• 【Python3爬虫】模拟实现小牛在线登录过程



      用户登录时除了需要输入用户名和密码,还要输一个验证码。我们可以先任意输入一个用户名、密码以及验证码,打开开发者工具,点击登录并登录失败,在开发者工具中切换到 Network 页面,找到如下请求:


      很明显这个问号后面跟的是一个十三位的时间戳,然后往下拉查看这个 POST 请求的参数内容:

      其中有五个参数 username 是输入的用户名,password 是密码加密后的结果,code 是输入的验证码,ooh.token.name 和 ooh.token.value 所表示的含义尚且不知。实现模拟登录小牛在线,必须要知道如何得到除了用户名以外的四个参数,若要问如何得到这几个参数,请往下看。



      在开发者工具中 Ctrl + F 全局搜索“token”,然后在登录页面中可以搜到如下内容,其中就包含了请求参数中的 ooh.token.name 和 ooh.token.value 的值:

       可以看到是两个隐藏的 input 标签,其 value 就是登录时所需要的 token 值。


      先全局搜索“password”,找到一个 JS 文件,地址为:


      打开后搜索“password”,首先是通过使用 JQuery 中的 #id 选择器将 id 为“password”的元素赋值给变量 x,如下图:


      之后要获取密码输入框中的内容就要使用 x.val() 方法,因而可以搜索 x.val(),并找到如下代码部分:


       其中 RSAUtils.pwdEncode(x.val()) 就是获取密码内容并进行加密的,然后还将加密后的结果写入到了密码框内,之后用 v.serialize() 对参数进行格式化并复制给变量 t,再使用 Ajax 发送 POST 请求,请求的 url 就是登录页面的 url + “?” + 时间戳,data 参数的值就是 t 的值。通过断点调试可以看到 t 的值就是请求中所携带参数的值,截图如下:

       我们现在已经知道密码加密的方法就是 RSAUtils.pwdEncode(),搜索“pwdEncode”可以找到如下代码部分:


       将加密代码上下文部分都复制下来,并作了一点更改,一是增加 var window = this 用于定义 window,二是定义 encrypt 方法用于调用加密函数,完整的 JS 代码如下:

