• HDU 多校1.5

    Expectation Division

    Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 0    Accepted Submission(s): 0
    Special Judge

    Problem Description
    To be frank with you, this problem is a classic problem of tremendous magnitude which may increase the difficulty of this problem.

    We define a type of operation concerning a positive integer n (n>1) as to replace it with an integer d , one of factors of n (1dn) .

    You are given a positive integer n and then we will ask you to determine the expectation number of times to utilize this type of operation if we want to change n into 1 by operating again and again, assuming each possible d in each operation has equal possibility to select.

    For the sake of calculation, n and all its distinct prime factors p1,p2,,pm will be given, satisfying n has m distinct prime factors exactly.
    The input contains multiple test cases.

    For each test case:

    The first line contains two positive integers n and m which indicates m is the number of distinct prime factors of n , satisfying 2n1024 .

    The second lines contains m distinct prime numbers p1,p2,,pm , satisfying 2pi106 .

    About 2105 test cases in total.

    Warm Tips for C/C++: __int128_t is available here but standard solutions of this problem do not use this compiler-dependent data type.
    For each test case, output "Case #x : y " in one line (without quotes), where x indicates the case number starting from 1 and y denotes the expectation number of times to utilize this type of operation of corresponding case. Your answer will be considered correct if its absolute or relative error won't exceed 109 .
    Sample Input
    2 1 2 4 1 2 6 2 2 3 8 1 2 10 2 2 5 12 2 2 3
    Sample Output
    Case #1: 2.0000000000 Case #2: 2.5000000000 Case #3: 2.6666666667 Case #4: 2.8333333333 Case #5: 2.6666666667 Case #6: 3.0333333333
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Roni-i/p/7233428.html
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