/**************************************************************************************** * Insert Operation ***************************************************************************************/ void min_heap_up_update(int key) { int p_node_index, new_node_index; /* set inserted node's init index */ new_node_index = heap_size; /* get inserted node's father node's index and key */ p_node_index = (new_node_index - 1 ) / 2; while (new_node_index > 0) { if (min_heap[p_node_index]<= key) { break; } else { /* please note we do not swap key between father node and child * node, we only assign father node's key to its child node's key */ min_heap[new_node_index] = min_heap[p_node_index]; new_node_index = p_node_index; p_node_index = (p_node_index - 1) / 2; } } /* at his point, we assign key to the inserted node */ min_heap[new_node_index] = key; } void min_heap_insert(int key) { if (heap_size == MAX_SIZE) { printf("Min Heap is full... "); return; } min_heap[heap_size] = key; min_heap_up_update(key); heap_size++; }
/**************************************************************************************** * Delete Operation ***************************************************************************************/ void min_heap_down_update(int position) { int c_node_index, cur_node_index, cur_node_val; cur_node_index = position; cur_node_val = min_heap[cur_node_index]; c_node_index = 2 * cur_node_index + 1; while (c_node_index < heap_size) { /* if node has two children we choose the one with smaller key */ if ((c_node_index < heap_size - 1) && (min_heap[c_node_index] > min_heap[c_node_index + 1])) c_node_index = c_node_index + 1; if (cur_node_val <= min_heap[c_node_index]) { break; } else { min_heap[cur_node_index] = min_heap[c_node_index]; cur_node_index = c_node_index; c_node_index = 2 * c_node_index + 1; } } min_heap[cur_node_index] = cur_node_val; } void min_heap_remove() { if (heap_size == 0) { printf("Min Heap is empty... "); return; } min_heap[0] = min_heap[heap_size - 1]; min_heap_down_update(0); heap_size--; }