    var window = this;
    !function (e) {
        function t(i) {
            var e = u
                , t = e.biDivideByRadixPower(i, this.k - 1)
                , s = e.biMultiply(t, this.mu)
                , n = e.biDivideByRadixPower(s, this.k + 1)
                , o = e.biModuloByRadixPower(i, this.k + 1)
                , r = e.biMultiply(n, this.modulus)
                , a = e.biModuloByRadixPower(r, this.k + 1)
                , l = e.biSubtract(o, a);
            l.isNeg && (l = e.biAdd(l, this.bkplus1));
            for (var d = e.biCompare(l, this.modulus) >= 0; d;)
                l = e.biSubtract(l, this.modulus),
                    d = e.biCompare(l, this.modulus) >= 0;
            return l
        function s(i, e) {
            var t = u.biMultiply(i, e);
            return this.modulo(t)
        function n(i, e) {
            var t = new b;
            t.digits[0] = 1;
            for (var s = i, n = e; ;) {
                if (0 != (1 & n.digits[0]) && (t = this.multiplyMod(t, s)),
                    n = u.biShiftRight(n, 1),
                0 == n.digits[0] && 0 == u.biHighIndex(n))
                s = this.multiplyMod(s, s)
            return t
        function o(i) {
            for (var e = "", t = 0; t < i; t++)
                e += Math.floor(10 * Math.random());
            return e
        var r, a, l, d, u = e.RSAUtils || {}, c = 16, h = c, f = 65536, m = f >>> 1, p = f * f, g = f - 1,
            b = e.BigInt = function (i) {
                "boolean" == typeof i && 1 == i ? this.digits = null : this.digits = a.slice(0),
                    this.isNeg = !1
        u.setMaxDigits = function (i) {
            r = i,
                a = new Array(r);
            for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
                a[e] = 0;
            l = new b,
                d = new b,
                d.digits[0] = 1
        var v = 15;
        u.biFromNumber = function (i) {
            var e = new b;
            e.isNeg = i < 0,
                i = Math.abs(i);
            for (var t = 0; i > 0;)
                e.digits[t++] = i & g,
                    i = Math.floor(i / f);
            return e
        var w = u.biFromNumber(1e15);
        u.biFromDecimal = function (i) {
            for (var e, t = "-" == i.charAt(0), s = t ? 1 : 0; s < i.length && "0" == i.charAt(s);)
            if (s == i.length)
                e = new b;
            else {
                var n = i.length - s
                    , o = n % v;
                for (0 == o && (o = v),
                         e = u.biFromNumber(Number(i.substr(s, o))),
                         s += o; s < i.length;)
                    e = u.biAdd(u.biMultiply(e, w), u.biFromNumber(Number(i.substr(s, v)))),
                        s += v;
                e.isNeg = t
            return e
            u.biCopy = function (i) {
                var e = new b((!0));
                return e.digits = i.digits.slice(0),
                    e.isNeg = i.isNeg,
            u.reverseStr = function (i) {
                for (var e = "", t = i.length - 1; t > -1; --t)
                    e += i.charAt(t);
                return e
        var x = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"];
        u.biToString = function (i, e) {
            var t = new b;
            t.digits[0] = e;
            for (var s = u.biDivideModulo(i, t), n = x[s[1].digits[0]]; 1 == u.biCompare(s[0], l);)
                s = u.biDivideModulo(s[0], t),
                    digit = s[1].digits[0],
                    n += x[s[1].digits[0]];
            return (i.isNeg ? "-" : "") + u.reverseStr(n)
            u.biToDecimal = function (i) {
                var e = new b;
                e.digits[0] = 10;
                for (var t = u.biDivideModulo(i, e), s = String(t[1].digits[0]); 1 == u.biCompare(t[0], l);)
                    t = u.biDivideModulo(t[0], e),
                        s += String(t[1].digits[0]);
                return (i.isNeg ? "-" : "") + u.reverseStr(s)
        var y = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];
        u.digitToHex = function (e) {
            var t = 15
                , s = "";
            for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                s += y[e & t],
                    e >>>= 4;
            return u.reverseStr(s)
            u.biToHex = function (i) {
                for (var e = "", t = (u.biHighIndex(i),
                    u.biHighIndex(i)); t > -1; --t)
                    e += u.digitToHex(i.digits[t]);
                return e
            u.charToHex = function (i) {
                var e, t = 48, s = t + 9, n = 97, o = n + 25, r = 65, a = 90;
                return e = i >= t && i <= s ? i - t : i >= r && i <= a ? 10 + i - r : i >= n && i <= o ? 10 + i - n : 0
            u.hexToDigit = function (i) {
                for (var e = 0, t = Math.min(i.length, 4), s = 0; s < t; ++s)
                    e <<= 4,
                        e |= u.charToHex(i.charCodeAt(s));
                return e
            u.biFromHex = function (i) {
                for (var e = new b, t = i.length, s = t, n = 0; s > 0; s -= 4,
                    e.digits[n] = u.hexToDigit(i.substr(Math.max(s - 4, 0), Math.min(s, 4)));
                return e
            u.biFromString = function (i, e) {
                var t = "-" == i.charAt(0)
                    , s = t ? 1 : 0
                    , n = new b
                    , o = new b;
                o.digits[0] = 1;
                for (var r = i.length - 1; r >= s; r--) {
                    var a = i.charCodeAt(r)
                        , l = u.charToHex(a)
                        , d = u.biMultiplyDigit(o, l);
                    n = u.biAdd(n, d),
                        o = u.biMultiplyDigit(o, e)
                return n.isNeg = t,
            u.biDump = function (i) {
