• 家庭作业有益吗?

    What are the pros and cons of homework? Is it beneficial? From dioramas to book reports, and algebraic word problems to research projects, the type and amount of homework given to students has been debated for over a century.

    • pros 优点
    • cons 缺点
    • beneficial 有利、利于
    • dioramas 立体模型
    • report 报告
    • algebraic 代数的
    • problem 问题
    • search 搜索
    • research 研究
    • probject 对象
    • amount 数量
    • debate 辩论、争论
    • century 世纪
    • 翻译:做家务有什么好处和坏处? 有好处吗? 从立体模型到读书报告,从代数单词问题到研究项目,给学生的家庭作业的类型和数量已经争论了一个多世纪。

    In the early 1900s, progressive education theorists decried homework’s negative impact on children’s physical and mental health, leading California to ban homework for students under 15. Public opinion swayed in favor of homework in the 1950s due to concerns about keeping up with the Soviet Union’s technological advances.

    • progressive 进步
    • education 教育
    • theorists 理论家
    • decried 谴责
    • negative 消极的
    • impact 影响
    • physical 身体的、物理
    • mental 心理、精神的
    • leading 领导、主导
    • public 公众、公共、公开
    • opinion 观点
    • sway 摇摆
    • favor 青睐
    • due 到期的
    • concern 关心、关注、忧虑
    • keeping up 紧跟、赶上
    • technological 技术的、技术性
    • advance 进步、提前、推进、前进、促进
    • 翻译:1900 年代初期,进步教育理论家谴责家庭作业对儿童身心健康的负面影响,导致加州禁止 15 岁以下学生做家庭作业。 由于担心跟不上苏联的技术,公众舆论在 1950 年代支持家庭作业,推进技术发展。

    Today, kindergarten to fifth graders have an average of 2.9 hours of homework per week, sixth to eighth graders have 3.2 hours per teacher, and ninth to twelfth graders have 3.5 hours per teacher, meaning a high school student with five teachers could have 17.5 hours of homework a week.Teenagers now spend about twice as much time on homework each day as compared to teens in the 1990s.

    • kindergarten 幼儿园
    • grade 年级、等级
      • graders 评分员
    • per 每
    • meaning 意义
    • high school 中学
    • could 可以
    • teenager 青少年
    • twice 两次
      • twice as much 两倍
    • each 每个
      • each day 每天
      • each year 每年
    • compared 比较、相比
    • 翻译:今天,幼儿园到五年级学生每周平均有 2.9 小时的家庭作业,六年级到八年级学生每个老师有 3.2 小时,九到十二年级学生每个老师有 3.5 小时,这意味着一个有五名老师的高中学生可能有 17.5 小时 一周的家庭作业。与 1990 年代的青少年相比,现在的青少年每天花在家庭作业上的时间大约是其两倍。

    Proponents of homework say that it improves student achievement and allows for independent learning of classroom and life skills. They also say that homework gives parents the opportunity to monitor their child’s learning and see how they are progressing academically.

    • proponent 支持者
    • improve 提高
    • achievement 成就、成果、成绩
    • allow 允许
    • independent 独立的
    • life 生活
    • skill 技能、技术、技巧
    • parent 父母
    • opportunity 机会、机遇、时机
    • monitor 监控、监测、监视器
    • progress 进步、进展
    • academically 学术上
    • 翻译:家庭作业的支持者说,它提高了学生的成绩,并允许独立学习课堂和生活技能。 他们还说,家庭作业让父母有机会监督孩子的学习情况,并了解他们在学业上的进步。

    Opponents of homework say that too much may be harmful for students as it can increase stress, reduce leisure and sleep time, and lead to cheating. They also say that it widens social inequality and is not proven to be beneficial for younger children.

