• 6779. Can you answer these queries VII

    Given a tree with N ( N<=100000 ) nodes. Each node has a interger value x_i ( |x_i|<=10000 ).

    You have to apply Q ( Q<=100000 ) operations:

    1. 1 a b : answer the maximum contiguous sum (maybe empty,will always larger than or equal to 0 ) from the path a->b ( inclusive ).

    2. 2 a b c : change all value in the path a->b ( inclusive ) to c.

    first line consists one interger N.

    next line consists N interger x_i.

    next N-1 line , each consists two interger u,v , means that node u and node v are connected

    next line consists 1 interger Q.

    next Q line : 1 a b or 2 a b c .

    For each query, output one line the maximum contiguous sum.


    -3 -2 1 2 3

    1 2

    2 3

    1 4

    4 5


    1 2 5

    2 3 4 2

    1 2 5








      1 const
      2     inf=-maxlongint;
      3 type
      4     node=record
      5       lson,rson,left,right,lmax,rmax,amax,lazy,sum:longint;
      6     end;
      8 var
      9     tree:array[0..200010]of node;
     10     first,next,last:array[0..200010]of longint;
     11     son,fa,size,dep,w,top,root,a:array[0..100010]of longint;
     12     flag:array[0..100010]of boolean;
     13     tot,n,num,ll,rr:longint;
     15 function max(x,y:longint):longint;
     16 begin
     17     if x>y then exit(x);
     18     exit(y);
     19 end;
     21 procedure swap(var x,y:longint);
     22 var
     23     t:longint;
     24 begin
     25     t:=x;x:=y;y:=t;
     26 end;
     28 procedure insert(x,y:longint);
     29 begin
     30     inc(num);
     31     last[num]:=y;
     32     next[num]:=first[x];
     33     first[x]:=num;
     34 end;
     36 procedure dfs1(x,d,f:longint);
     37 var
     38     i,j:longint;
     39 begin
     40     fa[x]:=f;
     41     flag[x]:=true;
     42     dep[x]:=d;
     43     size[x]:=1;
     44     i:=first[x];
     45     j:=0;
     46     while i<>0 do
     47       begin
     48         if flag[last[i]]=false then
     49         begin
     50           dfs1(last[i],d+1,x);
     51           inc(size[x],size[last[i]]);
     52           if size[last[i]]>size[j] then j:=last[i];
     53         end;
     54         i:=next[i];
     55       end;
     56     son[x]:=j;
     57 end;
     59 procedure build(l,r:longint);
     60 var
     61     now,mid:longint;
     62 begin
     63     inc(tot);
     64     now:=tot;
     65     with tree[now] do
     66       begin
     67         left:=l;
     68         right:=r;
     69         lazy:=inf;
     70       end;
     71     if l=r then exit;
     72     mid:=(l+r)>>1;
     73     with tree[now] do
     74       begin
     75         lson:=tot+1;
     76         build(l,mid);
     77         rson:=tot+1;
     78         build(mid+1,r);
     79       end;
     80 end;
     82 procedure new(x,now:longint);
     83 begin
     84     with tree[now] do
     85       begin
     86         if left<>right then lazy:=x;
     87         sum:=x*(right-left+1);
     88         amax:=max(0,sum);
     89         lmax:=amax;
     90         rmax:=amax;
     91       end;
     92 end;
     94 procedure down(now:longint);
     95 begin
     96     with tree[now] do
     97       begin
     98         new(lazy,lson);
     99         new(lazy,rson);
    100         lazy:=inf;
    101       end;
    102 end;
    104 procedure up(now:longint);
    105 begin
    106     with tree[now] do
    107       begin
    108         sum:=tree[lson].sum+tree[rson].sum;
    109         amax:=max(max(tree[lson].amax,tree[rson].amax),tree[lson].rmax+tree[rson].lmax);
    110         lmax:=max(tree[lson].lmax,tree[lson].sum+tree[rson].lmax);
    111         rmax:=max(tree[rson].rmax,tree[rson].sum+tree[lson].rmax);
    112       end;
    113 end;
    115 procedure change(x,now:longint);
    116 var
    117     mid:longint;
    118 begin
    119     with tree[now] do
    120       begin
    121         if(ll<=left)and(rr>=right) then
    122         begin
    123           new(x,now);
    124           exit;
    125         end;
    126         if lazy<>inf then down(now);
    127         mid:=(left+right)>>1;
