• 用 Python 实现植物大战僵尸代码!



    作者: marble_xu





    最近一直在给这个植物大战僵尸游戏添加新的植物和僵尸, 因为网上的图片资源有限,能加的植物和僵尸比较少, 目前进展如下。


    • 支持的植物类型:太阳花,豌豆射手,寒冰射手,坚果,樱桃炸弹。新增加植物:双重豌豆射手,三重豌豆射手,食人花 ,小喷菇,土豆地雷,倭瓜。

    • 支持的僵尸类型:普通僵尸,棋子僵尸,路障僵尸,铁桶僵尸。新增加读报僵尸。

    • 使用json文件保存关卡信息,设置僵尸出现的时间和位置。

    • 增加每关开始时选择上场植物。

    • 增加除草机。


    在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述




    • 上方植物卡片栏的实现。

    • 点击植物卡片,鼠标切换为植物图片。

    • 鼠标移动时,判断当前在哪个方格中,并显示半透明的植物作为提示。


    所有的植物卡片的名称和属性都保存在单独的list中,每个list index都对应一种植物。

    比如list index 0 就是太阳花:

    • card_name_list[0] 是太阳花卡片的名字,用来获取太阳花卡片的图片。

    • plant_name_list[0] 是太阳花的名字,用来获取太阳花卡片的图片。

    • plant_sun_list[0] 是种植太阳花需要花费的太阳点数。

    • plant_frozen_time_list[0] 是太阳花的冷却时间。



    • checkMouseClick函数:判断鼠标是否点击到这个卡片;

    • canClick:判断这个卡片是否能种植(有没有足够的点数,是否还在冷却时间内);

    • update 函数:通过设置图片的透明度来表示这个卡片是否能选择。



    • self.sun_value:当前采集的太阳点数;

    • self.card_list: 植物卡片的list;

    • setupCards函数:遍历初始化init函数中传入这个关卡选好的植物卡片list,依次创建Card类,设置每个卡片的显示位置;

