Configuring Relationships with the Fluent API
在EFCodeFirst Entity类写完后, 关系代码写在DBConetx类文件中
1对0/1对1关系----Configuring a Required-to-Optional Relationship (One-to–Zero-or-One)
下代码分别: 配置主键; 配置主键及外键
// Configure the primary key for the OfficeAssignment modelBuilder.Entity<OfficeAssignment>() .HasKey(t => t.InstructorID); // Map one-to-zero or one relationship modelBuilder.Entity<OfficeAssignment>() .HasRequired(t => t.Instructor) .WithOptional(t => t.OfficeAssignment);
1对1关系----Configuring a Relationship Where Both Ends Are Required (One-to-One)
个人理解:双向关联,但不确定这里的 Required/Optianal 是什么意思
HasRequired --- WithRequiredPrincipa or WithRequiredDependent (both ends of the relationship are required)
HasOptianal --- WithOptionalPrincipal or WithOptionalDependent (both ends of the relationship are required)
// Configure the primary key for the OfficeAssignment modelBuilder.Entity<OfficeAssignment>() .HasKey(t => t.InstructorID); modelBuilder.Entity<Instructor>() .HasRequired(t => t.OfficeAssignment) .WithRequiredPrincipal(t => t.Instructor);
多对多----Configuring a Many-to-Many Relationship
文中说明:CourseInstructor table is created with Course_CourseID and Instructor_InstructorID columns
modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasMany(t => t.Instructors) .WithMany(t => t.Courses)
文中说明:generates the CourseInstructor table with CourseID and InstructorID columns
modelBuilder.Entity<Course>() .HasMany(t => t.Instructors) .WithMany(t => t.Courses) .Map(m => { m.ToTable("CourseInstructor"); m.MapLeftKey("CourseID"); m.MapRightKey("InstructorID"); });
配置导航属性----Configuring a Relationship with One Navigation Property
区别: 与配置一相比,少了WitOptional(t=>tofficeAssignment)
与配置二相比,WithRequiredPrincipal() 中少了t => t.Instructor
官方说明:if want a one-to-one relationship between Instructor and OfficeAssignment, where you have a navigation property on only the Instructor type
// Configure the primary Key for the OfficeAssignment modelBuilder.Entity<OfficeAssignment>() .HasKey(t => t.InstructorID); modelBuilder.Entity<Instructor>() .HasRequired(t => t.OfficeAssignment) .WithRequiredPrincipal();
级联删除----Cascade Delete