• 计算几何


    poj 1066




      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<iostream>
      4 #include<cmath>
      5 #include<queue>
      6 #include<cstdlib>
      7 #include<vector>
      8 #include<algorithm>
      9 #include<set>
     10 #define pbk push_back
     11 using namespace std;
     12 const int N=5000+10;
     13 const double eps=1e-10;
     14 inline int dcmp(double x){
     15     return x<-eps?-1:x>eps;
     16 }
     17 inline double sqr(double x){
     18     return x*x;
     19 }
     20 struct Point{
     21     double x,y;
     22     Point (double x=0,double y=0):x(x),y(y){}
     23     Point operator - (const Point &p)const{
     24         return Point(x-p.x, y-p.y );
     25     }
     26     Point operator + (const Point &p)const{
     27         return Point(x+p.x, y+p.y);
     28     }
     29     Point operator * (const double &k)const{
     30         return Point(x*k, y*k);
     31     }
     32     Point operator / (const double &k)const{
     33         return Point(x/k, y/k);
     34     }
     35     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
     36         return x*p.y - y*p.x;
     37     }
     38     double operator ^ (const Point &p)const{
     39         return x*p.x + y*p.y;
     40     }
     41     bool operator == (const Point &p)const{
     42         return dcmp(x-p.x)==0 && dcmp(y-p.y)==0;
     43     }
     44     bool operator < (const Point &p)const{
     45         return dcmp(x-p.x)<0 || (dcmp(x-p.x)==0 && dcmp(y-p.y)<0 );
     46     }
     47     double Distance(Point p){
     48         return sqrt(sqr(x-p.x) + sqr(y-p.y));
     49     }
     50     void input(){
     51         scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y);
     52     }
     53     void ot(){
     54         printf("%lf %lf
     55     }
     56 };
     57 struct Line{
     58     Point a,b;
     59     Line(){}
     60     Line(const Point &_a,const Point &_b):a(_a),b(_b){}
     61     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
     62         return (b-a) * (p-a);
     63     }
     64     double operator ^ (const Point &p)const{
     65         return (p-a) ^ (p-b);
     66     }
     67     void input(){
     68         a.input(); b.input();
     69     }
     70     void ot(){
     71         a.ot(); b.ot();
     72     }
     73     bool IsPointInLine(const Point &p){
     74         return !dcmp((*this) * p);
     75     }
     76     bool IsPointInSeg(const Point &p){
     77         return dcmp((*this) *p) == 0 && dcmp( (*this) ^ p ) <= 0;
     78     }
     79     bool parallel(Line v){
     80         return !dcmp( (b-a)*(v.b-v.a) );
     81     }
     82     int LineCrossSeg(const Line &v){
     83         int d1 = dcmp((*this) * v.a), d2 = dcmp((*this) * v.b);
     84         if ( (d1 ^ d2) == -2) return 2;  // (-1)^(1) == -2;
     85         return (d1 ==0 || d2 == 0);
     86     }
     87     int LineCrossLine(const Line &v){
     88         if ( (*this).parallel(v) ){
     89             return dcmp(v*a) == 0;
     90         }
     91         return 2;
     92     }
     93     Point CrossPoint(const Line &v){
     94         double s1 = v*a, s2 = v*b;
     95         return ( a*s2 - b*s1 ) / (s2 - s1);
     96     }
     97     int SegCrossSeg(const Line &v){
     98         int d1 = dcmp( (*this) * v.a);
     99         int d2 = dcmp( (*this) * v.b);
    100         int d3 = dcmp(v * a);
    101         int d4 = dcmp(v * b);
    102         if ( (d1 ^ d2) == -2 && (d3 ^ d4) == -2) return 2;// 2 内部相交
    103         return ( (d1 == 0 && dcmp((*this) ^ v.a) <= 0) // 1 端点相交  0 无交点
    104               || (d2 == 0 && dcmp((*this) ^ v.b) <= 0)
    105               || (d3 == 0 && dcmp(v ^ a) <= 0)
    106               || (d4 == 0 && dcmp(v ^ b) <= 0) );
    107     }
    108 };
    109 int n;
    110 Line L[31];
    111 vector<Point >p;
    112 Point st;
    113 void solve(){
    114     int ans = -1;
    115     for (int i=0;i<p.size();i++){
    116         Line t = Line(st,p[i]);
    117         int cnt = 0;
    118         for (int j=0;j<n;j++){
    119             if (L[j].SegCrossSeg(t) == 2) cnt++;
    120         }
    121         if (cnt<ans || ans==-1) ans=cnt;
    122     }
    123     printf("%d
    124 }
    125 int main(){
    126     while (~scanf("%d",&n)){
    127         printf("Number of doors = ");
    129         p.clear();
    130         for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
    131             L[i].input();
    132             p.pbk(L[i].a); p.pbk(L[i].b);
    133         }
    134         st.input();
    135         if (n<=2){
    136             printf("1
    "); continue;
    137         }
    138         solve();
    139     }
    141     return 0;
    142 }
    View Code





    再依次枚举它后面的正方形,求出最小的能延伸的坐标r,如果r>l 就是可见的;   几何,很难?很简单?

