• VB6.0中快速实现大面积不规则区域的填充

    区域填充是指先将区域内的一个像素 ,一般称为种子点赋予给定的颜色和辉亮,然后将该颜色扩展到整个区域内的过程。  

    Public Sub area(p, q As Integer)  
    If ((imagepixels(0, p, q) = red1) And (imagepixels(1, p, q) = green1) And (imagepixels(2, p, q) = blue1)) Then  
    imagepixels(0, p, q) = 0: imagepixels(2, p, q) = 0: imagepixels(1, p, q) = 0  
    Picture1.PSet (p, q), RGB(0, 0, 0)  
    Call area(p + 1, q): Call area(p, q + 1)  
    Call area(p - 1, q): Call area(p, q - 1)  
    Call area(p + 1, q + 1): Call area(p + 1, q - 1)  
    Call area(p - 1, q + 1): Call area(p - 1, q - 1)  
    Else: Exit Sub  
    End If  
    End Sub  

    1. 找出该区域内部任意一点,作为填充种子。  
    2. 填充该点,并把该点存入队列filled。  
    3. 按逆时针,判断该点的上、右、下、左邻像素是否在filled队列内。如果在filled,说明该相邻点已填充,若不在filled队列内,则判断该相邻点在未填充队列unfilled,如果不在则将该相邻点存入unfilled。  
    4. 判断未填充队列是否为空,若不空,则从队列unfilled中取出头元素,转向第三步。若为空则表示已完成所有像素填充,结束程序。  
    本算法定义的队列突破了递归算法中受堆栈空间大小的限制的束缚,因为它直接占用内存空间,与堆栈大小无关。以下源程序在Window 2000环境下用VB6.0编程实现。  
    4.1 通用声明  

    Dim Xx As Integer, Yy As Integer  
    Dim Array1(9000, 2), Array2(9000, 2) As Integer  

    4.2 采集  

    Private Sub Command1_Click()  
    Picture1.MousePointer = 2  
    End Sub  

    4.3 选取种子  

    Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)  
    Xx = X '选择并记录种子点的位置  
    Yy = Y  
    End Sub

    4.4 区域填充  

    Private Sub Command2_Click()  
    Dim i, j, k As Integer, BoundPoint1, BoundPoint2 As Integer  
    Dim Flag As Boolean, Pixel As Long  
    Dim Red, Green, Blue As Integer, Bound As Boolean  
    Flag = True '初始化  
    i = Xx: j = Yy: BoundPoint1 = 1  
    Array1(1, 1) = i  
    Array1(1, 2) = j  
    Do While BoundPoint1 > 0  
    BoundPoint2 = 0  
    For k = 1 To BoundPoint1  
    i = Array1(k, 1)  
    j = Array1(k, 2)  
    Pixel& = Picture1.Point(i, j + 1)  
    Call IsBound(Pixel&, Bound)  
    If Not Bound Then  
    BoundPoint2 = BoundPoint2 + 1  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 1) = i  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 2) = j + 1  
    Picture1.PSet (i, j + 1), RGB(255, 255, 255)  
    End If  
    Pixel& = Picture1.Point(i, j - 1)  
    Call IsBound(Pixel&, Bound)  
    If Not Bound Then  
    BoundPoint2 = BoundPoint2 + 1  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 1) = i  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 2) = j - 1  
    Picture1.PSet (i, j - 1), RGB(255, 255, 255)  
    End If  
    Pixel& = Picture1.Point(i - 1, j)  
    Call IsBound(Pixel&, Bound)  
    If Not Bound Then  
    BoundPoint2 = BoundPoint2 + 1  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 1) = i - 1  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 2) = j  
    Picture1.PSet (i - 1, j), RGB(255, 255, 255)  
    End If  
    Pixel& = Picture1.Point(i + 1, j)  
    Call IsBound(Pixel&, Bound)  
    If Not Bound Then  
    BoundPoint2 = BoundPoint2 + 1  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 1) = i + 1  
    Array2(BoundPoint2, 2) = j  
    Picture1.PSet (i + 1, j), RGB(255, 255, 255)  
    End If  
    Next k  
    '数组array2 中的数据传给array1  
    BoundPoint1 = BoundPoint2  
    For k = 1 To BoundPoint1  
    Array1(k, 1) = Array2(k, 1)  
    Array1(k, 2) = Array2(k, 2)  
    Next k  
    End Sub  
    Public Sub IsBound(P As Long, Bound As Boolean) '判断P是否为边界点  
    Red = P& Mod 256  
    Bound = False  
    Green = ((P& And &HFF00) / 256&) Mod 256&  
    Blue = (P& And &HFF0000) / 65536  
    If Red = 255 And Green = 255 And Blue = 255 Then  
    Bound = True  
    End If  
    End Sub  


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