                return (i.isNeg ? "-" : "") + i.digits.join(" ")
            u.biAdd = function (i, e) {
                var t;
                if (i.isNeg != e.isNeg)
                    e.isNeg = !e.isNeg,
                        t = u.biSubtract(i, e),
                        e.isNeg = !e.isNeg;
                else {
                    t = new b;
                    for (var s, n = 0, o = 0; o < i.digits.length; ++o)
                        s = i.digits[o] + e.digits[o] + n,
                            t.digits[o] = s % f,
                            n = Number(s >= f);
                    t.isNeg = i.isNeg
                return t
            u.biSubtract = function (i, e) {
                var t;
                if (i.isNeg != e.isNeg)
                    e.isNeg = !e.isNeg,
                        t = u.biAdd(i, e),
                        e.isNeg = !e.isNeg;
                else {
                    t = new b;
                    var s, n;
                    n = 0;
                    for (var o = 0; o < i.digits.length; ++o)
                        s = i.digits[o] - e.digits[o] + n,
                            t.digits[o] = s % f,
                        t.digits[o] < 0 && (t.digits[o] += f),
                            n = 0 - Number(s < 0);
                    if (n == -1) {
                        n = 0;
                        for (var o = 0; o < i.digits.length; ++o)
                            s = 0 - t.digits[o] + n,
                                t.digits[o] = s % f,
                            t.digits[o] < 0 && (t.digits[o] += f),
                                n = 0 - Number(s < 0);
                        t.isNeg = !i.isNeg
                    } else
                        t.isNeg = i.isNeg
                return t
            u.biHighIndex = function (i) {
                for (var e = i.digits.length - 1; e > 0 && 0 == i.digits[e];)
                return e
            u.biNumBits = function (i) {
                var e, t = u.biHighIndex(i), s = i.digits[t], n = (t + 1) * h;
                for (e = n; e > n - h && 0 == (32768 & s); --e)
                    s <<= 1;
                return e
            u.biMultiply = function (i, e) {
                for (var t, s, n, o = new b, r = u.biHighIndex(i), a = u.biHighIndex(e), l = 0; l <= a; ++l) {
                    for (t = 0,
                             n = l,
                             j = 0; j <= r; ++j,
                        s = o.digits[n] + i.digits[j] * e.digits[l] + t,
                            o.digits[n] = s & g,
                            t = s >>> c;
                    o.digits[l + r + 1] = t
                return o.isNeg = i.isNeg != e.isNeg,
            u.biMultiplyDigit = function (i, e) {
                var t, s, n;
                result = new b,
                    t = u.biHighIndex(i),
                    s = 0;
                for (var o = 0; o <= t; ++o)
                    n = result.digits[o] + i.digits[o] * e + s,
                        result.digits[o] = n & g,
                        s = n >>> c;
                return result.digits[1 + t] = s,
            u.arrayCopy = function (i, e, t, s, n) {
                for (var o = Math.min(e + n, i.length), r = e, a = s; r < o; ++r,
                    t[a] = i[r]
        var C = [0, 32768, 49152, 57344, 61440, 63488, 64512, 65024, 65280, 65408, 65472, 65504, 65520, 65528, 65532, 65534, 65535];
        u.biShiftLeft = function (i, e) {
            var t = Math.floor(e / h)
                , s = new b;
            u.arrayCopy(i.digits, 0, s.digits, t, s.digits.length - t);
            for (var n = e % h, o = h - n, r = s.digits.length - 1, a = r - 1; r > 0; --r,
                s.digits[r] = s.digits[r] << n & g | (s.digits[a] & C[n]) >>> o;
            return s.digits[0] = s.digits[r] << n & g,
                s.isNeg = i.isNeg,
        var S = [0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535];
        u.biShiftRight = function (i, e) {
            var t = Math.floor(e / h)
                , s = new b;
            u.arrayCopy(i.digits, t, s.digits, 0, i.digits.length - t);
            for (var n = e % h, o = h - n, r = 0, a = r + 1; r < s.digits.length - 1; ++r,
                s.digits[r] = s.digits[r] >>> n | (s.digits[a] & S[n]) << o;
            return s.digits[s.digits.length - 1] >>>= n,
                s.isNeg = i.isNeg,
            u.biMultiplyByRadixPower = function (i, e) {
                var t = new b;
                return u.arrayCopy(i.digits, 0, t.digits, e, t.digits.length - e),
            u.biDivideByRadixPower = function (i, e) {
                var t = new b;
                return u.arrayCopy(i.digits, e, t.digits, 0, t.digits.length - e),
            u.biModuloByRadixPower = function (i, e) {
                var t = new b;
                return u.arrayCopy(i.digits, 0, t.digits, 0, e),
            u.biCompare = function (i, e) {
                if (i.isNeg != e.isNeg)
                    return 1 - 2 * Number(i.isNeg);
                for (var t = i.digits.length - 1; t >= 0; --t)
                    if (i.digits[t] != e.digits[t])
                        return i.isNeg ? 1 - 2 * Number(i.digits[t] > e.digits[t]) : 1 - 2 * Number(i.digits[t] < e.digits[t]);
                return 0
            u.biDivideModulo = function (i, e) {
                var t, s, n = u.biNumBits(i), o = u.biNumBits(e), r = e.isNeg;
                if (n < o)
                    return i.isNeg ? (t = u.biCopy(d),
                        t.isNeg = !e.isNeg,
                        i.isNeg = !1,
                        e.isNeg = !1,
                        s = biSubtract(e, i),
                        i.isNeg = !0,
                        e.isNeg = r) : (t = new b,
                        s = u.biCopy(i)),
                        [t, s];
                t = new b,
                    s = i;
