//实例化 初始化
List<string> ls = new List<string> { "北京", "上海", "广州", "深圳" };
Console.WriteLine($"the capacity of citylist is {ls.Capacity},and the length of citylist is {ls.Count}");
Console.WriteLine($"the capacity of citylist is {ls.Capacity},and the length of citylist is {ls.Count}");
Console.WriteLine($"the capacity of citylist is {ls.Capacity},and the length of citylist is {ls.Count}");
foreach (string city in ls)
the capacity of citylist is 4,and the length of citylist is 4
the capacity of citylist is 8,and the length of citylist is 5
the capacity of citylist is 8,and the length of citylist is 4
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection);
public void Clear();
public int RemoveAll(Predicate<T> match);
public void RemoveRange(int index, int count);
public void ForEach(Action<T> action);
public bool Contains(T item);
public bool Exists(Predicate<T> match);
public List<T> FindAll(Predicate<T> match);
public void Reverse();
public T[] ToArray();
2.1 初始化-新增-复制
var citySlice0 []string
var citySlice1 = []string{}
var citySlice2 = []string{"北京", "上海", "广州", "深圳"}
citySlice := make([]string, 4, 10)
fmt.Printf("the citySlice is %v
", citySlice)
fmt.Printf("the capacity of citySlice is %v,and the length of citySlice is %v
", cap(citySlice), len(citySlice))
citySlice = append(citySlice, "北京", "上海", "广州", "深圳")
fmt.Printf("the citySlice is %v
", citySlice)
fmt.Printf("the capacity of citySlice is %v,and the length of citySlice is %v
", cap(citySlice), len(citySlice))
citySlice = append(citySlice, "成都", "武汉")
fmt.Printf("the citySlice is %v
", citySlice)
fmt.Printf("the capacity of citySlice is %v,and the length of citySlice is %v
", cap(citySlice), len(citySlice))
var intSliceA []int
intSliceA = append(intSliceA, 1, 2, 3)
fmt.Printf("the intSliceA is %v
", intSliceA)//[1 2 3]
//切片是引用类型 简单的赋值就出现如下结果
intSliceB := intSliceA
intSliceB[0] = 0
fmt.Printf("the intSliceA is %v
", intSliceA) //[0,2,3]
//为了不影响赋值操作,只要复制切片才能达到预期的效果, 但是把一个切片复制给另一个切片,目的切片需要分配空间
intSliceC := make([]int, 4, 5)
copy(intSliceC, intSliceA)
fmt.Printf("the intSliceC is %v
", intSliceC) //[0 2 3 0] 第4个元素0,是因为分配了空间,都是零值
intSliceC[0] = 10
fmt.Printf("the intSliceA is %v
", intSliceA) //[0 2 3]
fmt.Printf("the intSliceC is %v
", intSliceC) //[10 2 3 0]
the citySlice is [ ]
the capacity of citySlice is 10,and the length of citySlice is 4
the citySlice is [ 北京 上海 广州 深圳]
the capacity of citySlice is 10,and the length of citySlice is 8
the citySlice is [ 北京 上海 广州 深圳 成都 武汉]
the capacity of citySlice is 10,and the length of citySlice is 10
the intSliceA is [1 2 3]
the intSliceA is [0 2 3]
the intSliceC is [0 2 3 0]
the intSliceA is [0 2 3]
the intSliceC is [10 2 3 0]
2.2 切
//the intSliceC is [10 2 3 0]
intSliceD := intSliceC[1:]
fmt.Printf("the intSliceD is %v
", intSliceD) // [2 3 0]
intSliceE := intSliceC[1:3]
fmt.Printf("the intSliceE is %v
", intSliceE) //[2 3]
//从索引0切到n-1 0,1,2
intSliceF := intSliceC[:3]
fmt.Printf("the intSliceF is %v
", intSliceF) //[10 2 3]
fmt.Printf("the capacity of intSliceF is %v,and the length of intSliceF is %v
", cap(intSliceF), len(intSliceF))
fmt.Printf("the intSliceC is %v
", intSliceC) //[10 2 3 0]
the intSliceD is [2 3 0]
the intSliceE is [2 3]
the intSliceF is [10 2 3]
the capacity of intSliceF is 5,and the length of intSliceF is 3
the intSliceC is [10 2 3 0]
2.3 删除
func append(slice []Type, elems ...Type) []Type
... Type
,是类似于C#中可变参数params T[] x
intSliceC = append(intSliceC[:1], intSliceC[2:]...)
fmt.Printf("the intSliceC is %v
", intSliceC) // [10 2 0]
fmt.Printf("the capacity of intSliceC is %v,and the length of intSliceC is %v
", cap(intSliceC), len(intSliceC))
the intSliceC is [10 2 0]
the capacity of intSliceC is 5,and the length of intSliceC is 3
2.4 判断切片是否为空
len(s) == 0
2.5 遍历
s := []int{1, 3, 5}
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
fmt.Println(i, s[i])
for index, value := range s {
fmt.Println(index, value)
0 1
1 3
2 5
0 1
1 3
2 5