今天排查一个mybatis查询的问题,用的动态sql语句结果发现个问题。在mybatis中 or 的位置不同也会影响查询结果。上代码:
<select id="queryComissionRecord" resultType="ComissionRecordResult"> select sum(t.amount) as transferAmount, t.agentName as agentName, t.tillNumber as tillNumber, t.agentRealName as realName, count(*) as transactionNumber, sum(t.comission) as agentComissionAmount, sum(t.parentComission) as superAgentComissionAmount from comission_record t where 1=1 <if test="name != null and name != ''"> and t.agentName=#{name} or t.agentRealName=#{name} </if> <if test="tillNumber != null and tillNumber != ''"> and t.tillNumber=#{tillNumber} </if> and t.parentTillNumber=#{supAgentTillNumber} and DATE_FORMAT( startTime, '%Y%m' ) = DATE_FORMAT(#{month} , '%Y%m' ) and t.status in (0) group by agentName order by tillNumber desc </select>
<select id="queryComissionRecord" resultType="ComissionRecordResult"> select sum(t.amount) as transferAmount, t.agentName as agentName, t.tillNumber as tillNumber, t.agentRealName as realName, count(*) as transactionNumber, sum(t.comission) as agentComissionAmount, sum(t.parentComission) as superAgentComissionAmount from comission_record t where 1=1 <if test="tillNumber != null and tillNumber != ''"> and t.tillNumber=#{tillNumber} </if> and t.parentTillNumber=#{supAgentTillNumber} and DATE_FORMAT( startTime, '%Y%m' ) = DATE_FORMAT(#{month} , '%Y%m' ) and t.status in (0) <if test="name != null and name != ''"> and t.agentName=#{name} or t.agentRealName=#{name} </if> group by agentName order by tillNumber desc </select>
<select id="queryComissionRecord" resultType="ComissionRecordResult"> select sum(t.amount) as transferAmount, t.agentName as agentName, t.tillNumber as tillNumber, t.agentRealName as realName, count(*) as transactionNumber, sum(t.comission) as agentComissionAmount, sum(t.parentComission) as superAgentComissionAmount from comission_record t where 1=1 <if test="name != null and name != ''"> and (t.agentName=#{name} or t.agentRealName=#{name}) </if> <if test="tillNumber != null and tillNumber != ''"> and t.tillNumber=#{tillNumber} </if> and t.parentTillNumber=#{supAgentTillNumber} and DATE_FORMAT( startTime, '%Y%m' ) = DATE_FORMAT(#{month} , '%Y%m' ) and t.status in (0) group by agentName order by tillNumber desc </select>
两份代码的不同之处就在于,下划线部分的代码的位置不一样,如果放在前面,一旦name不为空的时候,条件开启,or 就会把后面所有的条件都当成or的一部分。结果会有很大差异。