                for (var a = Math.ceil(o / h) - 1, l = 0; e.digits[a] < m;)
                    e = u.biShiftLeft(e, 1),
                        a = Math.ceil(o / h) - 1;
                s = u.biShiftLeft(s, l),
                    n += l;
                for (var c = Math.ceil(n / h) - 1, v = u.biMultiplyByRadixPower(e, c - a); u.biCompare(s, v) != -1;)
                    ++t.digits[c - a],
                        s = u.biSubtract(s, v);
                for (var w = c; w > a; --w) {
                    var x = w >= s.digits.length ? 0 : s.digits[w]
                        , y = w - 1 >= s.digits.length ? 0 : s.digits[w - 1]
                        , C = w - 2 >= s.digits.length ? 0 : s.digits[w - 2]
                        , S = a >= e.digits.length ? 0 : e.digits[a]
                        , $ = a - 1 >= e.digits.length ? 0 : e.digits[a - 1];
                    x == S ? t.digits[w - a - 1] = g : t.digits[w - a - 1] = Math.floor((x * f + y) / S);
                    for (var I = t.digits[w - a - 1] * (S * f + $), k = x * p + (y * f + C); I > k;)
                        --t.digits[w - a - 1],
                            I = t.digits[w - a - 1] * (S * f | $),
                            k = x * f * f + (y * f + C);
                    v = u.biMultiplyByRadixPower(e, w - a - 1),
                        s = u.biSubtract(s, u.biMultiplyDigit(v, t.digits[w - a - 1])),
                    s.isNeg && (s = u.biAdd(s, v),
                        --t.digits[w - a - 1])
                return s = u.biShiftRight(s, l),
                    t.isNeg = i.isNeg != r,
                i.isNeg && (t = r ? u.biAdd(t, d) : u.biSubtract(t, d),
                    e = u.biShiftRight(e, l),
                    s = u.biSubtract(e, s)),
                0 == s.digits[0] && 0 == u.biHighIndex(s) && (s.isNeg = !1),
                    [t, s]
            u.biDivide = function (i, e) {
                return u.biDivideModulo(i, e)[0]
            u.biModulo = function (i, e) {
                return u.biDivideModulo(i, e)[1]
            u.biMultiplyMod = function (i, e, t) {
                return u.biModulo(u.biMultiply(i, e), t)
            u.biPow = function (i, e) {
                for (var t = d, s = i; ;) {
                    if (0 != (1 & e) && (t = u.biMultiply(t, s)),
                        e >>= 1,
                    0 == e)
                    s = u.biMultiply(s, s)
                return t
            u.biPowMod = function (i, e, t) {
                for (var s = d, n = i, o = e; ;) {
                    if (0 != (1 & o.digits[0]) && (s = u.biMultiplyMod(s, n, t)),
                        o = u.biShiftRight(o, 1),
                    0 == o.digits[0] && 0 == u.biHighIndex(o))
                    n = u.biMultiplyMod(n, n, t)
                return s
            e.BarrettMu = function (i) {
                this.modulus = u.biCopy(i),
                    this.k = u.biHighIndex(this.modulus) + 1;
                var e = new b;
                e.digits[2 * this.k] = 1,
                    this.mu = u.biDivide(e, this.modulus),
                    this.bkplus1 = new b,
                    this.bkplus1.digits[this.k + 1] = 1,
                    this.modulo = t,
                    this.multiplyMod = s,
                    this.powMod = n
        var $ = function (i, t, s, n) {
            var o = u;
            this.e = o.biFromHex(i),
                this.d = o.biFromHex(t),
                this.m = o.biFromHex(s),
                this.chunkSize = 2 * o.biHighIndex(this.m),
                this.radix = 16,
                this.barrett = new e.BarrettMu(this.m),
                this.rndLen = n
        u.getKeyPair = function (i, e, t, s) {
            return new $(i, e, t, s)
        "undefined" == typeof e.twoDigit && (e.twoDigit = function (i) {
                return (i < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(i)
        var I = "00d3e5839928d17df7ad0ae809c772cd07615cc6531e49aaa2331ba80d1308d25a67f055d2e5c2e90871e779e6ac8629de1d9203333e3b3aabdb1c90dea66c23db6d6941ec89bb99a1f8e44e0a4207341a58f5e43e49f9b69bff1f3115dda47a27e67c6d4b81895a39065ca1ae278d0dfca752aac9c8ac9d0b25cdea70e17e39db"
            , k = "010001"
            , _ = "7";
        u.pwdEncode = function (i) {
            var e = u.getKeyPair(k, "", I, _);
            return u.encryptedString(e, i)
            u.encryptedString = function (i, e) {
                for (var t = o(i.rndLen) + e, s = [], n = t.length, r = 0; r < n;)
                    s[r] = t.charCodeAt(r),
                for (; s.length % i.chunkSize != 0;)
                    s[r++] = 0;
                var a, l, d, c = s.length, h = "";
                for (r = 0; r < c; r += i.chunkSize) {
                    for (d = new b,
                             a = 0,
                             l = r; l < r + i.chunkSize; ++a)
                        d.digits[a] = s[l++],
                            d.digits[a] += s[l++] << 8;
                    var f = i.barrett.powMod(d, i.e)
                        , m = 16 == i.radix ? u.biToHex(f) : u.biToString(f, i.radix);
                    h += m + " "
                return h.substring(0, h.length - 1)
            u.decryptedString = function (i, e) {
                var t, s, n, o = e.split(" "), r = "";
                for (t = 0; t < o.length; ++t) {
                    var a;
                    for (a = 16 == i.radix ? u.biFromHex(o[t]) : u.biFromString(o[t], i.radix),
                             n = i.barrett.powMod(a, i.d),
                             s = 0; s <= u.biHighIndex(n); ++s)
                        r += String.fromCharCode(255 & n.digits[s], n.digits[s] >> 8)
                return 0 == r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1) && (r = r.substring(0, r.length - 1)),
            e.RSAUtils = u
    function encrypt(pwd) {
        return RSAUtils.pwdEncode(pwd);


