buy is', shoplist[0]
        olditem = shoplist[0]
        del shoplist[0]

        print 'I bought the', olditem
        print 'My shopping list is now', shoplist




        zoo = ('wolf', 'elephant', 'penguin')
        print 'Number of animals in the zoo is', len(zoo)

        new_zoo = ('monkey', 'dolphin', zoo)
        print 'Number of animals in the new zoo is', len(new_zoo)
        print 'All animals in new zoo are', new_zoo
        print 'Animals brought from old zoo are', new_zoo[2]
        print 'Last animal brought from old zoo is', new_zoo[2][2]




    ab = {    'Swaroop' : 'swaroopch@byteofpython.info',
            'Larry' : 'larry@wall.org',
            'Matsumoto' : 'matz@ruby-lang.org',
            'Spammer' : 'spammer@hotmail.com'

    print "Swaroop's address is %s" % ab['Swaroop']

    # Adding a key/value pair
    ab['Guido'] = 'guido@python.org'

    # Deleting a key/value pair
    del ab['Spammer']

    print ' There are %d contacts in the address-book ' % len(ab)
    for name, address in ab.items():
        print 'Contact %s at %s' % (name, address)

    if 'Guido' in ab: # OR ab.has_key('Guido')
        print " Guido's address is %s" % ab['Guido']


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/TianFang/p/3215294.html
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