• Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default key

    1.直接Build and run,找不到SDK 2.0

    打开工程, 在菜单中选择Projects,  General标签中的最下面有一个
    Base SDK for All Configurations (默认的是 iPhone Device 2.0),改成IOS2.0

    2.再次build,出現Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default key

    這是因为默认Build选择的是设备, 如果改成Simulator 则可以编译通过,并在模拟器里运行  change your build settings to Simulator

    Check if you are building for device instead of simulator. Go to Xcode menu 'Project' -> 'Set Active SDK' change from 'Device' to 'Simulator'

     **********備註 ********** **********

    I had the same issue with another Apple sample app. The only way I could resolve it (in fact, the only way I could get the option of running in the simulator at all) was to change from debug to release and back. The dropdown still shows Base SDK Missing but if you click it, the simulator options are there and it builds.

    3.go to menu->project->edit project setting->build. find code signing section (you can type 'code' in the quick search) in the code signing identity and set the value to 'Don't Code Sign'

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Snowfun/p/2042828.html
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