• DFS栈实现 C代码





    1) v.d是第一次探索这个节点的时间,即把它从白色变成灰色的时候对v.d进行赋值。

    2) v.f是该结点的所有结点都被探索过后,即把它从灰色变为黑色的时候对v.f进行赋值。

    3) v.pi在入栈的时候赋值。


    #include <stdio.h>
    #define N 100
    typedef struct Vertex {
        int color;
        int pi;
        int d;
        int f;
        int index;//下标
    typedef struct Node{
        int index;//对应的结点的数组下标,相当于存储了该结点的指针
        struct Node *next;
    typedef struct List{
        Node *head;
    int stack[N];
    static int count = 0;
    int time=0;
    void DFS_V(List *Adj, Vertex *V, int n, int u);
    void DFS(List *Adj,Vertex *V,int n){
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
            V[i].color = 0;
            V[i].pi = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
            if (V[i].color == 0)
                DFS_V(Adj,V, n, i);
    void DFS_V(List *Adj, Vertex *V,int n, int u){
        stack[count++] = u;
        while (count){
            int v = stack[count - 1];
            if (V[v].color == 0){
                V[v].color = 1;
                V[v].d = time;
                Node *tmp = Adj[v].head;
                while (tmp){
                    if (V[tmp->index].color == 0)
                        stack[count++] = tmp->index;
                        V[tmp->index].pi = v;
                    tmp = tmp->next;
            else if (V[v].color==1){
                V[v].color = 2;
                V[v].f = time;
            else --count;
    void print(Vertex *v,int n){
        for (int i = 0; i <n; i++){
            printf("%d %d %d
    ", v[i].d, v[i].f,v[i].pi);
    void print_a(List *adj, int n){
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
            Node *tmp = adj[i].head;
            while (tmp){
                printf("%d", tmp->index);
                tmp = tmp->next;
    int main(){
        Vertex V[6];
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            V[i].index = i;
        List Adj[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        /*while (1){
            int u, v;
            cin >> u >> v;
            if (u < 0)
            Node tmp = { v, Adj[u].head };
            Adj[u].head = &tmp;
        Node n1 = { 2, 0 }, n2 = { 1, &n1 }, n11 = {4,&n2};
        Adj[0].head = &n11;
        Node n3 = { 0, 0 }, n4 = { 4, &n3 }, n5 = { 3, &n4 };
        Adj[1].head = &n5;
        Node n6 = { 0, 0 }, n7 = { 5, &n6 };
        Adj[2].head = &n7;
        Node n8 = { 1, 0 };
        Adj[3].head = &n8;
        Node n9 = { 1, 0 };
        Adj[4].head = &n9;
        Node n10 = { 2, 0 };
        Adj[5].head = &n10;
        print_a(Adj, 6);
        DFS(Adj, V, 6);
        print(V, 6);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Nastukashii/p/4428690.html
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