    • checkCardClick函数:检查鼠标是否点击了卡片栏上的某个植物卡片,如果选择了一个可种植的卡片,返回结果。


      1 import pygame as pg
      2 from .. import tool
      3 from .. import constants as c
      4   5 PANEL_Y_START = 87
      6 PANEL_X_START = 22
      7 PANEL_Y_INTERNAL = 74
      8 PANEL_X_INTERNAL = 53
      9 CARD_LIST_NUM = 8
     15 plant_name_list = [c.SUNFLOWER, c.PEASHOOTER, c.SNOWPEASHOOTER, c.WALLNUT,
     17                    c.PUFFSHROOM, c.POTATOMINE, c.SQUASH, c.SPIKEWEED,
     18                    c.JALAPENO, c.SCAREDYSHROOM, c.SUNSHROOM, c.ICESHROOM]
     19 plant_sun_list = [50, 100, 175, 50, 150, 325, 200, 150, 0, 25, 50, 100, 125, 25, 25, 75]
     20 plant_frozen_time_list = [7500, 7500, 7500, 30000, 50000, 7500, 7500, 7500, 7500, 30000,
     21                           30000, 7500, 50000, 7500, 7500, 50000]
     22 all_card_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
     23  24 def getSunValueImage(sun_value):
     25     font = pg.font.SysFont(None, 22)
     26     width = 32
     27     msg_image = font.render(str(sun_value), True, c.NAVYBLUE, c.LIGHTYELLOW)
     28     msg_rect = msg_image.get_rect()
     29     msg_w = msg_rect.width
     30  31     image = pg.Surface([width, 17])
     32     x = width - msg_w
     33  34     image.fill(c.LIGHTYELLOW)
     35     image.blit(msg_image, (x, 0), (0, 0, msg_rect.w, msg_rect.h))
     36     image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK)
     37     return image
     38  39 class Card():
     40     def __init__(self, x, y, name_index, scale=0.78):
     41         self.loadFrame(card_name_list[name_index], scale)
     42         self.rect = self.orig_image.get_rect()
     43         self.rect.x = x
     44         self.rect.y = y
     46         self.name_index = name_index
     47         self.sun_cost = plant_sun_list[name_index]
     48         self.frozen_time = plant_frozen_time_list[name_index]
     49         self.frozen_timer = -self.frozen_time
     50         self.refresh_timer = 0
     51         self.select = True
     52  53     def loadFrame(self, name, scale):
     54         frame = tool.GFX[name]
     55         rect = frame.get_rect()
     56         width, height = rect.w, rect.h
     57  58         self.orig_image = tool.get_image(frame, 0, 0, width, height, c.BLACK, scale)
     59         self.image = self.orig_image
     60  61     def checkMouseClick(self, mouse_pos):
     62         x, y = mouse_pos
     63         if(x >= self.rect.x and x <= self.rect.right and
     64            y >= self.rect.y and y <= self.rect.bottom):
     65             return True
     66         return False
     67  68     def canClick(self, sun_value, current_time):
     69         if self.sun_cost <= sun_value and (current_time - self.frozen_timer) > self.frozen_time:
     70             return True
     71         return False
     72  73     def canSelect(self):
     74         return self.select
     75  76     def setSelect(self, can_select):
     77         self.select = can_select
     78         if can_select:
     79             self.image.set_alpha(255)
     80         else:
     81             self.image.set_alpha(128)
     82  83     def setFrozenTime(self, current_time):
     84         self.frozen_timer = current_time
     85  86     def createShowImage(self, sun_value, current_time):
     87         '''create a card image to show cool down status
     88            or disable status when have not enough sun value'''
     89         time = current_time - self.frozen_timer
     90         if time < self.frozen_time: #cool down status
     91             image = pg.Surface([self.rect.w, self.rect.h])
     92             frozen_image = self.orig_image.copy()
     93             frozen_image.set_alpha(128)
     94             frozen_height = (self.frozen_time - time)/self.frozen_time * self.rect.h
     96             image.blit(frozen_image, (0,0), (0, 0, self.rect.w, frozen_height))
     97             image.blit(self.orig_image, (0,frozen_height),
     98                        (0, frozen_height, self.rect.w, self.rect.h - frozen_height))
     99         elif self.sun_cost > sun_value: #disable status
    100             image = self.orig_image.copy()
    101             image.set_alpha(192)
    102         else:
    103             image = self.orig_image
    104         return image
    105 106     def update(self, sun_value, current_time):
    107         if (current_time - self.refresh_timer) >= 250:
    108             self.image = self.createShowImage(sun_value, current_time)
    109             self.refresh_timer = current_time
    110 111     def draw(self, surface):
    112         surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)
    113 114 class MenuBar():
    115     def __init__(self, card_list, sun_value):
    116         self.loadFrame(c.MENUBAR_BACKGROUND)
    117         self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
    118         self.rect.x = 10
    119         self.rect.y = 0
    121         self.sun_value = sun_value
    122         self.card_offset_x = 32
    123         self.setupCards(card_list)
    124 125     def loadFrame(self, name):
    126         frame = tool.GFX[name]
    127         rect = frame.get_rect()
    128         frame_rect = (rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)
    129 130         self.image = tool.get_image(tool.GFX[name], *frame_rect, c.WHITE, 1)
    131 132     def update(self, current_time):
    133         self.current_time = current_time
    134         for card in self.card_list:
    135             card.update(self.sun_value, self.current_time)
    136 137     def createImage(self, x, y, num):
    138         if num == 1:
    139             return
    140         img = self.image
    141         rect = self.image.get_rect()
    142         width = rect.w
    143         height = rect.h
    144         self.image = pg.Surface((width * num, height)).convert()
    145         self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
    146         self.rect.x = x
    147         self.rect.y = y
    148         for i in range(num):
    149             x = i * width
    150             self.image.blit(img, (x,0))
    151         self.image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK)
    153     def setupCards(self, card_list):
