• 状压DP UVA 10817 Headmaster's Headache


     1 /*
     2     题意:学校有在任的老师和应聘的老师,选择一些应聘老师,使得每门科目至少两个老师教,问最少花费多少
     3     状压DP:一看到数据那么小,肯定是状压了。这个状态不好想,dp[s1][s2]表示s1二进制表示下至少有1位老师的科目集合
     4             s2表示至少有2位老师的科目集合所花费的最小金额,状态转移方程(01):dp[t1][t2]=min(dp[t1][t2],dp[j][k]+c[i]);
     5             j,k为当前两个集合,t1,t2为转移后的集合,另外求t1,t2用到了& |位运算 1&1 == 1 1 & 0 == 0 0 & 0 == 0
     6             最后,学习了不知道数字多少个时应该用字符串整行读入
     7   详细解释
     9 */
    10 /************************************************
    11 * Author        :Running_Time
    12 * Created Time  :2015-8-10 14:44:30
    13 * File Name     :UVA_10817.cpp
    14  ************************************************/
    16 #include <cstdio>
    17 #include <algorithm>
    18 #include <iostream>
    19 #include <sstream>
    20 #include <cstring>
    21 #include <cmath>
    22 #include <string>
    23 #include <vector>
    24 #include <queue>
    25 #include <deque>
    26 #include <stack>
    27 #include <list>
    28 #include <map>
    29 #include <set>
    30 #include <bitset>
    31 #include <cstdlib>
    32 #include <ctime>
    33 using namespace std;
    35 #define lson l, mid, rt << 1
    36 #define rson mid + 1, r, rt << 1 | 1
    37 typedef long long ll;
    38 const int MAXN = 150;
    39 const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    40 const int MOD = 1e9 + 7;
    41 int c[MAXN], p[MAXN], cnt[10];
    42 int dp[(1<<8)+10][(1<<8)+10];
    43 int s, m, n;
    44 int mxs;
    45 int sum, st1, st2;
    47 int work(void)  {
    48     memset (dp, INF, sizeof (dp));
    49     dp[st1][st2] = sum;
    50     for (int i=m+1; i<=m+n; ++i)    {
    51         for (int j=mxs; j>=0; --j) {
    52             for (int k=mxs; k>=0; --k) {
    53                 if (dp[j][k] == INF)    continue;
    54                 int t1 = (p[i] | j);  int t2 = (p[i] & j) | k;
    55                 dp[t1][t2] = min (dp[t1][t2], dp[j][k] + c[i]);
    56             }
    57         }
    58     }
    59     return dp[mxs][mxs];
    60 }
    62 int main(void)    {     //UVA 10817 Headmaster's Headache
    63     while (scanf ("%d%d%d", &s, &m, &n) == 3)   {
    64         if (!s) break;
    66         memset (cnt, 0, sizeof (cnt));
    67         memset (p, 0, sizeof (p));
    68         sum = 0, st1 = st2 = 0; mxs = (1 << s) - 1;
    69         string str;
    70         for (int i=1; i<=m+n; ++i)    {
    71             scanf ("%d", &c[i]);
    72             getline (cin, str);
    73             for (int j=0; str[j]; ++j)  {
    74                 if (isdigit (str[j]))   {
    75                     int x = str[j] - '0';
    76                     p[i] |= 1 << (x - 1);
    77                     if (i <= m) ++cnt[x-1];
    78                 }
    79             }
    80             if (i <= m) {
    81                 sum += c[i];    st1 |= p[i];
    82             }
    83         }
    84         for (int i=0; i<s; ++i) {
    85             if (cnt[i] > 1) st2 |= (1 << i);
    86         }
    88         printf ("%d
    ", work ());
    89     }
    91     return 0;
    92 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Running-Time/p/4718419.html
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