• luogu3203 弹飞绵羊 (LCT)



      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<algorithm>
      4 #include<vector>
      5 #include<queue>
      6 #include<map>
      7 #include<cmath>
      8 #include<ctime>
      9 #include<set>
     10 #define pa pair<int,int>
     11 #define lowb(x) ((x)&(-(x)))
     12 #define REP(i,n0,n) for(i=n0;i<=n;i++)
     13 #define PER(i,n0,n) for(i=n;i>=n0;i--)
     14 #define MAX(a,b) ((a>b)?a:b)
     15 #define MIN(a,b) ((a<b)?a:b)
     16 #define CLR(a,x) memset(a,x,sizeof(a))
     17 #define rei register int
     18 #define lt ch[x][0]
     19 #define rt ch[x][1]
     20 using namespace std;
     21 const int maxn=200020;
     22 typedef long long ll;
     24 ll rd(){
     25     ll x=0;char c=getchar();int neg=1;
     26     while(c<'0'||c>'9'){if(c=='-') neg=-1;c=getchar();}
     27     while(c>='0'&&c<='9') x=x*10+c-'0',c=getchar();
     28     return x*neg;
     29 }
     31 int N,M;
     32 int fa[maxn],ch[maxn][2],siz[maxn],to[maxn];
     33 bool rev[maxn];
     35 inline void update(int x){siz[x]=(lt?siz[lt]:0)+(rt?siz[rt]:0)+1;}
     36 inline void pushrev(int x){
     37     rev[x]^=1;swap(lt,rt);
     38 }
     39 inline void pushdown(int x){
     40     if(!rev[x]) return;
     41     if(lt) pushrev(lt);
     42     if(rt) pushrev(rt);
     43     rev[x]=0;
     44 }
     45 inline bool isRoot(int x){return ch[fa[x]][0]!=x&&ch[fa[x]][1]!=x;}
     46 inline bool isRson(int x){return x==ch[fa[x]][1];}
     47 inline void rotate(int x){
     48     int f=fa[x],ff=fa[f];bool b=isRson(x);
     49     if(!isRoot(f)) ch[ff][isRson(f)]=x;fa[x]=ff;
     50     if(ch[x][b^1]) fa[ch[x][b^1]]=f;ch[f][b]=ch[x][b^1];
     51     ch[x][b^1]=f;fa[f]=x;update(f);update(x);
     52 }
     53 inline void pushdall(int x){
     54     if(!isRoot(x)) pushdall(fa[x]);pushdown(x);
     55 }
     56 inline void splay(int x){
     57     pushdall(x);
     58     while(!isRoot(x)&&!isRoot(fa[x])){
     59         if(isRson(x)==isRson(fa[x])) rotate(fa[x]);
     60         else rotate(x);rotate(x);
     61     }if(!isRoot(x)) rotate(x);
     62 }
     63 inline void access(int x){
     64     for(int y=0;x;y=x,x=fa[x]){
     65         splay(x);rt=y;update(x);
     66     }
     67 }
     68 inline void setRoot(int x){
     69     access(x);splay(x);
     70     pushrev(x);
     71 }
     72 inline int getRoot(int x){
     73     access(x);splay(x);
     74     while(lt){
     75         pushdown(x);x=lt;
     76     }return x;
     77 }
     78 inline void link(int x,int y){//x->y
     79     setRoot(x);
     80     access(y);splay(y);fa[x]=y;
     81 }
     82 inline void cut(int x,int y){
     83     setRoot(x);access(y);splay(y);
     84     ch[y][0]=fa[x]=0;update(y);
     85 }
     86 inline int query(int x,int y){
     87     setRoot(x);
     88     access(y);splay(y);
     89     //printf("%d %d
     90     return siz[y];
     91 }
     92 inline void change(int x,int k){
     93     if(x+k>N&&x+to[x]>N) return;
     94     if(to[x]) cut(x,MIN(x+to[x],N+1));
     95     link(x,MIN(x+k,N+1));
     96     to[x]=k;
     97 }
     99 int main(){
    100     //freopen("3203.in","r",stdin);
    101     rei i,j,k;N=rd();
    102     REP(i,1,N) change(i,rd()),siz[i]=1;siz[N+1]=1;
    103     M=rd();REP(i,1,M){
    104         j=rd(),k=rd()+1;
    105         if(j==1) printf("%d
    106         else change(k,rd());
    107     }
    108     return 0;
    109 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Ressed/p/9603314.html
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