    • opponent 对手
    • harmful 有害、不良
    • increase 增加、提高
    • stress 压力
    • reduce 减少
    • leisure 闲暇
    • lead 带领、引导
    • cheat 作弊、欺骗
    • widen 扩大、加宽
    • social 社会的
    • inequality 不等式
      • equal 等于
    • proven 证明
    • beneficial 有利、利于
    • 翻译:家庭作业的反对者说,过多的家庭作业可能对学生有害,因为它会增加压力,减少休闲和睡眠时间,并导致作弊。 他们还说,它扩大了社会不平等,并没有证明对年幼的孩子有益。

    Is Homework Beneficial?


    Homework improves student achievement.

    Studies show that homework improves student achievement in terms of improved grades, test results, and the likelihood to attend college.

    • improve 提升、提高、改善
    • achievement 成就
    • show 表演、显示
      • studies show 研究表明
    • term 学期
      • terms 条款
    • grade 年级、等级
      • grades 成绩
    • result 结果
    • likelihood 可能性
    • attend 参加、出席
    • college 大学、学院
    • 翻译:研究表明,家庭作业可以提高学生在考试成绩和上大学可能性方面的成绩。

    Research published in the High School Journal indicates that students who spent between 31 and 90 minutes each day on homework “scored about 40 points higher on the SAT-Mathematics subtest than their peers, who reported spending no time on homework each day, on average.”

    • research 研究
      • researcher 研究员
    • published 发表
      • published in 出版于
    • indicate 表明
    • score 分数、评分、得分、比分
    • point 点、观点、指出
    • higher 更高、高等
    • subtest 分测验、子测验
    • peer 同行
      • peers 同龄人
    • reported 报道
      • reporter 记者
    • 翻译:发表在《高中杂志》上的研究表明,每天花31到90分钟做作业的学生"在SAT-数学分考中得分比同龄人高40分左右,他们报告说平均每天没有时间做作业。

    On both standardized tests and grades, students in classes that were assigned homework outperformed 69% of students who didn’t have homework.A majority of studies on homework’s impact – 64% in one meta-study and 72% in another – showed that take home assignments were effective at improving academic achievement.

    • standardized 标准化
    • grades 成绩
      • grade 年级
    • assign 分配、指定
    • outperform 胜过
    • majority 多数
      • majority of 大部分
    • impact 影响
    • assignment 任务、分配
    • effective 有效的
    • improve 提升、改善、改进
    • academic 学术的、学者
    • achievement 成就、成果、成绩
    • 翻译:在标准化测试和成绩上,被分配了家庭作业的班级的学生比69%没有家庭作业的学生表现更好。大多数关于家庭作业影响的研究——一项元研究中的64%,另一项元研究中的72%——表明,在家布置作业能有效提高学习成绩。

    Research by the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) concluded that increased homework led to better GPAs and higher probability of college attendance for high school boys. In fact, boys who attended college did more than three hours of additional homework per week in high school.

    • institute 研究所、学院
    • labor 劳动
    • conclude 得出结论、总结
    • increase 增加、增长
    • better 更好的
    • probability 可能性
    • college 大学、学院
    • In fact 实际上
    • attendance 出勤率
      • attend 参加、出席
    • additional 额外的、另外的
    • 翻译:劳动研究所 (IZA) 的研究得出结论,增加家庭作业可以提高高中男生的 GPA 和上大学的可能性。 事实上,上过大学的男孩在高中时每周要多做三个多小时的额外作业。
    • 请支持正版,文章都是免费。防侵权,原作者博客MrFlySand


    Too much homework can be harmful.

    A poll of high school students in California found that 59% thought they had too much homework. 82% of respondents said that they were “often or always stressed by school work.”

    • harmful 有害
    • a poll 民意调查
      • poll 投票
    • though 尽管、虽然
    • respondent 受访者
    • stress 压力
    • 翻译:一项针对加州高中生的民意调查发现,59% 的人认为他们的家庭作业太多。 82% 的受访者表示,他们“经常或总是因学校作业而感到压力”。

    Alfie Kohn, an education and parenting expert, said, “Kids should have a chance to just be kids and do things they enjoy, particularly after spending six hours a day in school. After all, we adults need time just to chill out; it’s absurd to insist that children must be engaged in constructive activities right up until their heads hit the pillow.”

