• P2910 [USACO08OPEN]寻宝之路Clear And Present Danger 洛谷



    Farmer John is on a boat seeking fabled treasure on one of the N (1 <= N <= 100) islands conveniently labeled 1..N in the Cowribbean Sea.

    The treasure map tells him that he must travel through a certain sequence A_1, A_2, ..., A_M of M (2 <= M <= 10,000) islands, starting on island 1 and ending on island N before the treasure will appear to him. He can visit these and other islands out of order and even more than once, but his trip must include the A_i sequence in the order specified by the map.

    FJ wants to avoid pirates and knows the pirate-danger rating (0 <= danger <= 100,000) between each pair of islands. The total danger rating of his mission is the sum of the danger ratings of all the paths he traverses.

    Help Farmer John find the least dangerous route to the treasure that satisfies the treasure map's requirement.



    一张藏宝图上说,如果他的路程上经过的小岛依次出现了Ai,A2,…,AM(2≤M≤10000)这样的序列(不一定相邻),那他最终就能找到古老的宝藏. 但是,由于牛勒比海有海盗出没.约翰知道任意两个岛屿之间的航线上海盗出没的概率,他用一个危险指数Dij(0≤Dij≤100000)来描述.他希望他的寻宝活动经过的航线危险指数之和最小.那么,在找到宝藏的前提下,这个最小的危险指数是多少呢?



    • Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and M

    • Lines 2..M+1: Line i+1 describes the i_th island FJ must visit with a single integer: A_i

    • Lines M+2..N+M+1: Line i+M+1 contains N space-separated integers that are the respective danger rating of the path between island i and islands 1, 2, ..., and N, respectively. The ith integer is always zero.


    • Line 1: The minimum danger that Farmer John can encounter while obtaining the treasure.


    3 4 
    0 5 1 
    5 0 2 
    1 2 0 


    There are 3 islands and the treasure map requires Farmer John to visit a sequence of 4 islands in order: island 1, island 2, island 1 again, and finally island 3. The danger ratings of the paths are given: the paths (1, 2); (2, 3); (3, 1) and the reverse paths have danger ratings of 5, 2, and 1, respectively.

    He can get the treasure with a total danger of 7 by traveling in the sequence of islands 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, and 3. The cow map's requirement (1, 2, 1, and 3) is satisfied by this route. We avoid the path between islands 1 and 2 because it has a large danger rating.

     1 #include <algorithm>
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #define maxn 10005
     5 using namespace std;
     7 long long m,n,ans;
     8 long long dis[115][115];
     9 long long a[maxn];
    11 int main()
    12 {
    13     cin>>n>>m;
    14     for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
    15         cin>>a[i];
    16     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
    17         for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)
    18             cin>>dis[i][j];
    19     for(int k=1;k<=n;k++)
    20         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
    21             for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)
    22                 dis[i][j]=min(dis[i][j],dis[i][k]+dis[k][j]);
    23     for(int i=2;i<=m;i++)
    24         ans+=dis[a[i-1]][a[i]];
    25     ans+=dis[1][a[1]];
    26     ans+=dis[a[m]][n];
    27     cout<<ans;
    28     return 0;
    29 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shy-key/p/6580360.html
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