• 单向链表的反转问题

     1 #ifndef LIST_H_INCLUDED
     2 #define LIST_H_INCLUDED
     3 #include <stdio.h>
     4 #include <stdlib.h>
     5 #define L_TYPE char
     6 typedef struct Node node;
     7 typedef struct Node* Plist;
     8 typedef Plist  List;
    10 struct  Node
    11 {
    12     L_TYPE element;
    13     Plist next;
    14 };
    15 Plist Creatlist();    //creat a list note:hava an head node;
    16 void Delete(Plist list);//delete an element of the list
    17 void Insert_list(Plist list,L_TYPE element);// insert an element into the list
    18 int L_isEmpty(Plist list);// judge whether the list is empty or not  if is empty return an integer else return 0;
    19 Plist ReverseList(Plist list);// reverse the list  not : the parameter list is not the head node but next node of head node
    20                               //(if your list has no head node you can use this function directly)
    21 Plist ReverseList(Plist list);
    23 Plist Creatlist()
    24 {
    25     Plist list=(List)malloc(sizeof(node));
    26     list->next=NULL;
    27     return list;
    29 }
    30 void Delete(Plist list)
    31 {
    32     Plist temp;
    33     if(!L_isEmpty(list))
    34     {
    35         temp=list->next;
    36         list->next=list->next->next;
    37     }
    38     else
    39     {
    40         printf("List is empty!");
    41     }
    42 }
    43 void Insert_list(Plist list,L_TYPE element)
    44 {
    45     Plist templist=(List)malloc(sizeof(node));
    46     templist->element=element;
    47     templist->next=list->next;
    48     list->next=templist;
    50 }
    51 int L_isEmpty(Plist list)
    52 {
    53     return !list->next;
    54 }
    56 void Printlist(Plist list)
    57 {
    58     Plist plist=list;
    59     while(plist->next)
    60     {
    61         printf("%c
    62         plist=plist->next;
    63     }
    64 }
    66 Plist ReverseList(Plist list)
    67 {
    68    Plist next;
    69    Plist previous=NULL;
    70    while(list)
    71    {
    72        next=list->next;
    73        list->next=previous;
    74        previous=list;
    75        list=next;
    76    }
    77    return previous;
    78 }
    82 #endif // LIST_H_INCLUDED




    所以下面代码中反转,多出一步头结点指向新链表头的步骤 如下图;

    主函数代码;反转函数为 Plist ReverseList(Plist list)

     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <stdlib.h>
     3 #include "list.h"
     4 int main()
     5 {
     6     int i;
     7     Plist list=Creatlist();
     8     for(i=0;i<5;i++)
     9     {
    10       Insert_list(list,'A'+i);
    11     }
    12     Printlist(list);
    13     printf("-----------------------------
    14     // reverse the list (with head node) there is little different from the list without head node for eg. below;
    15     list->next=ReverseList(list->next);
    16     //print the list
    17     Printlist(list);
    19 return 0;
    21 }



    阿南 On the way.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/RealMan/p/3691109.html
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