    • parent 父母
      • parenting 育儿
    • expert 专家
    • chance 机会、偶然
    • thing 事物
    • enjoy 享受、享有
    • particular 特定
      • particularly 特别、尤其
      • particularity 特殊性
      • particulars 细节
    • after all 毕竟、终究
    • adult 成人
    • chill 寒意
      • chill out 冷静下来
    • absurd 荒诞、荒谬、荒唐
    • insist 坚持
    • engage 从事, 聘请, 经营, 聘用, 雇用
      • engaged in 从事
      • engaged 已订婚的
    • constructive 建设性的
    • activity 活动
    • until 直到
    • hit 打、击中
    • pillow 枕头
    • 翻译:教育和育儿专家阿尔菲·科恩(Alfie Kohn)说,“孩子们应该有机会做自己喜欢的事情,尤其是在每天花6个小时上学之后。毕竟,我们成年人只需要时间冷静下来;坚持孩子必须一直从事建设性的活动,直到他们的头撞到枕头,这是荒谬的。”

    High-achieving high school students say too much homework leads to sleep deprivation and other health problems such as headaches, exhaustion, weight loss, and stomach problems.

    • High-achieving 成绩优异
    • achieve 达到、实现
    • lead 带领、领导;线
      • leads 线索
      • leads to 导致
    • deprivation 剥夺
    • such 这样的
    • such as 如
    • headache 头痛
    • exhaustion 精疲力竭
    • weight 重量
      • weight loss 减肥
      • weight loss pills 减肥药
      • weight gain 体重增加
    • stomach 胃、胃肠
    • 翻译:成绩优异的高中生表示,过多的家庭作业会导致睡眠不足和其他健康问题,例如头痛、疲惫、体重减轻和胃病。

    Excessive homework leads to cheating: 90% of middle school students and 67% of high school students admit to copying someone else’s homework, and 43% of college students engaged in “unauthorized collaboration” on out-of-class assignments. Even parents take shortcuts on homework: 43% of those surveyed admitted to having completed a child’s assignment for them.

    • excess 过量的、过剩
      • excessive 过多的
    • cheat 作弊、欺骗
    • middle 中间
      • middle school 中学
      • high school 高中
    • admit 承认、接纳、录取
      • admitted 被录取
      • admit to 承认
      • admit to hospital 入院
      • admit to school 入学
    • else's 别人的
    • college 大学
    • engaged 已订婚的
      • engaged in 从事...
      • engaged in trade 从事贸易
      • engaged in computer 从事电脑
    • unauthorized 未经授权
    • collaboration 合作
    • out-of-class 课外
    • assignment 任务、分配
      • assignments 作业
    • shortcut 捷径
    • survey 调查、测量、民意调查
    • completed 完全的
    • 翻译:作业过多导致作弊:90% 的中学生和 67% 的高中生承认抄袭别人的作业,43% 的大学生在课外作业中从事“未经授权的合作”。 甚至父母在家庭作业上也走捷径:43% 的受访者承认已经完成了孩子的作业。


    Homework helps to reinforce learning and develop good study habits and life skills.

    • reinforce 加强
    • develop 开发、研制、开展
    • habit 习惯
    • 翻译:家庭作业有助于加强学习,培养良好的学习习惯和生活技能。

    Everyone knows that practice makes perfect. Students typically retain only 50% of the information teachers provide in class, and they need to apply that information in order to truly learn it.