     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<string>
     3 #include<cstdlib>
     4 #include<cmath>
     5 #include<iostream>
     6 #include<vector>
     7 #include<algorithm>
     8 using namespace std;
     9 const double eps = 1e-8;
    10 inline int dcmp(double x){
    11     return x < -eps ? -1 : x > eps;
    12 }
    13 inline double sqr(double x){
    14     return x*x;
    15 }
    16 const int N = 50+10;
    17 double x[N],len[N],len2[N];
    18 vector<int > ans;
    19 int n;
    20 void solve(){
    21     x[0] = len2[0]/2;
    22     for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    23         double tmp;
    24         x[i] = 0;
    25         for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
    26             if (dcmp(len[i] - len[j]) < 0 ){
    27                 tmp = x[j] + len2[i];
    28             }else tmp = x[j] + len2[j];
    29             if (dcmp(tmp - x[i]) > 0) x[i] = tmp;
    30         }
    31     }
    32     ans.clear();
    33     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    34         double l = x[i] - len2[i]/2, r = x[i] + len2[i]/2 ;
    35         for (int j = 0; j < i; j++){
    36             if (dcmp(len[j] - len[i]) > 0){
    37                 if (dcmp(x[j] + len2[j]/2 - l) > 0) l = x[j] + len2[j]/2;
    38             }
    39         }
    40         for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++){
    41             if (dcmp(len[j] - len[i]) > 0){
    42                 if (dcmp(x[j] - len2[j]/2 - r) < 0) r = x[j] - len2[j]/2;
    43             }
    44         }
    45         if (dcmp(l - r) < 0) ans.push_back(i+1);  
    46     }
    47     int sz = ans.size();
    48     for (int i = 0; i < sz-1; i++){
    49         printf("%d ",ans[i]);
    50     }printf("%d
    51 }
    52 int main(){
    53     while (~scanf("%d",&n),n){
    54         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    55             scanf("%lf",len+i);
    56             len2[i] = sqrt( len[i]*len[i]*2 );
    57         }
    58         solve();
    59     }    
    60     return 0;
    61 }
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    poj 2826



      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<cstdlib>
      4 #include<cmath>
      5 #include<iostream>
      6 #include<algorithm>
      7 #include<vector>
      8 #define pbk push_back
      9 using namespace std;
     10 const int N = 300+10;
     11 const double eps = 1e-10;
     12 const int maxP = 10000+10;
     13 inline int dcmp(double x){
     14     return x<-eps ? -1 : x>eps;
     15 }
     16 inline double sqr(double x){
     17     return x*x;
     18 }
     19 struct Point {
     20     double x,y;
     21     Point(){}
     22     Point (double a,double b):x(a),y(b){}
     23     bool operator == (const Point &p)const{
     24         return (dcmp(x-p.x) == 0 && dcmp(y-p.y) == 0);
     25     }
     26     bool operator < (const Point &p)const{
     27         return dcmp(x-p.x) < 0 || (dcmp(x-p.x) == 0 && dcmp(y-p.y) < 0);
     28     }
     29     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
     30         return x*p.y - y*p.x;
     31     }
     32     double operator / (const Point &p)const{
     33         return x*p.x + y*p.y;
     34     }
     36     Point operator - (const Point &p)const{
     37         return Point(x-p.x,y-p.y);
     38     }
     39     Point operator + (const Point &p)const{
     40         return Point(x+p.x, y+p.y);
     41     }
     42     Point operator * (const double &k)const{
     43         return Point(x*k, y*k);
     44     }
     45     Point operator / (const double &k)const{
     46         return Point(x/k, y/k);
     47     }
     49     double len2(){
     50         return x*x + y*y;
     51     }
     52     double len(){
     53         return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
     54     }
     55     Point scale(const double &k){//变成长度为k的"向量"
     56         return dcmp( len() ) ? (*this) * (k / len()) : (*this);
     57     }
     58     Point turnLeft(){
     59         return Point(-y,x);
     60     }
     61     Point turnRight(){
     62         return Point(y,-x);
     63     }
     64     void input(){
     65         scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y);
     66     }
     67     void ot(){
     68         printf("%lf %lf
     69     }
     70     double Distance(const Point &p){
     71         return sqrt( sqr(x-p.x) + sqr(y-p.y) );
     72     }
     73     Point rotate(const Point &p,double angle ,double k=1){//绕P点k==1逆时针旋转angle; 
     74         Point vec = (*this) - p;
     75         double Cos = cos(angle)*k, Sin = sin(angle)*k;
     76         return p + Point(vec.x * Cos - vec.y * Sin, vec.x * Sin + vec.y * Cos);
     77     }
     78 };
     79 struct Line{
     80     Point a,b;
     81     Line(){}
     82     Line(Point a,Point b):a(a),b(b){}
     84     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
     85         return (b-a) * (p-a);
     86     }
     87     double operator / (const Point &p)const{
     88         return (p-a) / (p-b);
     89     }
     90     void input(){
