import pysftp import paramiko import os import unittest import json import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") class SftpUtils(object): """ cmd: execute shell command on remote linux server. exist_file : if remote path exists on remote return True ,else return False. exist_dir : if remote path exists on remote return True ,else return False. is_dir: if remote path is dir return True ,else return False. is_file : if remote path is file return True ,else return False. remove: remove the remote file on remote linux . rm: remove dir and all files/dir under remote dir and dir it self. mkdir: mkdir dir on remote linux but it parent dir must exists ,if it already exist delete remote dir exists first and mkdir remote dir . makedirs: mkdir the dir on remote linux , if it parent dir and dir self not exists, it will mkdir parent dir and dir, else mkdir dir. get: get remote linux file to local ,local filename and remote filename must absolute filepath. put: upload local file to remote linux local filename and remote filename must absolute filepath. rename: rename a file or directory on the remote host :param str remote_src: the remote file/directory to rename :param str remote_dest: the remote file/directory to put it open: read remote file content and return readlines list cwd : cd curdir to newdir getcwd: get remote linux cursor current dir path and return it chmod : change file r,w,x grants. chown: change file or dir owner opens: read and write file on remote linux ,if remote file not exists it will create it first when write . exists: if dir or file exists on remote linux return True ,else return False . list_dir: query all files under dir ,the same with shell ls -l -a dir/ . ger_recursive: recursive copy remote files or dir under remote dir to localdir put_recursive: recursive copy localdir's all file or dir under it to remote dir """ def __init__(self, ip, port, user, pwd): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.user = user self.pwd = pwd self.sftp = self.sftp_client() def sftp_client(self): # # private_key="/home/app/privatekey_file" cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None sftp = pysftp.Connection(host=self.ip, username=self.user, password=self.pwd, port=self.port, cnopts=cnopts) return sftp def cmd(self, shell_cmd: str): """get stdout or err""" std = self.sftp.execute(shell_cmd) if std: readlines = '' for line in std: readlines = readlines + line.decode("utf-8") return readlines def exists_file(self, filepath): try: self.sftp.stat(filepath) except Exception: return False else: return True def exists_dir(self, dirpath): try: self.sftp.stat(dirpath) except Exception: return False else: return True def is_dir(self, dirpath): return True if self.sftp.isdir(remotepath=dirpath) else False def is_file(self, filepath): return True if self.sftp.isfile(remotepath=filepath) else False def remove(self, filepath): """remove remote file""" if self.exists_file(filepath): self.sftp.remove(filepath) else: raise FileNotFoundError("%s file not find on remote ! " % filepath) def rm(self, dirpath): """ rmdir just delete empty dirs """ if self.exists_dir(dirpath): files = self.sftp.listdir(dirpath) for file in files: filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, file).replace("\",'/') if self.is_dir(filepath): self.rm(filepath) else: self.remove(filepath) self.sftp.rmdir(dirpath) else: raise FileNotFoundError("%s dir not find on remote !" % dirpath) def mkdir(self, remote_dir): """parent dir must exists""" if self.exists(remote_dir): self.rm(remote_dir) self.sftp.mkdir(remotepath=remote_dir) else: self.sftp.mkdir(remotepath=remote_dir) def mkdirs(self, remote_dir): """mkdir -p /usr/local/mkdir,it can create dir that parent dirs not exists,if exists,it can also create""" self.sftp.makedirs(remotedir=remote_dir) def get(self, remote_path, local_path): """sftp get,download """ self.sftp.get(remotepath=remote_path, localpath=local_path, callback=None) def put(self, local_path, remote_path): """sftp put,upload """ self.sftp.put(localpath=local_path, remotepath=remote_path) def rename(self, remote_path, new_name_path): """rename file or dir on remote """ self.sftp.rename(remote_src=remote_path, remote_dest=new_name_path) def open(self, remote_filepath, mode): """open 'r+' or 'r' file ,return str""" readlines =, mode=mode) return list(readlines) def getcwd(self): return self.sftp.getcwd() def cwd(self, remote_path): """change dir to given remote_path""" return self.sftp.cwd(remotepath=remote_path) def chmod(self, remote_path, mode: int): """ change file grants for w,r,x""" self.sftp.chmod(remotepath=remote_path, mode=mode) def chown(self, remote_path, uid: