//示例3-1.实现IComparable<T>接口,让类型可以排序 public class Square : IComparable<Square> { public Square() { } public Square(int height, int width) { this.Height = height; this.Width = width; } public int Height { get; set; } public int Width { get; set; } public int CompareTo(object obj) { Square square = obj as Square; if (square != null) return CompareTo(square); throw new ArgumentException("Both objects being compared must be of type Square."); } public override string ToString() { return ("Height:" + this.Height + " Width:" + this.Width); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; Square square = obj as Square; if (square != null) return this.Height == square.Height; return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return this.Height.GetHashCode() | this.Width.GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(Square x, Square y) { return x.Equals(y); } public static bool operator !=(Square x, Square y) { return !(x == y); } public static bool operator <(Square x, Square y) { return (x.CompareTo(y) < 0); } public static bool operator >(Square x, Square y) { return (x.CompareTo(y) > 0); } #region IComparable<Square> Members public int CompareTo(Square other) { long area1 = this.Height * this.Width; long area2 = other.Height * other.Width; if (area1 == area2) return 0; else if (area1 > area2) return 1; else if (area1 < area2) return -1; else return -1; } #endregion }
//示例3-2. 实现IComparable<T>接口,让类型可以排序 public class CompareHeight : IComparer<Square> { public int Compare(object firstSquare, object secondSquare) { Square square1 = firstSquare as Square; Square square2 = secondSquare as Square; if (square1 == null || square2 == null) throw (new ArgumentException("Both parameters must be of type Square.")); else return Compare(firstSquare, secondSquare); } #region IComparer<Square> Members public int Compare(Square x, Square y) { if (x.Height == y.Height) return 0; else if (x.Height > y.Height) return 1; else if (x.Height < y.Height) return -1; else return -1; } #endregion }
为了最好的表现效果,保持CompareTo方法的简洁,因为该方法会被Sort方法调用多次。例如,对一个拥有4个对象的数组排序,Compare方法将被调用10次。 |
示例3-3的TestSort方法演示了在Square类和CompareHeight类中怎样使用List<Square> 和SortedList<int,Square>实例。
//示例3-3. TestSort方法 public static void TestSort() { List<Square> listOfSquares = new List<Square>(){ new Square(1,3), new Square(4,3), new Square(2,1), new Square(6,1)}; // Test a List<String> Console.WriteLine("List<String>"); Console.WriteLine("Original list"); foreach (Square square in listOfSquares) { Console.WriteLine(square.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); IComparer<Square> heightCompare = new CompareHeight(); listOfSquares.Sort(heightCompare); Console.WriteLine("Sorted list using IComparer<Square>=heightCompare"); foreach (Square square in listOfSquares) { Console.WriteLine(square.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Sorted list using IComparable<Square>"); listOfSquares.Sort(); foreach (Square square in listOfSquares) { Console.WriteLine(square.ToString()); } // Test a SORTEDLIST var sortedListOfSquares = new SortedList<int, Square>(){ { 0, new Square(1,3)}, { 2, new Square(3,3)}, { 1, new Square(2,1)}, { 3, new Square(6,1)}}; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("SortedList<Square>"); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Square> kvp in sortedListOfSquares) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Key + " : " + kvp.Value); } }
Original list
Height:1 Width:3
Height:4 Width:3
Height:2 Width:1
Height:6 Width:1
Sorted list using IComparer<Square>=heightCompare
Height:1 Width:3
Height:2 Width:1
Height:4 Width:3
Height:6 Width:1
Sorted list using IComparable<Square>
Height:2 Width:1
Height:1 Width:3
Height:6 Width:1
Height:4 Width:3
0 : Height:1 Width:3
1 : Height:2 Width:1
2 : Height:3 Width:3
3 : Height:6 Width:1