原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP BOM反查
tables : stpo,stas,mara,makt. data : begin of itab occurs 200, matnr like mast-matnr, menge like stpo-menge, end of itab. data : begin of alttab occurs 200, matnr like mast-matnr, menge like stpo-menge, end of alttab. data : begin of top_code occurs 100, matnr(18), maktx(40), meins(3), menge like stpo-menge, matkl(9), wrkst(14), end of top_code. data : begin of makr occurs 10, maker(7), idnlf(22), end of makr. data : begin of usedtab occurs 100. include structure stpov. data : end of usedtab. data : begin of equicat occurs 100. include structure cscequi. data : end of equicat. data : begin of kndcat occurs 100. include structure cscknd. data : end of kndcat. data : begin of matcat occurs 100. include structure cscmat. data : end of matcat. data : begin of stdcat occurs 100. include structure cscstd. data : end of stdcat. data : begin of tplcat occurs 100. include structure csctpl. data : end of tplcat. data : top_cnt(5) type n, m_cnt(5) type n, lin(5) type n, line_cnt(5) type n. selection-screen begin of block blk1 with frame. selection-screen : comment 1(60) text-001, skip. parameters : matnr like marc-matnr obligatory, werks like marc-werks obligatory default 'PQ50'. select-options : bdate for sy-datum default sy-datum to sy-datum no-extension obligatory. selection-screen end of block blk1. start-of-selection. itab-matnr = matnr. itab-menge = 1. append itab. clear itab. perform get_top_code. ************************************ *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form GET_TOP_CODE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form get_top_code. clear lin. describe table itab lines lin. if lin = 0. exit. endif. loop at itab. call function 'CS_WHERE_USED_MAT' exporting datub = bdate-high datuv = bdate-low matnr = itab-matnr werks = werks tables wultb = usedtab equicat = equicat kndcat = kndcat matcat = matcat stdcat = stdcat tplcat = tplcat exceptions call_invalid = 1 material_not_found = 2 no_where_used_rec_found = 3 no_where_used_rec_selected = 4 no_where_used_rec_valid = 5 others = 6. clear line_cnt. describe table usedtab lines line_cnt. if line_cnt = 0. move itab-matnr to top_code-matnr. top_code-menge = itab-menge. collect top_code. clear top_code. else. loop at usedtab where postp ne 'F' and datuv le bdate-high and ( sumfg = ' ' or sumfg = 'x' ). select single lkenz into stas-lkenz from stas where stlty = 'M' and stlnr = usedtab-stlnr and stlal = '01' and stlkn = usedtab-stlkn and datuv le bdate-low and lkenz = 'X'. if sy-subrc ne 0. move usedtab-matnr to alttab-matnr. alttab-menge = usedtab-menge * itab-menge. collect alttab. endif. clear alttab. endloop. endif. refresh : usedtab,equicat,kndcat,matcat,stdcat,tplcat. endloop. refresh itab. itab[] = alttab[]. refresh alttab. perform get_top_code. endform. " GET_TOP_CODE