今天浏览了一下Erlang Json数据格式转化, 只是浏览,还没有细看, 做了小测试
当然主要是这个地方找到的 http://www.lshift.net/blog/2007/02/17/json-and-json-rpc-for-erlang/
- git clone git://github.com/tonyg/erlang-rfc4627
- rebar com 编译获取的项目 erlang-rfc4627
- 查看下 test 文档后 小小测试,当然我的测试很明显也是用的测试文档的例子
Eshell V6.0 (abort with ^G)
1> rfc4627:encode({obj,[{name,hello},{age,23}]}).
2> O = rfc4627:encode({obj, [{name, hideto}, {age, 23}]}).
3> rfc4627:decode(O).
4> A = #address{number = 6, street = <<"Rufus Street">>, town = <<"London">>}.
- 2: record address undefined
5> rd(address, {number, street, town, country = <<"England">>}).
6> A = #address{number = 6, street = <<"Rufus Street">>, town = <<"London">>}.
‘#address{number = 6,street = <<"Rufus Street">>,
town = <<"London">>,country = <<"England">>}
7> ?RFC4627_FROM_RECORD(address, A). - 1: syntax error before: '?'
7> rfc4627:from_record(A, RName, record_info(fields, RName)). - 1: variable 'RName' is unbound
8> rfc4627:from_record(A, address, record_info(fields, RName)). - 1: variable 'RName' is unbound
9> rfc4627:from_record(A, address, record_info(fields, address)).
{"street",<<"Rufus Street">>},
10> R = rfc4627:from_record(A, address, record_info(fields, address)).
{"street",<<"Rufus Street">>},
11> rfc4626:to_record(R, #address{}, record_info(field, address)). - 1: illegal record info
12> rfc4626:to_record(R, #address{}, record_info(fields, address)).
** exception error: undefined function rfc4626:to_record/3
13> rfc4627:to_record(R, #address{}, record_info(fields, address)).
‘#address{number = 6,street = <<"Rufus Street">>,
town = <<"London">>,country = <<"England">>}
14> rfc4627:equiv({obj, [{"a", true}, {"b", 123}]}, {obj, [{"a", true}, {"b", 123}]}).
网址是: https://github.com/mochi/mochiweb
- git clone git://github.com/mochi/mochiweb.git
- rebar com 编译获取的项目 mochiweb
- 开始小小测试
Eshell V6.0 (abort with ^G) 1> ErlSrc = {struct,[{<<"students">>, 1> [{struct,[{<<"student_number">>,45}, 1> {<<"details">>, 1> [{struct,[{<<"FirstName">>,<<"Joshua">>}, 1> {<<"Surname">>,<<"Muzaaya">>}]}]}]}]}]}. {struct,[{<<"students">>, [{struct,[{<<"student_number">>,45}, {<<"details">>, [{struct,[{<<"FirstName">>,<<"Joshua">>}, {<<"Surname">>,<<"Muzaaya">>}]}]}]}]}]} 3> JsonDes = mochijson2:encode(ErlSrc). [123, [34,<<"students">>,34], 58, [91, [123, [34,<<"student_number">>,34], 58,"45",44, [34,<<"details">>,34], 58, [91, [123, [34,<<"FirstName">>,34], 58, [34,<<"Joshua">>,34], 44, [34,<<"Surname">>,34], 58, [34,<<"Muzaaya">>,34], 125], 93], 125], 93], 125] 4> mochijson2:decode(JsonDes). {struct,[{<<"students">>, [{struct,[{<<"student_number">>,45}, {<<"details">>, [{struct,[{<<"FirstName">>,<<"Joshua">>}, {<<"Surname">>,<<"Muzaaya">>}]}]}]}]}]}
JSON 百度百科