     91         a.input(); b.input();
     92     }
     93     void ot(){
     94         a.ot(); b.ot();
     95     }
     96     double len(){
     97         return a.Distance(b);
     98     }
     99     bool parallel(Line v){
    100         return !dcmp( (b-a)*(v.b-v.a) );
    101     }
    103     int SegCrossSeg(const Line &v){//2中间相交,1端点相交,0没有交点
    104         int d1 = dcmp( (*this) * v.a);
    105         int d2 = dcmp( (*this) * v.b);
    106         int d3 = dcmp( v * a );
    107         int d4 = dcmp( v * b );
    108         if ( (d1^d2) == -2 && (d3^d4) == -2 ) return 2;
    109         return ( (d1 == 0 && dcmp( (*this)/v.a ) <= 0) 
    110               || (d2 == 0 && dcmp( (*this)/v.b ) <= 0)
    111               || (d3 == 0 && dcmp( v / a ) <= 0)
    112               || (d4 == 0 && dcmp( v / b ) <= 0) );
    113     }
    115     int LineCrossSeg(const Line &v){//2相交,1共线,0相离
    116         int d1 = dcmp( (*this) * v.a), d2 = dcmp( (*this) * v.b);
    117         if ( (d1^d2) == -2) return 2;
    118         return (d1 == 0 || d2 == 0);
    119     }
    120     int LineCrossLine(const Line &v){//2相交,1共线,0相离
    121         if ( (*this).parallel(v)){
    122             return ( dcmp(v * a) == 0);
    123         }
    124         return 2;
    125     }
    126     Point CrossPoint(const Line &v){
    127         double s1 = v * a, s2 = v * b;
    128         return ( a * s2 - b * s1) / ( s2 - s1);
    129     }
    130     bool IsPointOnSeg(const Point &p){
    131         return ( dcmp( (a-p)*(b-p) ) == 0 && dcmp( (p-a)/(p-b) ) <= 0 );
    132     }
    133     double DisPointToSeg(Point p){//p点到线段的最短距离 
    134         if ( a == b) return a.Distance(p);
    135         Point q = p + (a - b).turnLeft();
    136         if ( (( p - a )*( q - a )) * ( (p - b)*(q - b) ) > 0 ) {
    137             return min(p.Distance(a), p.Distance(b));
    138         }
    139         return fabs( (*this)*p ) / a.Distance(b) ;
    140     }
    141     Point PointToSeg(Point p){//p点到线段最短距离的那个点
    142         if ( a == b ) return a;
    143         Point q = p + (a - b).turnLeft();
    144         if ( (( p - a )*( q - a)) * ((p - b)*(q - b)) > 0){
    145             return p.Distance(a) < p.Distance(b) ? a : b;
    146         }
    147         return CrossPoint( Line(p,q) );
    148     }
    149     double DisPointToLine(const Point &p){//点到直线的距离
    150         return fabs( (*this) * p) / a.Distance(b);
    151     }
    152     Point PointToLine(const Point &p){//求点p垂直Line的垂心
    153         return CrossPoint( Line(p,p + (a - b).turnLeft()) );
    154     }
    155     Point SymPoint(const Point &p){//求p关于Line的对称点
    156         return PointToLine(p) * 2 - p;
    157     }
    158     void Move(const double &d){//直线向左侧平移d长度
    159         Point t = ( b - a ).turnLeft().scale(d);
    160         a = a + t; b = b + t;
    161     }
    162 };
    163 struct Polygon{
    164     int n;
    165     Point p[maxP];
    166     void input(){
    167         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    168             p[i].input();
    169         }
    170     }
    171     void push(const Point &pp){
    172         p[n++] = pp;
    173     }
    174     void getConvex(Polygon &c){
    175         sort(p, p+n);
    176         c.n = n;
    177         if (n == 0) return;
    178         c.p[0] = p[0]; if (n == 1) return;
    179         c.p[1] = p[1]; if (n == 2) return;
    180         int &top = c.n;
    181         top =1;
    182         for (int i = 2; i < n; i++){
    183             while (top > 0 && dcmp( (c.p[top] - p[i])*(c.p[top-1] - p[i]) ) >= 0)
    184                 top --;
    185             c.p[++top] = p[i];
    186         }
    187         int tmp = top;
    188         c.p[++top] = p[n-2];
    189         for (int i = n-3; i >= 0; i--){
    190             while (top > tmp && dcmp( (c.p[top] - p[i])*(c.p[top-1] - p[i]) ) >= 0)
    191                 top --;
    192             c.p[++top] = p[i];
    193         }
    194     }
    195     int IsPointInpolygon(const Point &pp){
    196         p[n] = p[0];
    197         int wn = 0;
    198         for (int i =0; i < n; i++) {
    199             if ( Line(p[i],p[i+1]).IsPointOnSeg(pp) ) {
    200                 if (p[i] == pp || p[i+1] == pp) return 3;
    201                 return 2;
    202             }
    203             int k = dcmp( (p[i] - pp)*(p[i+1] - pp) );
    204             int u = dcmp( p[i].y - pp.y);
    205             int v = dcmp( p[i+1].y - pp.y);
    206             if (k > 0 && u < 0 && v >= 0) wn++;
    207             if (k < 0 && v < 0 && u >= 0) wn--;
    208         }
    209         return (wn != 0);
    210     }
    211     double CalcPerimeter(){
    212         if (n == 1) return 0;
    213         double ret = p[0].Distance(p[n-1]);
    214         for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ){
    215             ret += p[i].Distance(p[i+1]);
    216         }
    217         return ret;
    218     }
    219     double CalcArea(){
    220         double ret = 0;
    221         for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++ ){