      我们可以发现参数中 code 的值就是验证码的内容,通过查看元素可以得到其验证码图片的地址为:https://www.xiaoniu88.com/user/captcha


     1 def get_captcha():
     2     url = "https://www.xiaoniu88.com/user/captcha"
     3     headers = {
     4         "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;"
     5                   "q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
     6         "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
     7         "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9","Cache-Control": "max-age=0","Connection": "keep-alive",
     8         "Cookie": "_ga=GA1.2.1575428040.1593311456; _gid=GA1.2.390668910.1593311456; Hm_lvt_7226b8c4"
     9                   "8cd07619c7a9ebd471d9d589=1593311456; SESSIONID=486a67f0-85e9-4c92-8bbf-35f5fe7438f9; sr=33127"
    10                   "; Hm_lpvt_7226b8c48cd07619c7a9ebd471d9d589=1593329691",
    11         "Host": "www.xiaoniu88.com",
    12         "Referer": "https://www.xiaoniu88.com/user/login",
    13         "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document",
    14         "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate",
    15         "Sec-Fetch-Site": "none",
    16         "Sec-Fetch-User": "?1",
    17         "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
    18         "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
    19                       "Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36"
    20     }
    21     res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True)
    22     if res.status_code == 200:
    23         with open("captcha.jpg", "wb") as f:
    24             f.write(res.content)
    25     else:
    26         print("状态码:{},请求验证码出错,终止程序!".format(res.status_code))
    27         exit()