    • make 制作; 使、让、使得
    • perfect 完美的、完善、健全
    • typically 通常
    • retain 保持、保留、持有
    • information 信息、消息、情报
    • provide 提供
    • apply 应用、申请、运用、使用
    • order 订购、责令、指令;命令、顺序
    • truly 真的、真正
    • 翻译:每个人都知道,熟能生巧。 学生通常只保留教师在课堂上提供的信息的 50%,他们需要应用这些信息才能真正学习它。

    Homework helps students to develop key skills that they’ll use throughout their lives, such as accountability, autonomy, discipline, time management, self-direction, critical thinking, and independent problem-solving.

    • skill 技能
    • throughout 始终、各处
    • accountability 问责制
    • autonomy 自治
    • discipline 学科、纪律
    • management 管理
    • direction 方向、指导
      • self-direction 自我指导
    • critical 危急、临界、严重、危急
    • thinking 思维、思想、思路、思索
    • independent 独立的、单独的
    • solve 解决
    • 翻译:家庭作业帮助学生培养他们将终生使用的关键技能,例如问责制、自主权、纪律、时间管理、自我指导、批判性思维和独立解决问题的能力。

    A study of elementary school students who were taught “strategies to organize and complete homework,” such as prioritizing homework activities, collecting study materials, note-taking, and following directions, showed increased grades and positive comments on report cards.

    • element 元素、元件
    • elementary 初级
    • teach 教、教导、教授、传授
      • taught 教过
    • strategy 战略
    • organize 组织
    • complete 完全的、完整、齐全;完成、完毕
    • prioritize 优先
    • activity 活动、行为
    • collecting 收集
    • material 材料
    • note-taking 做笔记
    • follow 跟随、遵循、追随
    • direction 方向、指导
    • show 显示、表明、表示、演出
    • increase 增加、提高、增长
    • grade 年级、等级
    • positive 积极的、正面
    • comment 评论、注解、注释
    • 翻译:一项针对被教授“组织和完成家庭作业的策略”的小学生的研究,例如优先考虑家庭作业活动、收集学习材料、记笔记和遵循指示,结果显示成绩提高,成绩单上得到了积极的评价。

    Research by the City University of New York noted that “students who engage in self-regulatory processes while completing homework,” such as goal-setting, time management, and remaining focused, “are generally more motivated and are higher achievers than those who do not use these processes.”

    • noted 著名的

    • engage 从事、经营、聘请

    • regulatory 监管

      • self-regulatory 自律
    • process 过程、进程;处理

      • processes 流程
    • complete 完成、完全、齐全;完整、完毕

    • goal 目标、目的、球门

      • goal-setting 目标设定
    • remain 保持、停留

      • remaining 其余的
    • focus 重点;集中

    • remaining focused 保持专注

    • generally 通常、一般来说

    • motivate 激励、刺激

    • achiever 成就者

    • 翻译:纽约城市大学的研究表明,"在完成家庭作业时进行自我监管过程的学生,如目标设定、时间管理和保持专注,"通常比不使用这些流程的学生更有动力,成就更高。

    • 请支持正版,文章都是免费。防侵权,原作者博客MrFlySand


    Homework disadvantages low-income students.

    • disadvantage 坏处
      • disadvantages 缺点
    • income 收入、所得、收益
      • low-income 低收入
    • 翻译:家庭作业对低收入学生不利。

    41% of US kids live in low-income families, which are less likely to have access to the resources needed to complete homework, such as pens and paper, a computer, internet access, a quiet work space, and a parent at home to help.They are also more likely to have to work after school and on weekends, or look after younger siblings, leaving less time for homework.

    • families 家庭
    • less 较少的
      • lesson 课、教训、课时
    • likely 容易、或许;合适
      • likely to 可能
    • access 访问;存取、通路、进接
    • resource 资源、办法
    • paper 纸、论文
    • quiet 安静、平静
      • quite 相当、比较
    • space 空间、间隙
    • sibling 兄弟、姐妹
    • leav 离开
      • leavs 树叶
      • leaving 离开
    • 翻译:41% 的美国孩子生活在低收入家庭,他们不太可能获得完成家庭作业所需的资源,例如笔和纸、电脑、互联网接入、安静的工作空间以及在家的父母 帮助。他们也更有可能在放学后和周末工作,或照顾弟弟妹妹,留给家庭作业的时间更少。

    A study by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation found that 96.5% of students across the country said they needed to use the internet for class assignments outside of school, and nearly half reported there had been times they were unable to complete their homework due to lack of access to the internet or a computer, sometimes resulting in lower grades.