    222             ret += (p[i] - p[0]) * (p[i+1] - p[0]);
    223         }
    224         return ret * 0.5;
    225     }
    227 };
    228 Line L[2];
    229 int main(){
    230     int T;scanf("%d",&T);
    231     while (T--){
    232         L[0].input(); L[1].input();
    233         if (L[0].parallel(L[1])) {
    234             printf("0.00
    "); continue;
    235         }
    236         if (L[0].a.y<L[0].b.y) swap(L[0].a,L[0].b);
    237         if (L[1].a.y<L[1].b.y) swap(L[1].a,L[1].b);
    238         if (L[0].a.y == L[0].b.y || L[1].a.y == L[1].b.y){
    239             printf("0.00
    "); continue;
    240         }
    241         if (L[0].SegCrossSeg(L[1])){
    242             Point t = L[0].CrossPoint(L[1]);
    243             if (t == L[0].a || t == L[1].a) printf("0.00
    244             else {
    245                 int flag = L[0].a.y>L[1].a.y ? 1 : 0;
    246                 Point tmp = L[flag].a;
    247                 if (dcmp((L[flag].a - t)*(L[flag^1].a - t)) <= 0 && dcmp(L[flag^1].a.x - L[flag].a.x) <= 0){
    248                     printf("0.00
    "); continue;
    249                 }
    250                 if (dcmp((L[flag].a - t)*(L[flag^1].a - t)) >= 0 && dcmp(L[flag^1].a.x - L[flag].a.x) >= 0){
    251                     printf("0.00
    "); continue;
    252                 }
    253                 Line t2 = Line(tmp,tmp-Point(1,0));
    255                 Point tmp2 = t2.CrossPoint(Line(t,L[flag^1].a));
    256                 double ret = fabs((tmp2 - t) * (L[flag].a - t))/2;
    258                 printf("%.2lf
    259             }
    260         }else printf("0.00
    261     }
    262     return 0;
    263 }
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    poj 2074




    如果没有那么就是有效区间;   要先排除不在线段1,2之间的线段;                  几何,取中点。

      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<cstdlib>
      4 #include<cmath>
      5 #include<iostream>
      6 #include<algorithm>
      7 #include<vector>
      8 #define pbk push_back
      9 using namespace std;
     10 const int N = 300+10;
     11 const double eps = 1e-10;
     12 const int maxP = 10000+10;
     13 inline int dcmp(double x){
     14     return x<-eps ? -1 : x>eps;
     15 }
     16 inline double sqr(double x){
     17     return x*x;
     18 }
     19 void in(double &x){
     20     char c = getchar();
     21     bool IsN = 0;
     22     while (c!='-' && (c<'0' || c>'9')) c = getchar();
     23     if ( c == '-'){
     24         IsN = 1; x = 0;
     25     }else x = c - '0';
     26     c = getchar();
     27     while (c>='0' && c<='9') {
     28         x = x*10+c-'0';
     29         c = getchar();
     30     }
     31     if (IsN) x = -x;
     32 }
     33 struct Point {
     34     double x,y;
     35     Point(){}
     36     Point (double a,double b):x(a),y(b){}
     37     bool operator == (const Point &p)const{
     38         return (dcmp(x-p.x) == 0 && dcmp(y-p.y) == 0);
     39     }
     40     bool operator < (const Point &p)const{
     41         return dcmp(x-p.x) < 0 || (dcmp(x-p.x) == 0 && dcmp(y-p.y) < 0);
     42     }
     43     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
     44         return x*p.y - y*p.x;
     45     }
     46     double operator / (const Point &p)const{
     47         return x*p.x + y*p.y;
     48     }
     50     Point operator - (const Point &p)const{
     51         return Point(x-p.x,y-p.y);
     52     }
     53     Point operator + (const Point &p)const{
     54         return Point(x+p.x, y+p.y);
     55     }
     56     Point operator * (const double &k)const{
     57         return Point(x*k, y*k);
     58     }
     59     Point operator / (const double &k)const{
     60         return Point(x/k, y/k);
     61     }
     63     double len2(){
     64         return x*x + y*y;
     65     }
     66     double len(){
     67         return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
     68     }
     69     Point scale(const double &k){//变成长度为k的"向量"
     70         return dcmp( len() ) ? (*this) * (k / len()) : (*this);
     71     }
     72     Point turnLeft(){
     73         return Point(-y,x);
     74     }
     75     Point turnRight(){
     76         return Point(y,-x);
     77     }
     78     void input(){
     79     //    in(x); in(y);
     80         scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y);
     81     }
     82     void ot(){
     83         printf("%lf %lf
     84     }
     85     double Distance(const Point &p){
     86         return sqrt( sqr(x-p.x) + sqr(y-p.y) );
     87     }
     88     Point rotate(const Point &p,double angle ,double k=1){//绕P点k==1逆时针旋转angle; 
     89         Point vec = (*this) - p;
     90         double Cos = cos(angle)*k, Sin = sin(angle)*k;
     91         return p + Point(vec.x * Cos - vec.y * Sin, vec.x * Sin + vec.y * Cos);
     92     }
     93 };
     94 struct Line{
     95     Point a,b;
     96     Line(){}
     97     Line(Point a,Point b):a(a),b(b){}
     99     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
    100         return (b-a) * (p-a);
    101     }
    102     double operator / (const Point &p)const{
