• [Luogu 3768]简单的数学题


    输入一个整数n和一个整数p,你需要求出$(sum_{i=1}^nsum_{j=1}^n ijgcd(i,j))~mod~p$,其中gcd(a,b)表示a与b的最大公约数。




    一行一个整数$(sum_{i=1}^nsum_{j=1}^n ijgcd(i,j))~mod~p$。

    Sample Input

    998244353 2000

    Sample Output



    对于20%的数据,$n leq 1000$。

    对于30%的数据,$n leq 5000$。

    对于60%的数据,$n leq 10^6$,时限1s。

    对于另外20%的数据,$n leq 10^9$,时限3s。

    对于最后20%的数据,$n leq 10^{10}$,时限6s。

    对于100%的数据,$5 imes 10^8 leq p leq 1.1 imes 10^9$且p为质数。


    题目要求 $$sum_{i=1}^nsum_{j=1}^n ijcdot gcd(i,j)$$

    提出 $gcd$ egin{aligned}&sum_{d=1}^ndsum_{i=1}^{n}sum_{j=1}^nij[gcd(i,j)=d]\=&sum_{d=1}^nd^3sum_{i=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{d} ight floor}sum_{j=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{d} ight floor}ij[gcd(i,j)=1]\=&sum_{d=1}^nd^3sum_{i=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{d} ight floor}sum_{j=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{d} ight floor}ijsum_{kmid gcd(i,j)}mu(k)\=&sum_{d=1}^nd^3sum_{k=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{d} ight floor}mu(k)k^2sum_{i=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{kd} ight floor}sum_{j=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{kd} ight floor}ijend{aligned}

    令 $F(x)=sumlimits_{i=1}^xi=frac{x(x+1)}{2}$ , $T=kd$ egin{aligned}Rightarrow&sum_{d=1}^nd^3sum_{k=1}^{leftlfloorfrac{n}{d} ight floor}mu(k)k^2F^2left(frac{n}{kd} ight)\=&sum_{T=1}^nF^2left(frac{n}{T} ight)sum_{dmid T}d^3left(frac{T}{d} ight)^2muleft(frac{T}{d} ight)\=&sum_{T=1}^nF^2left(frac{n}{T} ight)T^2sum_{dmid T}dcdotmuleft(frac{T}{d} ight)end{aligned}

    前面的很好处理,但那个狄利克雷卷积是什么鬼...我们把它拎出来调教一下: $$sum_{dmid T}dcdotmuleft(frac{T}{d} ight)$$

    这个形式似乎不好看,我们让它女装变个样子: $$sum_{dmid T}frac{T}{d}cdotmu(d)=Tsum_{dmid T}frac{mu(d)}{d}$$

    这玩意不就是 $varphi(T)$ 么。带入原柿 $$sum_{T=1}^nF^2left(frac{n}{T} ight)T^2varphi(T)$$

    现在就好搞♂了,美滋滋。记 $f(T)=T^2varphi(T)$ 显然他是个积性函数,可以杜教筛了。

    考虑求 $S(n)=sumlimits_{i=1}^nf(i)$

    上述式子 $$g(1)S(n)=sum_{i=1}^n(g*f)(i)-sum_{i=2}^ng(i)Sleft(leftlfloorfrac{n}{i} ight floor ight)$$

    考虑到 $sumlimits_{dmid n}varphi(d)=n$ ,又由于 $(g*f)(n)=sumlimits_{dmid n}varphi(d)d^2cdot gleft(frac{n}{d} ight)$ 。我们考虑让 $g(n)=id^2(n)$ ,那么 $(id*f)(n)=sumlimits_{dmid n}n^2cdotvarphi(d)=n^3$ 。由于 $sumlimits_{i=1}^ni^3=frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4}=left(frac{n(n+1)}{2} ight)^2=F^2(n)$ 。显然这个卷积的前缀为 $sumlimits_{i=1}^n(g*f)(i)=F^2(n)$ 。

