• 循环调用修正sic86 2改后的(除了第一年有点诡异,其他年份可以正常修复)

    create or replace procedure rebuild_sic86_wyl(pi_aac001 in number,
                                                  po_fhz    out varchar2,
                                                  po_msg    out varchar2) is
      --    写一个游标存放sic86.截止上年末缴费月数jzsnm,本年度缴费月数bn,本年累计缴费月数bnnj,
      --    从最小的年份开始,清空最小年费的下一年jzsnm,bnlj
      --    update sic86 set jzsnm = null ,bnlj = null where aae001 >min(aae001)
      --    update 最小年费下一年的 jzsnm = 最小年份bn+bnlj
      v_count      number(4);
      v_zhlx       sic86.zhlx%type;
      v_aae001_min sic86.aae001%type;
      v_aae001_max sic86.aae001%type;
      v_nf         sic86.aae001%type;
      v_bn         sic86.bn%type;
      v_bnlj       sic86.bnlj%type;
      v_jzsnm      sic86.jzsnm%type;
      cursor c_zhlx_list is
        select zhlx from sic86 where aac001 = pi_aac001;
      po_fhz := '1';
      po_msg := '修正成功';
      for rec_zhlx in c_zhlx_list loop
        select min(aae001)
          into v_aae001_min
          from sic86
         where aac001 = pi_aac001;
        select max(aae001)
          into v_aae001_max
          from sic86
         where aac001 = pi_aac001;
        if rec_zhlx.zhlx = '0' then
          for nf in v_aae001_min .. v_aae001_max loop
            select bn
              into v_bn
              from sic86
             where aac001 = pi_aac001
               and aae001 = nf; 
            select bnlj
              into v_bnlj
              from sic86
             where aac001 = pi_aac001
               and aae001 = nf; 
          --最小年份下一年 v_nf
              if (v_nf < v_aae001_max) then
              v_nf := nf + 1; 
              else v_nf := nf;
            end if;
            -- 修正1 最小年份下一年的的  jzsnm = 最小年度bn+最小年度bnlj
            update sic86
               set jzsnm =
                   (v_bn + v_bnlj)
             where aac001 = pi_aac001
               and aae001 = v_nf;
             select 1 into v_count from dual;--测试用,用完后注释掉
              select nvl(jzsnm,0)
              into v_jzsnm 
              from sic86
             where aac001 = pi_aac001
               and aae001 = v_nf;
            -- po_msg :=v_nf||'年份的jzsnm='||v_jzsnm;
            --return;         --调试用,正式用的时候注释掉
            select bn
              into v_bn
              from sic86
             where aac001 = pi_aac001
               and aae001 = v_nf; 
            --清空最小年份下一年的 截至上年末月数 和 本年累计(其实清空不情况无所谓,不影响)
              update sic86
                set jzsnm = null, bnlj = null
              where aac001 = pi_aac001
                and aae001 = v_nf;
            -- 修正2 最小年份下一年的 本年累计月数 bnlj = 本年的jzsnm+本年的bn
            update sic86
               set bnlj =
                   (v_jzsnm + v_bn)
             where aac001 = pi_aac001
               and aae001 = v_nf;
          end loop;
          po_fhz := '1';
          po_msg := '循环修正成功';
        elsif rec_zhlx.zhlx = '1' then
          po_fhz := '-1';
          po_msg := '转入的暂不处理';
        end if;
      end loop;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Sunnor/p/4653073.html
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