    103         return (p-a) / (p-b);
    104     }
    105     void input(){
    106         a.input(); b.input();
    107     }
    108     void ot(){
    109         a.ot(); b.ot();
    110     }
    111     double len(){
    112         return a.Distance(b);
    113     }
    114     bool parallel(Line v){
    115         return !dcmp( (b-a)*(v.b-v.a) );
    116     }
    118     int SegCrossSeg(const Line &v){//2中间相交,1端点相交,0没有交点
    119         int d1 = dcmp( (*this) * v.a);
    120         int d2 = dcmp( (*this) * v.b);
    121         int d3 = dcmp( v * a );
    122         int d4 = dcmp( v * b );
    123         if ( (d1^d2) == -2 && (d3^d4) == -2 ) return 2;
    124         return ( (d1 == 0 && dcmp( (*this)/v.a ) <= 0) 
    125               || (d2 == 0 && dcmp( (*this)/v.b ) <= 0)
    126               || (d3 == 0 && dcmp( v / a ) <= 0)
    127               || (d4 == 0 && dcmp( v / b ) <= 0) );
    128     }
    130     int LineCrossSeg(const Line &v){//2相交,1共线,0相离,v线段
    131         int d1 = dcmp( (*this) * v.a), d2 = dcmp( (*this) * v.b);
    132         if ( (d1^d2) == -2) return 2;
    133         return (d1 == 0 || d2 == 0);
    134     }
    135     int LineCrossLine(const Line &v){//2相交,1共线,0相离
    136         if ( (*this).parallel(v)){
    137             return ( dcmp(v * a) == 0);
    138         }
    139         return 2;
    140     }
    141     Point CrossPoint(const Line &v){
    142         double s1 = v * a, s2 = v * b;
    143         return ( a * s2 - b * s1) / ( s2 - s1);
    144     }
    145     bool IsPointOnSeg(const Point &p){
    146         return ( dcmp( (a-p)*(b-p) ) == 0 && dcmp( (p-a)/(p-b) ) <= 0 );
    147     }
    148     double DisPointToSeg(Point p){//p点到线段的最短距离 
    149         if ( a == b) return a.Distance(p);
    150         Point q = p + (a - b).turnLeft();
    151         if ( (( p - a )*( q - a )) * ( (p - b)*(q - b) ) > 0 ) {
    152             return min(p.Distance(a), p.Distance(b));
    153         }
    154         return fabs( (*this)*p ) / a.Distance(b) ;
    155     }
    156     Point PointToSeg(Point p){//p点到线段最短距离的那个点
    157         if ( a == b ) return a;
    158         Point q = p + (a - b).turnLeft();
    159         if ( (( p - a )*( q - a)) * ((p - b)*(q - b)) > 0){
    160             return p.Distance(a) < p.Distance(b) ? a : b;
    161         }
    162         return CrossPoint( Line(p,q) );
    163     }
    164     double DisPointToLine(const Point &p){//点到直线的距离
    165         return fabs( (*this) * p) / a.Distance(b);
    166     }
    167     Point PointToLine(const Point &p){//求点p垂直Line的垂心
    168         return CrossPoint( Line(p,p + (a - b).turnLeft()) );
    169     }
    170     Point SymPoint(const Point &p){//求p关于Line的对称点
    171         return PointToLine(p) * 2 - p;
    172     }
    173     void Move(const double &d){//直线向左侧平移d长度
    174         Point t = ( b - a ).turnLeft().scale(d);
    175         a = a + t; b = b + t;
    176     }
    177 };
    178 struct Polygon{
    179     int n;
    180     Point p[maxP];
    181     void input(){
    182         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    183             p[i].input();
    184         }
    185     }
    186     void push(const Point &pp){
    187         p[n++] = pp;
    188     }
    189     void getConvex(Polygon &c){
    190         sort(p, p+n);
    191         c.n = n;
    192         if (n == 0) return;
    193         c.p[0] = p[0]; if (n == 1) return;
    194         c.p[1] = p[1]; if (n == 2) return;
    195         int &top = c.n;
    196         top =1;
    197         for (int i = 2; i < n; i++){
    198             while (top > 0 && dcmp( (c.p[top] - p[i])*(c.p[top-1] - p[i]) ) >= 0)
    199                 top --;
    200             c.p[++top] = p[i];
    201         }
    202         int tmp = top;
    203         c.p[++top] = p[n-2];
    204         for (int i = n-3; i >= 0; i--){
    205             while (top > tmp && dcmp( (c.p[top] - p[i])*(c.p[top-1] - p[i]) ) >= 0)
    206                 top --;
    207             c.p[++top] = p[i];
    208         }
    209     }
    210     int IsPointInpolygon(const Point &pp){//包括凹多边形
    211         p[n] = p[0];
    212         int wn = 0;
    213         for (int i =0; i < n; i++) {
    214             if ( Line(p[i],p[i+1]).IsPointOnSeg(pp) ) {
    215                 if (p[i] == pp || p[i+1] == pp) return 3;
    216                 return 2;
    217             }
    218             int k = dcmp( (p[i] - pp)*(p[i+1] - pp) );
    219             int u = dcmp( p[i].y - pp.y);
    220             int v = dcmp( p[i+1].y - pp.y);
    221             if (k > 0 && u < 0 && v >= 0) wn++;
    222             if (k < 0 && v < 0 && u >= 0) wn--;
    223         }
    224         return (wn != 0);
    225     }
    226     bool IsPointInConvex(const Point &pp){
    227         bool s[3] = {false, false, false};
    228         p[n] = p[0];
    229         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    230             s[dcmp(( p[i+1] - pp ) * ( p[i] - pp )) + 1] = true;
    231             if ( s[0] && s[2] ) return false; //点在外面.