int, gid: int): """change owner of user and group """ self.sftp.chown(remote_path, uid, gid) def chdir(self, remote_path): """cwd()== chdir()""" self.sftp.chdir(remote_path) def touch(self, filepath): """if exists ,pass it or raise exception """ if self.exists_file(filepath): self.remove(filepath) self.sftp_client().execute("touch %s" % filepath) else: self.sftp_client().execute("touch %s" % filepath) def close(self): self.sftp.close() def opens(self, filepath, mode, file_data=None): """file remote read and write ,return str""" tp = paramiko.Transport(self.ip, self.port) tp.connect(username=self.user, password=self.pwd) pipe = paramiko.sftp_client.SFTPClient.from_transport(tp) if mode == "w" or mode == "w+": with, mode) as f: f.write(file_data) else: if mode == "r" or mode == "r+": with, mode)as f: return"utf-8") def exists(self,remotepath): return True if self.sftp.exists(remotepath) else False def list_dir(self,dir): return self.sftp.listdir(dir) def get_recursive(self,remote_dir,localpdir,): """ preserve modification time on files if True keep modify file or dir last operate time ,else False localpdir : the parent dir path of local receive linux dir remote_dir : the target of copy remote_dir ,the result dir name is same with remote """ remote_pdir=os.path.dirname(remote_dir) # local_pdir = os.path.dirname(localdir) remote_target_dir=os.path.split(remote_dir)[-1] self.sftp.chdir(remote_pdir) #cd remote_pdir if self.exists(localpdir): self.sftp.get_r(remote_target_dir,localpdir,preserve_mtime=False) else: #local create localdir pdir that not exisit os.makedirs(localpdir) self.sftp.get_r(remote_target_dir, localpdir, preserve_mtime=False) def put_recursive(self,localdir,remote_pdir,preserve_mtime=False): """ remote_pdir: the parent dir of receive local targetdir ,if parent exists copy target same target dirname diredctly to remote_dir,if parent dir not exists ,first makedirs parent dir of remote_pdir,then copy same name target dirname to remote_pdir localdir: local target dir absolute dir path """ local_targetdir = os.path.split(localdir)[-1] remote_receivedir = os.path.join(remote_pdir, local_targetdir) local_pdir=os.path.dirname(localdir) os.chdir(local_pdir) #cd local pdir if self.sftp.exists(remote_receivedir): self.sftp.put_r(local_targetdir,remote_receivedir) else: #remote create pdir not exists self.sftp.makedirs(remote_receivedir) self.sftp.put_r( local_targetdir,remote_receivedir,preserve_mtime) def local_rm(dirpath): if os.path.exists(dirpath): files = os.listdir(dirpath) for file in files: filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, file).replace("\",'/') if os.path.isdir(filepath): local_rm(filepath) else: os.remove(filepath) os.rmdir(dirpath) class TestSftp(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.sftp=SftpUtils(ip="",port=22,user="root",pwd="admin") @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass def test_cmd(self): shell="ip addr " readlines=self.sftp.cmd(shell) self.assertIn("",readlines) def test_touch(self): path="/usr/local/test.txt" self.sftp.touch(path) res=self.sftp.exists(path) self.assertEqual(res,True) r=self.sftp.is_file(path) self.assertEqual(r,True) self.sftp.remove(path) res2 = self.sftp.exists(path) self.assertEqual(res2, False) def test_isdir(self): r=self.sftp.is_dir("/usr/local") self.assertEqual(r,True) k=self.sftp.is_dir("/fff/fcdh") self.assertEqual(k,False) def test_isfile(self): r="/usr/tets.txt" res=self.sftp.is_file(r) self.assertEqual(res,False) def test_mkdir(self): self.sftp.mkdir("/usr/local/testmkdir") r=self.sftp.exists("/usr/local/testmkdir") self.assertEqual(r,True) # self.sftp.rm("/usr/local/testmkdir") def test_makedirs(self): path="/usr/local/makedirs/mk1" self.sftp.mkdirs(path) r=self.sftp.exists(path) self.assertEqual(r,True) def test_rm(self): path="/usr/local/testrm/rmdir/" self.sftp.mkdirs(path) files=self.sftp.list_dir("/usr/local/testrm") self.assertIn('rmdir',files) self.sftp.touch(path+"test.txt") self.sftp.rm("/usr/local/testrm") r=self.sftp.exists(path) self.assertEqual(r,False) def test_opens(self): path="/usr/local/test.txt" data={"k":99,"v":{"a":9990},"dd":0,"oo":6556} self.sftp.opens(path,'w+',json.dumps(data)),'r') def test_get_r(self): remote="/usr/local/listdir" local="/usr/local/ttt" # self.sftp.chdir("/usr/local") # get current dir # print(self.sftp.getcwd()) self.sftp.get_recursive(remote,local) local_rm(local) def test_put_r(self): local="/usr/local/upload/listdir" remote="/usr/local/rrre" self.sftp.put_recursive(local,remote) self.sftp.rm(remote) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)
python -m unittest sftp_tools.TestSftp
[root@hostuser local]# sh
Ran 10 tests in 3.017s