• ASP.NET MVC4中的bundles特性引发服务器拒绝访问(403错误)

    在ASP.NET MVC4中微软引入了bundles特性,这个特性可以将服务器端的多个Javascript或多个css文件捆绑在一起作为一个单一的URL地址供客户端浏览器调用,从而减少了页面上Http请求的访问次数,增加页面的响应速度。本文不打算介绍MVC4中的bundles特性,如果需要了解,推荐可以查看下面这位博主的文章:

    在ASP.NET MVC中,使用Bundle来打包压缩js和css 

    本文要说的问题是当你使用bundles.Add方法添加StyleBundle和ScriptBundle对象的时候一定要注意,StyleBundle和ScriptBundle的构造函数的参数virtualPath指定的虚拟路径一定不能是当前ASP.NET项目中真实存在的一个文件夹路径,否则当你把你的站点部署到IIS上后,会发现MVC页面上用@Styles.Render和@Scripts.Render生成的url路径会被IIS拒绝,IIS提示 禁止访问 403错误。


    My MVC 4 application works fine on my local computer.

    However, the CSS files are not working after I publish (are not affecting the layout of the website).

    I can see CSS the files are on the server.

    When I look at the source code, I can see

    <link href="/Content/css?v=fxCdHAOgPDvcROxkMfEwGQggO9uCfzckN3PaN8BOIzI1" rel="stylesheet"/>

    where as on my local computer, the source code shows as

    <link href="/Content/css/myFile.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <link href="/Content/css/myFile02.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

    So, in the source code view on the server, I clicked on  Content/css?v=fxCdHAOgPDvcROxkMfEwGQggO9uCfzckN3PaN8BOIzI1 and the browser took me to a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

    I am adding the CSS files with the BunldeConfig.cs class

    public class BundleConfig
            // For more information on Bundling, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=254725
            public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
                bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/javascript").Include(
                bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

    My question is, assuming this isn't an IT issue with the server (it has been working fine until recently) is there something wrong with my code?


    Your problem is that you are using ~/Content/css as a bundle alias in new StyleBundle("~/Content/css"), while this path actually exists.

    So when you are requesting <link href="/Content/css?...> you are essentially asking for a directory listing and that is forbidden.

    Try using something else, like new StyleBundle("~/Content/styles").

    NOTE: If you do use something like ~/Content/styles as an alias you may have issues with relative urls in your .css files. It may seem odd, but you may better use something like ~/Content/Css/someAlias



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/OpenCoder/p/5180325.html
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