    1.获取 token

      由前面分析可知两个 token 的值就是两个隐藏的 input 标签的 value,因而我们只需要使用 lxml 进行解析就能得到了,获取 token 的代码如下:

     1 def get_token(self):
     2     """
     3     获取token
     4     :return:
     5     """
     6     res = requests.get(self.url, headers=self.headers)
     7     if res.status_code == 200:
     8         et = etree.HTML(res.text)
     9         token_name = et.xpath('//*[@id="ooh.token.name"]/@value')[0]
    10         token_value = et.xpath('//*[@id="ooh.token.value"]/@value')[0]
    11         return token_name, token_value
    12     print("状态码:{},请求页面出错,终止程序!".format(res.status_code))
    13     exit()


      使用 JS 进行加密的代码已经有了,现在只需要使用 execjs 模块进行调用即可,使用方法如下:

    with open("encrypt.js", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        ctx = execjs.compile(f.read())
    password = ctx.call("encrypt", password)


      验证码的识别可以通过打码平台来完成,例如超级鹰,使用 Python 进行调用的示例代码如下:

     1 import requests
     2 from hashlib import md5
     5 class CJYClient(object):
     6     def __init__(self, username, password, soft_id):
     7         self.username = username
     8         self.password = md5(password.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
     9         self.soft_id = soft_id
    10         self.base_params = {
    11             'user': self.username,
    12             'pass2': self.password,
    13             'softid': self.soft_id,
    14         }
    15         self.headers = {
    16             'Connection': 'Keep-Alive',
    17             'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)',
    18         }
    20     def PostPic(self, im, codetype):
    21         """
    22         im: 图片字节
    23         codetype: 题目类型 参考 http://www.chaojiying.com/price.html
    24         """
    25         params = {
    26             'codetype': codetype,
    27         }
    28         params.update(self.base_params)
    29         files = {'userfile': ('ccc.jpg', im)}
    30         r = requests.post('http://upload.chaojiying.net/Upload/Processing.php', data=params, files=files,
    31                           headers=self.headers)
    32         return r.json()
    34     def ReportError(self, im_id):
    35         """
    36         im_id:报错题目的图片ID
    37         """
    38         params = {
    39             'id': im_id,
    40         }
    41         params.update(self.base_params)
    42         r = requests.post('http://upload.chaojiying.net/Upload/ReportError.php', data=params, headers=self.headers)
    43         return r.json()
    46 def use_cjy(filename):
    47     username = ""  # 用户名
    48     password = ""  # 密码
    49     app_id = ""  # 软件ID
    50     cjy = CJYClient(username, password, app_id)  # 用户中心>>软件ID
    51     im = open(filename, 'rb').read()  # 本地图片文件路径
    52     return cjy.PostPic(im, 1006)  # 1006->验证码类型

      其中用户名、密码和软件 ID 都需要自行填写,使用时只需要将本地验证码图片文件的路径传入到 use_cjy() 方法中即可,就会返回识别的结果。


      模拟登录的主函数如下,登录请求所返回的结果是 JSON 格式,其中 resultCode 字段的值为0表示登录成功,为其他值则表示登录失败,具体失败原因可以在网页源码中进行查看,这里不做处理:

     1 def login(self):
     2     """
     3     登录方法
     4     :return:
     5     """
     6     url = self.url + "?" + str(int(time.time()) * 1000)
     7     token = self.get_token()
     8     self.get_captcha()
     9     captcha = use_cjy("captcha.jpg")
    10     if captcha["err_no"]:
    11         print("验证码识别出错,终止程序!")
    12         exit()
    13     data = {
    14         "ooh.token.name": token[0],
    15         "ooh.token.value": token[1],
    16         "username": self.username,
    17         "password": self.encrypt(),
    18         "code": captcha["pic_str"]
    19     }
    20     res = requests.post(url, headers=self.headers, data=data)
    21     try:
    22         if res.json()["resultCode"] == 0:
    23             print("登录成功!")
    24         else:
    25             print("登录失败!")
    26     except Exception as e:
    27         print(e)

    完整代码已上传到 GitHub

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/TM0831/p/13202408.html
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