    232             if ( s[1] ) return true;//点在边上;
    233         }
    234         return true;
    235     }
    236     double CalcPerimeter(){
    237         if (n == 1) return 0;
    238         double ret = p[0].Distance(p[n-1]);
    239         for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ){
    240             ret += p[i].Distance(p[i+1]);
    241         }
    242         return ret;
    243     }
    244     double CalcArea(){
    245         double ret = 0;
    246         for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++ ){
    247             ret += (p[i] - p[0]) * (p[i+1] - p[0]);
    248         }
    249         return ret * 0.5;
    250     }
    251     bool IsConvex(){
    252         bool s[3] = {false, false, false};
    253         p[n] = p[0], p[n+1] = p[1];
    254         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    255             s[dcmp(( p[i+1] - p[i] ) * ( p[i+2] - p[i] )) + 1] = true;
    256             if (s[0] && s[2]) return false;//如果-1,和1都出现过;
    257         }
    258         return true;
    259     }
    261 }H;
    262 int n;
    263 vector<Point> seg;
    264 vector<double > Lx;
    265 Line t1,t2,L[N];
    266 void solve(){
    267     double x1,x2,y;
    268     double ans = 0;
    269     seg.clear(); Lx.clear();
    270     Lx.push_back(t2.a.x); Lx.pbk(t2.b.x);
    272     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    273         cin>>x1>>x2>>y;
    274         L[i] = Line(Point(x1,y),Point(x2,y));
    275     }
    276     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    277         if (dcmp(L[i].a.y - t1.a.y) >= 0) continue;
    278         if (dcmp(L[i].a.y - t2.a.y) < 0) continue;
    280         Line tp1 = Line(t1.a,L[i].b);
    281         Line tp2 = Line(t1.b,L[i].a);
    282         Point p1,p2;
    283         p1 = tp1.CrossPoint(t2);
    284         Lx.pbk(p1.x);
    285         p2 = tp2.CrossPoint(t2);
    286         Lx.pbk(p2.x);
    287         seg.pbk(Point(p2.x,p1.x));
    288     }
    289     sort(Lx.begin(),Lx.end());
    290     for (int i = 0; i+1 < Lx.size(); i++){
    291         if (dcmp(Lx[i] - t2.a.x) < 0) continue;
    292         if (dcmp(Lx[i+1] - t2.b.x) > 0) break;
    293         double tx = ( Lx[i] + Lx[i+1] ) / 2;
    294         int flag = 1;
    295         for (int j = 0; j < seg.size() && flag; j++){
    296             if (dcmp(seg[j].x - tx) < 0 && dcmp(seg[j].y - tx) > 0) flag = 0;
    297         }
    298         if (flag){
    299             if (dcmp(Lx[i+1] - Lx[i] - ans) > 0) ans = Lx[i+1] - Lx[i];
    300         }
    301     }
    302     if (dcmp(ans) == 0) printf("No View
    303     else printf("%.2lf
    304 }
    305 int main(){
    306     double x1,x2,y;    
    307     while (cin>>x1>>x2>>y){
    308         if (dcmp(x1) == 0 && dcmp(x2) == 0 && dcmp(y) == 0) break;
    309         t1.a = Point(x1,y); t1.b = Point(x2,y);
    310         cin>>x1>>x2>>y;
    311         t2.a = Point(x1,y); t2.b = Point(x2,y);
    312         cin>>n;
    313         solve();
    314     }
    315     return 0;
    316 }
    View Code


    poj 1228





      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<cstdlib>
      4 #include<cmath>
      5 #include<iostream>
      6 #include<algorithm>
      7 #include<vector>
      8 #define pbk push_back
      9 using namespace std;
     10 const int N = 300+10;
     11 const double eps = 1e-10;
     12 const double PI = acos(-1.0);
     13 const int maxP = 10000+10;
     14 inline int dcmp(double x){
     15     return x<-eps ? -1 : x>eps;
     16 }
     17 inline double sqr(double x){
     18     return x*x;
     19 }
     20 void in(double &x){
     21     char c = getchar();
     22     bool IsN = 0;
     23     while (c!='-' && (c<'0' || c>'9')) c = getchar();
     24     if ( c == '-'){
     25         IsN = 1; x = 0;
     26     }else x = c - '0';
     27     c = getchar();
     28     while (c>='0' && c<='9') {
     29         x = x*10+c-'0';
     30         c = getchar();
     31     }
     32     if (IsN) x = -x;
     33 }
     34 struct Point {
     35     double x,y;
     36     Point(){}
     37     Point (double a,double b):x(a),y(b){}
     38     bool operator == (const Point &p)const{
     39         return (dcmp(x-p.x) == 0 && dcmp(y-p.y) == 0);
     40     }
     41     bool operator < (const Point &p)const{
     42         return dcmp(x-p.x) < 0 || (dcmp(x-p.x) == 0 && dcmp(y-p.y) < 0);
     43     }
     44     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
     45         return x*p.y - y*p.x;