    故对于 $f$ $$S(n)=F^2(n)-sum_{i=2}^ni^2cdot Sleft(leftlfloorfrac{n}{i} ight floor ight)$$

    由公式 $sumlimits_{i=1}^ni^2=frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$ 现在整个柿子都好算了。

     1 //It is made by Awson on 2018.1.25
     2 #include <set>
     3 #include <map>
     4 #include <cmath>
     5 #include <ctime>
     6 #include <queue>
     7 #include <stack>
     8 #include <cstdio>
     9 #include <string>
    10 #include <vector>
    11 #include <cstdlib>
    12 #include <cstring>
    13 #include <iostream>
    14 #include <algorithm>
    15 #define LL long long
    16 #define Abs(a) ((a) < 0 ? (-(a)) : (a))
    17 #define Max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
    18 #define Min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
    19 #define Swap(a, b) ((a) ^= (b), (b) ^= (a), (a) ^= (b))
    20 #define writeln(x) (write(x), putchar('
    21 #define lowbit(x) ((x)&(-(x)))
    22 using namespace std;
    23 const int N = 2333333;
    24 void read(LL &x) {
    25     char ch; bool flag = 0;
    26     for (ch = getchar(); !isdigit(ch) && ((flag |= (ch == '-')) || 1); ch = getchar());
    27     for (x = 0; isdigit(ch); x = (x<<1)+(x<<3)+ch-48, ch = getchar());
    28     x *= 1-2*flag;
    29 }
    30 void write(LL x) {
    31     if (x > 9) write(x/10);
    32     putchar(x%10+48);
    33 }
    35 LL n, p, phi[N+5], inv2, inv6;
    36 LL prime[N+5], isprime[N+5], tot;
    37 map<LL,LL>mp;
    39 LL quick_pow(LL a, LL b) {
    40     LL ans = 1; a %= p;
    41     while (b) {
    42     if (b&1) ans = ans*a%p;
    43     a = a*a%p; b >>= 1;
    44     }
    45     return ans;
    46 }
    47 void get_pre() {
    48     memset(isprime, 1, sizeof(isprime)); isprime[1] = 0, phi[1] = 1;
    49     for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
    50     if (isprime[i]) prime[++tot] = i, phi[i] = 1ll*(i-1)*i%p*i%p;
    51     for (int j = 1; j <= tot && i*prime[j] <= N; j++) {
    52         isprime[i*prime[j]] = 0;
    53         if (i%prime[j]) phi[i*prime[j]] = phi[i]*(prime[j]-1)%p*prime[j]%p*prime[j]%p;
    54         else {phi[i*prime[j]] = phi[i]*prime[j]%p*prime[j]%p*prime[j]%p; break; }
    55     }
    56     (phi[i] += phi[i-1]) %= p;
    57     }
    58 }
    59 LL sum(LL n) {n %= p; return n*(n+1)%p*inv2%p; }
    60 LL sum2(LL n) {n %= p; return n*(n+1)%p*(n*2+1)%p*inv6%p; }
    61 LL get_phi(LL n) {
    62     if (n <= N) return phi[n];
    63     if (mp.count(n)) return mp[n];
    64     LL ans = sum(n)*sum(n)%p;
    65     for (LL i = 2, last; i <= n; i = last+1) {
    66     last = n/(n/i); (ans -= get_phi(n/i)*((sum2(last)-sum2(i-1))%p)%p) %= p;
    67     }
    68     return mp[n] = ans;
    69 }
    70 void work() {
    71     read(p), read(n); get_pre(); inv2 = quick_pow(2, p-2), inv6 = quick_pow(6, p-2); LL ans = 0;
    72     for (LL i = 1, last; i <= n; i = last+1) {
    73     last = n/(n/i); LL s = sum(n/i);
    74     (ans += s*s%p*((get_phi(last)-get_phi(i-1))%p)%p) %= p;
    75     }
    76     writeln((ans+p)%p);
    77 }
    78 int main() {
    79     work();
    80     return 0;
    81 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/NaVi-Awson/p/8351620.html
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