• jar包冲突排解方法(sbt)




    addSbtPlugin("net.virtual-void" % "sbt-dependency-graph" % "0.9.2")


    Main Tasks
    dependencyTree: Shows an ASCII tree representation of the project's dependencies
    dependencyBrowseGraph: Opens a browser window with a visualization of the dependency graph (courtesy of graphlib-dot + dagre-d3).
    dependencyBrowseTree: Opens a browser window with a visualization of the dependency tree (courtesy of jstree).
    dependencyList: Shows a flat list of all transitive dependencies on the sbt console (sorted by organization and name)
    whatDependsOn <organization> <module> <revision>?: Find out what depends on an artifact. Shows a reverse dependency tree for the selected module. The <revision> argument is optional.
    dependencyLicenseInfo: show dependencies grouped by declared license
    dependencyStats: Shows a table with each module a row with (transitive) Jar sizes and number of dependencies
    dependencyGraphMl: Generates a .graphml file with the project's dependencies to target/dependencies-<config>.graphml. Use e.g. yEd to format the graph to your needs.
    dependencyDot: Generates a .dot file with the project's dependencies to target/dependencies-<config>.dot. Use graphviz to render it to your preferred graphic format.
    dependencyGraph: Shows an ASCII graph of the project's dependencies on the sbt console (only supported on sbt 0.13)
    ivyReport: Lets ivy generate the resolution report for you project. Use show ivyReport for the filename of the generated report





    whatDependsOn: 查看指定jar被哪些jar所依赖。使用方式:whatDependsOn <org> <module> <version>
       例如:whatDependsOn com.google.code.gson gson 2.8.0


    原文链接:jar包冲突排解方法(sbt) 转载请注明出处!



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/PerkinsZhu/p/9989188.html
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