• 回溯之0-1背包



    1.使用解空间进行标记每个物品的放入情况,即要建立一个数组进行保存其是否放入,可使用 bool  x[i]进行标识;






     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #define N 100
     3 using namespace std;
     4 int n;
     5 double W;
     6 double w[N];
     7 double v[N];
     8 bool x[N];  //用于记录某次回溯情况
     9 bool best_x[N]; //存储最优回溯情况
    10 double now_v;   //当前价值
    11 double remain_v;    //剩余价值
    12 double now_w;   //当前容量
    13 double best_v;  //最优价值
    15 //计算剩余价值
    16 double Bound(int k){
    17     remain_v = 0;
    18     while (k <= n) {
    19         remain_v += v[k];
    20         k++;
    21     }
    22     return remain_v + now_v;
    23 }
    24 //剪枝的三个判定
    25 void Backtrack(int t){
    26     if (t > n) {  //是否到达叶节点
    27         for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    28             best_x[i] = x[i];   //记录回溯的最优情况
    29         }
    30         best_v = now_v; //记录回溯中的最优价值
    31         return;
    32     }
    33     if (now_w + w[t] <= W) {  //约束条件,是否放入。放入考虑左子树,否则考虑右子树
    34         x[t] = 1;
    35         now_w += w[t];
    36         now_v += v[t];
    37         Backtrack(t + 1); //进行下一个节点的分析
    38         now_w -= w[t];  //在到达叶节点后进行回溯
    39         now_v -= v[t];
    40     }
    41     if (Bound(t + 1) > best_v) {    //限界条件,是否剪枝。若放入t后不满足约束条件则进行到此处,然后判断若当前价值加剩余价值都达不到最优,则没必要进行下去
    42         x[t] = 0;
    43         Backtrack(t + 1);
    44     }
    45 }
    46 //实现价值最优
    47 void Knapsack(double W, int n){
    48     double sum_w = 0;
    49     double sum_v = 0;
    50     best_v = 0;
    51     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    52         sum_w += w[i];
    53         sum_v += v[i];
    54     }
    55     if (sum_w <= W) {
    56         best_v = sum_v;
    57         cout << "These goods could be put in the shopping car";
    58         cout << "The best value is:" << best_v << endl;
    59         return;
    60     }
    61     Backtrack(1);
    62     cout << "The best value is:" << best_v << endl;
    63     cout << "The condiction of these goods are:" << endl;
    64     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    65         cout << i << " ";
    66         cout << best_x[i] << endl;   //打印所有物品的放入情况,若为1表示放入,若为0则表示不放入
    67     }
    68 }
    69 int main(){
    70     cout << "Please input the num of goods:";
    71     cin >> n;
    72     cout << "Please input the capacity of the shopping car:";
    73     cin >> W;
    74     cout << "Please input thier weights and values in order:" << endl;
    75     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    76         cin >> w[i] >> v[i];
    77     }
    78     Knapsack(W, n);
    79     return 0;
    80 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/SHNLQS-1273196803/p/11056997.html
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