    • across 穿过
    • country 国家、乡村
    • assignment 分配、任务、分派
      • assignments 作业
    • outside 外部、以外、表面的
    • nearly 几乎、将近、差不多
    • half 一半
    • reported 报道
    • unable 无法
      • unable to 不能
    • lack 缺乏、缺少
      • lacking 不足、贫乏
    • lacking 结果、成果、效果、成绩
      • resulting 结果
    • lower 降低、放低
    • grades 成绩
    • 翻译:西班牙裔传统基金会的一项研究发现,全国96.5%的学生表示,他们需要使用互联网进行校外课堂作业,近一半的学生报告说,他们有时因为无法上网或电脑而无法完成作业,有时导致成绩下降。

    Private tutoring is a more than $6 billion enterprise that further advantages students from wealthier families. A study published in the International Journal of Education and Social Science concluded that homework increases social inequality because it “potentially serves as a mechanism to further advantage those students who already experience some privilege in the school system while further disadvantaging those who may already be in a marginalized position.”

    • private 私人的、私营、私有的、私立的
    • coach 教练、辅导
      • tutoring 辅导
    • billion billion
    • enterprise 企业
    • further 更多;进一步;促进
    • advantage 优势、优点
      • advantages 好处
    • wealthy 富裕、富有、有钱
      • wealthier 更富有
    • families 家庭
      • family 家庭、家庭、家人
    • published 发表
      • published in 出版于
      • published on 发表于
      • published by 由...出版
    • international 国际的
    • journal 杂志
      • journalist 记者
    • social 社会的
    • science 科学、理科、学术
    • conclude 总结、得出结论
      • concluded that 得出的结论是
      • concluded on 结束于
    • increases 增加、提高、增长
    • potentially 潜在地
    • serves 供应
      • serves as a 作为
      • serve 服务
    • mechanism 机制
    • further 更多、进一步
    • advantage 优势
    • already 已经;就
    • experience 经验;经历;阅历
    • privilege 特权
    • system 系统
    • disadvantage 坏处
      • disadvantaging 不利的
    • be in a 在一个
    • marginalized 边缘化
    • position 位置;定位;地位
    • 翻译:私人家教是一个超过60亿美元的企业,进一步的优势来自富裕家庭的学生。发表在《国际教育和社会科学杂志》上的一项研究得出结论认为,家庭作业加剧了社会不平等,因为它"有可能成为进一步有利于那些已经在学校系统中享有某种特权的学生的一种机制,同时进一步不利于那些可能已经处于边缘地位的学生。


    Homework allows parents to be involved with their child's learning.
    Thanks to take-home assignments, parents are able to track what their children are learning at school as well as their academic strengths and weaknesses.

    • to be 成为
    • involve 涉及、包括、包含、牵涉
    • take-home 带回家
    • assignment 任务;分配;分派
    • be able to 能够
    • track 追踪;轨道;
    • as well as 以及
    • academic 学术的、学者
    • strength 力量;强度;力量
      • strengths 优势
    • weakness 弱点
    • 翻译:家庭作业可以让父母参与到孩子的学习中。多亏了带回家的作业,父母能够跟踪孩子在学校的学习情况以及他们的学业优势和劣势。

    Data from a nationwide sample of elementary school students show that parental involvement in homework can improve class performance, especially among economically disadvantaged African-American and Hispanic students.