    128         if rr>mid then change(x,rson);
    129         if ll<=mid then change(x,lson);
    130         up(now);
    131       end;
    132 end;
    134 procedure dfs2(x,t,ww:longint);
    135 var
    136     i:longint;
    137 begin
    138     flag[x]:=false;
    139     top[x]:=t;
    140     w[x]:=ww;
    141     if son[x]=0 then
    142     begin
    143       root[x]:=tot+1;
    144       build(1,ww);
    145       ll:=ww;
    146       rr:=ww;
    147       change(a[x],root[x]);
    148       exit;
    149     end;
    150     dfs2(son[x],t,ww+1);
    151     root[x]:=root[son[x]];
    152     ll:=ww;
    153     rr:=ww;
    154     change(a[x],root[x]);
    155     i:=first[x];
    156     while i<>0 do
    157       begin
    158         if flag[last[i]] then dfs2(last[i],last[i],1);
    159         i:=next[i];
    160       end;
    161 end;
    163 procedure init;
    164 var
    165     i,x,y:longint;
    166 begin
    167     read(n);
    168     for i:=1 to n do
    169       read(a[i]);
    170     for i:=1 to n-1 do
    171       begin
    172         read(x,y);
    173         insert(x,y);
    174         insert(y,x);
    175       end;
    176     dfs1(1,1,0);
    177     dfs2(1,1,1);
    178 end;
    180 procedure get(var am,lm,rm,su:longint;now:longint);
    181 var
    182     mid:longint;
    183 begin
    184     with tree[now] do
    185       begin
    186         if lazy<>inf then down(now);
    187         if(ll<=left)and(rr>=right) then
    188         begin
    189           am:=max(max(am,amax),lm+rmax);
    190           lm:=max(lmax,sum+lm);
    191           rm:=max(rm,su+rmax);
    192           su:=su+sum;
    193           exit;
    194         end;
    195         mid:=(left+right)>>1;
    196         if rr>mid then get(am,lm,rm,su,rson);
    197         if ll<=mid then get(am,lm,rm,su,lson);
    198       end;
    199 end;
    201 procedure work1;
    202 var
    203     x,y,amax1,lmax1,rmax1,sum1,amax2,lmax2,rmax2,sum2:longint;
    204 begin
    205     read(x,y);
    206     amax1:=0;
    207     lmax1:=0;
    208     rmax1:=0;
    209     sum1:=0;
    210     amax2:=0;
    211     lmax2:=0;
    212     rmax2:=0;
    213     sum2:=0;
    214     if dep[top[x]]<dep[top[y]] then swap(x,y);
    215     while top[x]<>top[y] do
    216       begin
    217         ll:=1;
    218         rr:=w[x];
    219         get(amax1,lmax1,rmax1,sum1,root[x]);
    220         x:=fa[top[x]];
    221         if dep[top[x]]<dep[top[y]] then
    222         begin
    223           swap(x,y);
    224           swap(amax1,amax2);
    225           swap(lmax1,lmax2);
    226           swap(rmax1,rmax2);
    227           swap(sum1,sum2);
    228         end;
    229       end;
    230     if dep[x]<dep[y] then
    231     begin
    232       swap(x,y);
    233       swap(amax1,amax2);
    234       swap(lmax1,lmax2);
    235       swap(rmax1,rmax2);
    236       swap(sum1,sum2);
    237     end;
    238     ll:=w[y];
    239     rr:=w[x];
    240     get(amax1,lmax1,rmax1,sum1,root[x]);
    241     writeln(max(max(amax1,amax2),lmax1+lmax2));
    242 end;
    244 procedure work2;
    245 var
    246     x,y,z:longint;
    247 begin
    248     read(x,y,z);
    249     if dep[top[x]]<dep[top[y]] then swap(x,y);
    250     while top[x]<>top[y] do
    251       begin
    252         ll:=1;
    253         rr:=w[x];
    254         change(z,root[x]);
    255         x:=fa[top[x]];
    256         if dep[top[x]]<dep[top[y]] then swap(x,y);
    257       end;
    258     if dep[x]<dep[y] then swap(x,y);
    259     ll:=w[y];
    260     rr:=w[x];
    261     change(z,root[x]);
    262 end;
    264 procedure work;
    265 var
    266     i,q,s:longint;
    267 begin
    268     read(q);
    269     for i:=1 to q do
    270       begin
    271         read(s);
    272         if s=1 then work1
    273         else work2;
    274       end;
    275 end;
    277 begin
    278     init;
    279     work;
    280 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Randolph87/p/3600967.html
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