     46     }
     47     double operator / (const Point &p)const{
     48         return x*p.x + y*p.y;
     49     }
     51     Point operator - (const Point &p)const{
     52         return Point(x-p.x,y-p.y);
     53     }
     54     Point operator + (const Point &p)const{
     55         return Point(x+p.x, y+p.y);
     56     }
     57     Point operator * (const double &k)const{
     58         return Point(x*k, y*k);
     59     }
     60     Point operator / (const double &k)const{
     61         return Point(x/k, y/k);
     62     }
     64     double len2(){
     65         return x*x + y*y;
     66     }
     67     double len(){
     68         return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
     69     }
     70     Point scale(const double &k){//变成长度为k的"向量"
     71         return dcmp( len() ) ? (*this) * (k / len()) : (*this);
     72     }
     73     Point turnLeft(){
     74         return Point(-y,x);
     75     }
     76     Point turnRight(){
     77         return Point(y,-x);
     78     }
     79     void input(){
     80     //    in(x); in(y);
     81         scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y);
     82     }
     83     void ot(){
     84         printf("%lf %lf
     85     }
     86     double Distance(const Point &p){
     87         return sqrt( sqr(x-p.x) + sqr(y-p.y) );
     88     }
     89     Point rotate(const Point &p,double angle ,double k=1){//绕P点k==1逆时针旋转angle; 
     90         Point vec = (*this) - p;
     91         double Cos = cos(angle)*k, Sin = sin(angle)*k;
     92         return p + Point(vec.x * Cos - vec.y * Sin, vec.x * Sin + vec.y * Cos);
     93     }
     94 };
     95 struct Line{
     96     Point a,b;
     97     Line(){}
     98     Line(Point a,Point b):a(a),b(b){}
    100     double operator * (const Point &p)const{
    101         return (b-a) * (p-a);
    102     }
    103     double operator / (const Point &p)const{
    104         return (p-a) / (p-b);
    105     }
    106     void input(){
    107         a.input(); b.input();
    108     }
    109     void ot(){
    110         a.ot(); b.ot();
    111     }
    112     double len(){
    113         return a.Distance(b);
    114     }
    115     bool parallel(Line v){
    116         return !dcmp( (b-a)*(v.b-v.a) );
    117     }
    119     int SegCrossSeg(const Line &v){//2中间相交,1端点相交,0没有交点
    120         int d1 = dcmp( (*this) * v.a);
    121         int d2 = dcmp( (*this) * v.b);
    122         int d3 = dcmp( v * a );
    123         int d4 = dcmp( v * b );
    124         if ( (d1^d2) == -2 && (d3^d4) == -2 ) return 2;
    125         return ( (d1 == 0 && dcmp( (*this)/v.a ) <= 0) 
    126               || (d2 == 0 && dcmp( (*this)/v.b ) <= 0)
    127               || (d3 == 0 && dcmp( v / a ) <= 0)
    128               || (d4 == 0 && dcmp( v / b ) <= 0) );
    129     }
    131     int LineCrossSeg(const Line &v){//2相交,1共线,0相离,v线段
    132         int d1 = dcmp( (*this) * v.a), d2 = dcmp( (*this) * v.b);
    133         if ( (d1^d2) == -2) return 2;
    134         return (d1 == 0 || d2 == 0);
    135     }
    136     int LineCrossLine(const Line &v){//2相交,1共线,0相离
    137         if ( (*this).parallel(v)){
    138             return ( dcmp(v * a) == 0);
    139         }
    140         return 2;
    141     }
    142     Point CrossPoint(const Line &v){
    143         double s1 = v * a, s2 = v * b;
    144         return ( a * s2 - b * s1) / ( s2 - s1);
    145     }
    146     bool IsPointOnSeg(const Point &p){
    147         return ( dcmp( (a-p) * (b-p) ) == 0 && dcmp( (p-a)/(p-b) ) <= 0 );
    148     }
    149     double DisPointToSeg(Point p){//p点到线段的最短距离 
    150         if ( a == b) return a.Distance(p);
    151         Point q = p + (a - b).turnLeft();
    152         if ( (( p - a )*( q - a )) * ( (p - b)*(q - b) ) > 0 ) {
    153             return min(p.Distance(a), p.Distance(b));
    154         }
    155         return fabs( (*this)*p ) / a.Distance(b) ;
    156     }
    157     Point PointToSeg(Point p){//p点到线段最短距离的那个点
    158         if ( a == b ) return a;
    159         Point q = p + (a - b).turnLeft();
    160         if ( (( p - a )*( q - a)) * ((p - b)*(q - b)) > 0){
    161             return p.Distance(a) < p.Distance(b) ? a : b;
    162         }
    163         return CrossPoint( Line(p,q) );
    164     }
    165     double DisPointToLine(const Point &p){//点到直线的距离
    166         return fabs( (*this) * p) / a.Distance(b);
    167     }
    168     Point PointToLine(const Point &p){//求点p垂直Line的垂心