    154         self.card_list = []
    155         x = self.card_offset_x
    156         y = 8
    157         for index in card_list:
    158             x += 55
    159             self.card_list.append(Card(x, y, index))
    160 161     def checkCardClick(self, mouse_pos):
    162         result = None
    163         for card in self.card_list:
    164             if card.checkMouseClick(mouse_pos):
    165                 if card.canClick(self.sun_value, self.current_time):
    166                     result = (plant_name_list[card.name_index], card.sun_cost)
    167                 break
    168         return result
    170     def checkMenuBarClick(self, mouse_pos):
    171         x, y = mouse_pos
    172         if(x >= self.rect.x and x <= self.rect.right and
    173            y >= self.rect.y and y <= self.rect.bottom):
    174             return True
    175         return False
    176 177     def decreaseSunValue(self, value):
    178         self.sun_value -= value
    179 180     def increaseSunValue(self, value):
    181         self.sun_value += value
    182 183     def setCardFrozenTime(self, plant_name):
    184         for card in self.card_list:
    185             if plant_name_list[card.name_index] == plant_name:
    186                 card.setFrozenTime(self.current_time)
    187                 break
    188 189     def drawSunValue(self):
    190         self.value_image = getSunValueImage(self.sun_value)
    191         self.value_rect = self.value_image.get_rect()
    192         self.value_rect.x = 21
    193         self.value_rect.y = self.rect.bottom - 21
    195         self.image.blit(self.value_image, self.value_rect)
    196 197     def draw(self, surface):
    198         self.drawSunValue()
    199         surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)
    200         for card in self.card_list:
    201             card.draw(surface)
    202 203 class Panel():
    204     def __init__(self, card_list, sun_value):
    205         self.loadImages(sun_value)
    206         self.selected_cards = []
    207         self.selected_num = 0
    208         self.setupCards(card_list)
    209 210     def loadFrame(self, name):
    211         frame = tool.GFX[name]
    212         rect = frame.get_rect()
    213         frame_rect = (rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)
    214 215         return tool.get_image(tool.GFX[name], *frame_rect, c.WHITE, 1)
    216 217     def loadImages(self, sun_value):
    218         self.menu_image = self.loadFrame(c.MENUBAR_BACKGROUND)
    219         self.menu_rect = self.menu_image.get_rect()
    220         self.menu_rect.x = 0
    221         self.menu_rect.y = 0
    222 223         self.panel_image = self.loadFrame(c.PANEL_BACKGROUND)
    224         self.panel_rect = self.panel_image.get_rect()
    225         self.panel_rect.x = 0
    226         self.panel_rect.y = PANEL_Y_START
    227 228         
    229         self.value_image = getSunValueImage(sun_value)
    230         self.value_rect = self.value_image.get_rect()
    231         self.value_rect.x = 21
    232         self.value_rect.y = self.menu_rect.bottom - 21
    233 234         self.button_image =  self.loadFrame(c.START_BUTTON)
    235         self.button_rect = self.button_image.get_rect()
    236         self.button_rect.x = 155
    237         self.button_rect.y = 547
    238 239     def setupCards(self, card_list):
    240         self.card_list = []
    241         x = PANEL_X_START - PANEL_X_INTERNAL
    242         y = PANEL_Y_START + 43 - PANEL_Y_INTERNAL
    243         for i, index in enumerate(card_list):
    244             if i % 8 == 0:
    245                 x = PANEL_X_START - PANEL_X_INTERNAL
    246                 y += PANEL_Y_INTERNAL
    247             x += PANEL_X_INTERNAL
    248             self.card_list.append(Card(x, y, index, 0.75))
    249 250     def checkCardClick(self, mouse_pos):
    251         delete_card = None
    252         for card in self.selected_cards:
    253             if delete_card: # when delete a card, move right cards to left
    254                 card.rect.x -= 55
    255             elif card.checkMouseClick(mouse_pos):
    256                 self.deleteCard(card.name_index)
    257                 delete_card = card
    258 259         if delete_card:
    260             self.selected_cards.remove(delete_card)
    261             self.selected_num -= 1
    262 263         if self.selected_num == CARD_LIST_NUM:
    264             return
    265 266         for card in self.card_list:
    267             if card.checkMouseClick(mouse_pos):
    268                 if card.canSelect():
    269                     self.addCard(card)
    270                 break
    271 272     def addCard(self, card):
    273         card.setSelect(False)
    274         y = 8
    275         x = 78 + self.selected_num * 55
    276         self.selected_cards.append(Card(x, y, card.name_index))
    277         self.selected_num += 1
    278 279     def deleteCard(self, index):
    280         self.card_list[index].setSelect(True)
    281 282     def checkStartButtonClick(self, mouse_pos):
    283         if self.selected_num < CARD_LIST_NUM:
    284             return False
    285 286         x, y = mouse_pos
    287         if (x >= self.button_rect.x and x <= self.button_rect.right and
    288             y >= self.button_rect.y and y <= self.button_rect.bottom):
    289            return True
    290         return False
    291 292     def getSelectedCards(self):
    293         card_index_list = []
    294         for card in self.selected_cards:
    295             card_index_list.append(card.name_index)
    296         return card_index_list
    297 298     def draw(self, surface):
    299         self.menu_image.blit(self.value_image, self.value_rect)
    300         surface.blit(self.menu_image, self.menu_rect)
    301         surface.blit(self.panel_image, self.panel_rect)
    302         for card in self.card_list:
    303             card.draw(surface)
    304         for card in self.selected_cards:
    305             card.draw(surface)
    306 307         if self.selected_num == CARD_LIST_NUM:
    308             surface.blit(self.button_image, self.button_rect)


