设计一个树型目录结构的文件系统,其根目录为 root,各分支可以是目录,也可以是文件,最后的叶子都是文件。
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct node //节点 { char *data; //文件名 int dir_file; //文件夹或者文本文件 struct node *first_child,*next_sibling; } tree; //多叉树 typedef struct //存放树节点的队列 { tree * data; int pre; } Box; typedef struct { Box data[100]; int front,rear; } Queue; Queue que; void height(tree *t) // 层序遍历 { tree *p = t,*q; que.data[0].data = p; que.data[0].pre = -1; que.front = -1; que.rear = 0; if(p->first_child == NULL) return ; while(que.front != que.rear) { que.front++; q = que.data[que.front].data->first_child; while(q != NULL) { que.rear++; que.data[que.rear].data = q; que.data[que.rear].pre = que.front; q = q->next_sibling; } } } tree *insertTree(char *ch, tree *parent, tree *pre_sibling,int judge) //插入节点 { tree *child = (tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree)); child->data = ch; child->dir_file = judge; if (parent != NULL) { parent->first_child = child; } if (pre_sibling != NULL) { pre_sibling->next_sibling = child; } child->first_child = NULL; child->next_sibling = NULL; return child; } tree *create() //创建头节点 { tree *root = (tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree)); root->data = "root"; root->dir_file = 1; root->first_child = NULL; root->next_sibling = NULL; return root; } void insert(Queue q,int index,int tj) //插入函数 { char *name; name = new char [10]; bool judge; if(q.data[index].data->dir_file == 0) //文本文件 { cout<<"the current file is "<<q.data[index].data->data<<endl; cout<<"input the name :"; cin>>name; cout<<"input "0":"; cin>>judge; tree *node = insertTree(name,NULL,q.data[index].data,judge); } else if(q.data[index].data->dir_file == 1 && tj == 1) //要在同一目录下创建另一文件 { cout<<"the current file is "<<q.data[index].data->data<<endl; cout<<"input the name :"; cin>>name; cout<<"if it is folder, input "1",else input "0":"; cin>>judge; tree *node = insertTree(name,NULL,q.data[index].data,judge); } else //在某一目录下创建文件 { cout<<"the current folder is "<<q.data[index].data->data<<endl; cout<<"input the name :"; cin>>name; cout<<"if it is folder, input "1",else input "0":"; cin>>judge; tree *node = insertTree(name,q.data[index].data,NULL,judge); } } int main() { int mark = 0; int num = 1; int tj = 0; int temp[100]; tree *root = create(); height(root); while(mark != -1) { cout<<"now is No."<<num<<",input the number of file(must be existed):"; cin>>num; cout<<"the same level(the first can't choose Yes) ? 1.Yes 2.No"<<endl; cin>>tj; if(tj == 1) tj = 1; else tj = 0; insert(que,num-1,tj); height(root); cout<<"Quit input -1 ,continue input 1 :"; cin>>mark; } for(int i = 1; i<=que.rear; i++) //打印路径 { int k = que.data[i].pre; int j = 0; while(k != -1) { temp[j] = k; j++; k = que.data[k].pre; } while(j > 0) { j--; cout<<"/"<<que.data[temp[j]].data->data; } cout<<"/"<<que.data[i].data->data<<endl; } }