    • nationwide 全国
    • sample 样本;样品;
    • elementary 初级
    • involvement 参与;涉及
    • improve 提升;改善;改进
    • performance 表现;性能
    • especially 特别;尤其
    • among 之中
    • economically 经济上
    • disadvantage 坏处、
      • disadvantaged 处于不利地位
    • 翻译:来自全国小学生样本的数据表明,家长参与家庭作业可以提高课堂表现,尤其是在经济上处于不利地位的非裔美国人和西班牙裔学生中。

    Research from Johns Hopkins University found that an interactive homework process known as TIPS (Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork) improves student achievement: “Students in the TIPS group earned significantly higher report card grades after 18 weeks (1 TIPS assignment per week) than did non-TIPS students.”

    • interactive 交互的;互动的
    • process 过程;处理
    • known as 被称为
    • involve 涉及、包括、包含
    • earn 赚;挣;赚得
      • earned 赚了
    • significantly 显着地
      • significant 重大;重要;意义
      • significance 意义;重要性
    • assignment 任务
    • non- 非;不
    • 翻译:约翰霍普金斯大学的研究发现,一个名为TIPS(教师让家长参与学校作业)的互动作业过程提高了学生的成绩:"TIPS小组的学生在18周后(每周1次TIPS作业)的成绩明显高于非TIPS学生。

    Homework can also help clue parents in to the existence of any learning disabilities their children may have, allowing them to get help and adjust learning strategies as needed. Duke University professor Harris Cooper, PhD, noted, “Two parents once told me they refused to believe their child had a learning disability until homework revealed it to them.”

    • clue 线索
    • existence 存在、生存、现有
    • disability 失能
      • disabilities 残疾
    • adjust 调整;调节
    • strategy 战略
      • strategies 策略
    • professor 教授
    • refused 拒绝
    • until 直到
    • reveal 提示、透露、表明
    • 翻译:家庭作业还可以帮助家长了解孩子可能存在的任何学习障碍,让他们能够根据需要获得帮助并调整学习策略。 杜克大学教授哈里斯·库珀博士指出:“有两位家长告诉我,他们拒绝相信他们的孩子有学习障碍,直到家庭作业告诉他们。”


    There is a lack of evidence that homework helps younger children.
    An article published in the Review of Educational Research reported that “in elementary school, homework had no association with achievement gains” when measured by standardized tests results or grades.

    • lack 缺少;缺乏
    • evidence 证据;表明
    • article 文章;条
    • published 发表
    • review 审查;评论
    • association 协会
    • achievement 成绩;成果;成果
    • gain 获得;取得;赢得
      • gains 收益
    • measure 措施;衡量、措施;测度;度量
      • measured 测量
    • standardize 标准化
    • result 结果;成果;效果
    • 翻译:没有证据表明家庭作业对年幼的孩子有帮助。发表在《教育研究评论》上的一篇文章报道称,以标准化考试结果或成绩衡量,“在小学,家庭作业与成绩提升无关”。

    Fourth grade students who did no homework got roughly the same score on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) math exam as those who did 30 minutes of homework a night. Students who did 45 minutes or more of homework a night actually did worse.

    • roughly 大致、大概
    • score 分数;比分、评分;得分
    • assessment 评估
    • progress 进步
    • actually 实际上
    • 翻译:不做家庭作业的四年级学生在全国教育进步评估 (NAEP) 数学考试中的分数与每晚做 30 分钟家庭作业的学生大致相同。 一个晚上做 45 分钟或更多家庭作业的学生实际上做得更糟。

    Temple University professor Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, PhD, says that homework is not the most effective tool for young learners to apply new information: “They’re learning way more important skills when they’re not doing their homework.”

    An entire elementary school district in Florida enacted a policy that replaced traditional homework with 20 minutes of reading each night – and students get to pick their reading material. A study by the University of Michigan found that reading for pleasure – but not homework – was “strongly associated with higher scores on all achievement tests” for children up to 12 years old.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MrFlySand/p/14968577.html
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