    setupMouseImage 函数实现鼠标图片切换为选中的植物:

    • self.mouse_image :根据 plant_name 获取选中的植物图片;

    • self.mouse_rect:选中植物图片的位置,在drawMouseShow函数中,需要将植物图片的位置设置成当前鼠标的位置;

    • pg.mouse.set_visible(False):隐藏默认的鼠标显示,这样效果就是鼠标图片切换为选中的植物了。

     1    def setupMouseImage(self, plant_name, plant_cost):
     2         frame_list = tool.GFX[plant_name]
     3         if plant_name in tool.PLANT_RECT:
     4             data = tool.PLANT_RECT[plant_name]
     5             x, y, width, height = data['x'], data['y'], data['width'], data['height']
     6         else:
     7             x, y = 0, 0
     8             rect = frame_list[0].get_rect()
     9             width, height = rect.w, rect.h
    10 11 12         if plant_name == c.POTATOMINE or plant_name == c.SQUASH:
    13             color = c.WHITE
    14         else:
    15             color = c.BLACK
    16         self.mouse_image = tool.get_image(frame_list[0], x, y, width, height, color, 1)
    17         self.mouse_rect = self.mouse_image.get_rect()
    18         pg.mouse.set_visible(False)
    19         self.drag_plant = True
    20         self.plant_name = plant_name
    21         self.plant_cost = plant_cost
    22 23 24     def drawMouseShow(self, surface):
    25         if self.hint_plant:
    26             surface.blit(self.hint_image, self.hint_rect)
    27         x, y = pg.mouse.get_pos()
    28         self.mouse_rect.centerx = x
    29         self.mouse_rect.centery = y
    30         surface.blit(self.mouse_image, self.mouse_rect)


    先看下map类,代码在sourcecomponentmap.py 中:

    • self.map:二维list,用来保存每个方格的状态。每个entry初始化为 0, 表示可以种植物,值为1时表示这个方格已经种了植物。

    • getMapIndex 函数:传入参数是游戏中的坐标位置(比如当前鼠标的位置),返回该位置在地图的哪个方格中。

    • getMapGridPos 函数:传入一个方格的index,返回在该方格中种植物的坐标位置。

    • showPlant 函数:根据传入的坐标位置,判断该位置所在的方格是否能种植物,如果能种,就返回返回在该方格中种植物的坐标位置。

     1 MAP_EMPTY = 0
     2 MAP_EXIST = 1
     3  4  5 class Map():
     6     def __init__(self, width, height):
     7         self.width = width
     8         self.height = height
     9         self.map = [[0 for x in range(self.width)] for y in range(self.height)]
    10 11 12     def isValid(self, map_x, map_y):
    13         if (map_x < 0 or map_x >= self.width or
    14             map_y < 0 or map_y >= self.height):
    15             return False
    16         return True
    17 18     def isMovable(self, map_x, map_y):
    19         return (self.map[map_y][map_x] == c.MAP_EMPTY)
    20 21     def getMapIndex(self, x, y):
    22         x -= c.MAP_OFFSET_X
    23         y -= c.MAP_OFFSET_Y
    24         return (x // c.GRID_X_SIZE, y // c.GRID_Y_SIZE)
    25 26     def getMapGridPos(self, map_x, map_y):
    27         return (map_x * c.GRID_X_SIZE + c.GRID_X_SIZE//2 + c.MAP_OFFSET_X,
    28                 map_y * c.GRID_Y_SIZE + c.GRID_Y_SIZE//5 * 3 + c.MAP_OFFSET_Y)
    29 30     def setMapGridType(self, map_x, map_y, type):
    31         self.map[map_y][map_x] = type
    32 33 34     def getRandomMapIndex(self):
    35         map_x = random.randint(0, self.width-1)
    36         map_y = random.randint(0, self.height-1)
    37         return (map_x, map_y)
    38 39 40     def showPlant(self, x, y):
    41         pos = None
    42         map_x, map_y = self.getMapIndex(x, y)
    43         if self.isValid(map_x, map_y) and self.isMovable(map_x, map_y):
    44             pos = self.getMapGridPos(map_x, map_y)
    45         return pos


    • canSeedPlant 函数:判断当前鼠标位置能否种植物;

    • setupHintImage 函数:如果当前鼠标位置能种植物,且有选择了一个植物卡片,则设置self.hint_image 显示当前会在哪一个方格中种植物,self.hint_rect 是植物种的坐标位置。

     1     def canSeedPlant(self):
     2         x, y = pg.mouse.get_pos()
     3         return self.map.showPlant(x, y)
     4  5     def setupHintImage(self):
     6         pos = self.canSeedPlant()
     7         if pos and self.mouse_image:
     8             if (self.hint_image and pos[0] == self.hint_rect.x and
     9                 pos[1] == self.hint_rect.y):
    10                 return
    11             width, height = self.mouse_rect.w, self.mouse_rect.h
    12             image = pg.Surface([width, height])
    13             image.blit(self.mouse_image, (0, 0), (0, 0, width, height))
    14             image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK)
    15             image.set_alpha(128)
    16             self.hint_image = image
    17             self.hint_rect = image.get_rect()
    18             self.hint_rect.centerx = pos[0]
    19             self.hint_rect.bottom = pos[1]
    20             self.hint_plant = True
    21         else:
    22             self.hint_plant = False
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    Scramble String
    Burst Balloons
    Coins in a Line III
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Qqun821460695/p/12001851.html
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