    169         return CrossPoint( Line(p,p + (a - b).turnLeft()) );
    170     }
    171     Point SymPoint(const Point &p){//求p关于Line的对称点
    172         return PointToLine(p) * 2 - p;
    173     }
    174     void Move(const double &d){//直线向左侧平移d长度
    175         Point t = ( b - a ).turnLeft().scale(d);
    176         a = a + t; b = b + t;
    177     }
    178 };
    179 struct Polygon{
    180     int n;
    181     Point p[maxP];
    182     void input(){
    183         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    184             p[i].input();
    185         }
    186     }
    187     void push(const Point &pp){
    188         p[n++] = pp;
    189     }
    191     void getConvex(Polygon &c){
    192         sort(p, p+n);
    193         c.n = n;
    194         if (n == 0) return;
    195         c.p[0] = p[0]; if (n == 1) return;
    196         c.p[1] = p[1]; if (n == 2) return;
    197         int &top = c.n;
    198         top =1;
    199         for (int i = 2; i < n; i++){
    200             while (top > 0 && dcmp( (c.p[top] - p[i])*(c.p[top-1] - p[i]) ) >= 0)
    201                 top --;
    202             c.p[++top] = p[i];
    203         }
    204         int tmp = top;
    205         c.p[++top] = p[n-2];
    206         for (int i = n-3; i >= 0; i--){
    207             while (top > tmp && dcmp( (c.p[top] - p[i])*(c.p[top-1] - p[i]) ) >= 0)
    208                 top --;
    209             c.p[++top] = p[i];
    210         }
    211     }
    212     int IsPointInpolygon(const Point &pp){//包括凹多边形
    213         p[n] = p[0];
    214         int wn = 0;
    215         for (int i =0; i < n; i++) {
    216             if ( Line(p[i],p[i+1]).IsPointOnSeg(pp) ) {
    217                 if (p[i] == pp || p[i+1] == pp) return 3;
    218                 return 2;
    219             }
    220             int k = dcmp( (p[i] - pp)*(p[i+1] - pp) );
    221             int u = dcmp( p[i].y - pp.y);
    222             int v = dcmp( p[i+1].y - pp.y);
    223             if (k > 0 && u < 0 && v >= 0) wn++;
    224             if (k < 0 && v < 0 && u >= 0) wn--;
    225         }
    226         return (wn != 0);
    227     }
    228     bool IsPointInConvex(const Point &pp){
    229         bool s[3] = {false, false, false};
    230         p[n] = p[0];
    231         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    232             s[dcmp(( p[i+1] - pp ) * ( p[i] - pp )) + 1] = true;
    233             if ( s[0] && s[2] ) return false; //点在外面.
    234             if ( s[1] ) return true;//点在边上;
    235         }
    236         return true;
    237     }
    238     double CalcPerimeter(){
    239         if (n == 1) return 0;
    240         double ret = p[0].Distance(p[n-1]);
    241         for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ){
    242             ret += p[i].Distance(p[i+1]);
    243         }
    244         return ret;
    245     }
    246     double CalcArea(){
    247         double ret = 0;
    248         for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++ ){
    249             ret += (p[i] - p[0]) * (p[i+1] - p[0]);
    250         }
    251         return ret * 0.5;
    252     }
    253     bool IsConvex(){
    254         bool s[3] = {false, false, false};
    255         p[n] = p[0], p[n+1] = p[1];
    256         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    257             s[dcmp(( p[i+1] - p[i] ) * ( p[i+2] - p[i] )) + 1] = true;
    258             if (s[0] && s[2]) return false;//如果-1,和1都出现过;
    259         }
    260         return true;
    261     }
    263 }H,H2;
    264 int n;
    265 int check(Line L){
    266     for (int i = 0; i < H.n; i++ ){
    267         if (L.IsPointOnSeg(H.p[i]) && !(H.p[i] == L.a) && !(H.p[i] == L.b)) return 1;
    268     }
    269     return 0;
    270 }
    271 void solve(){
    272     H.getConvex(H2);
    273     H2.p[H2.n] = H2.p[0];
    274     int flag = 1;
    275     if (dcmp( H2.CalcArea() ) <= 0) flag = 0;
    276     for (int i = 0; i < H2.n && flag; i++ ){
    277         if ( check( Line(H2.p[i],H2.p[i+1]) ) == 0 ) flag = 0;
    278     }
    279     puts(flag ? "YES":"NO");
    281 }
    282 int main(){
    283     int T; scanf("%d",&T);
    284     while (T--){
    285         scanf("%d",&H.n);
    286         H.input();
    287         solve();
    288     }
    289     return 0;
    290 }
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Rlemon/p/3206471.html
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