• 基于jquery实现图片拖动和曲线拖放

    此文章是基于  搭建Jquery+SpringMVC+Spring+Hibernate+MySQL平台


    一. Jquery插件介绍

      1. raphael-min.js       绘制曲线的Jquery插件,版本2.1.4

    二. 相关文件介绍

      1. dragDrop.jsp:主界面

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN">
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <%@ include file="/common/basePath.jsp"%>
        <link href="content/css/demo/dragDrop.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <div id="holder"></div>
        <div id="backImgDiv" style="left: 0px; top: 0px;" title="可移动">
            <img id="backImg" src="content/images/dragDrop/backImg.png"/>
        <div id="leftSideBar" style="z-index: 3;"> 
            <div id="leftSideBarContents">            
                <div id="leftSideBarContentsInner">                                        
                    <div id="dragLine" style="top:30px;left:15px;position:absolute;filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity:1;">
                        <img src="content/images/dragDrop/greenLine.png" />
            <span id="leftSideBarTab" style="cursor: pointer;position:absolute;top:20px;">
                <img id="leftSideBarImg" src="content/images/dragDrop/open.png" alt="工具栏" title="工具栏" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="content/js/jquery/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="content/js/core/utils.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="content/js/core/common.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="content/js/jquery-plugin/raphael/2.1.4/raphael-min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="viewModel/iot/dragDrop/moveDiv.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="viewModel/iot/dragDrop/dragDrop.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="viewModel/iot/dragDrop/curver.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="viewModel/iot/dragDrop/leftBar.js"></script>
    View Code

      2. moveDiv.js:实现图片的拖动功能

    isMoveBack = false;
    leftSpace = 0;
    topSpace = 0;
    point1Left = [];
    point1Top = [];
    divId = null;
        // 兼容火狐和IE
        if((e.target && e.target.id == 'backImg') ||
            (e.srcElement && e.srcElement.id == 'backImg') || 
                (e.target && e.target.parentElement && e.target.parentElement.id == 'holder')){ 
            divId = "backImgDiv";
            // 通知浏览器不要执行与事件关联的默认动作
                e.returnvalue = false;
            var backImgLeft = $('#'+divId).offset().left;
            var backImgTop = $('#'+divId).offset().top;
            leftSpace = e.clientX - backImgLeft;
            topSpace = e.clientY - backImgTop;
            if(("undefined" != typeof controls) && controls.length>0){
                for(var i=0;i<controls.length;i++){
                    point1Left[i] = e.clientX - controls[i][1].attr("cx");
                    point1Top[i] = e.clientY - controls[i][1].attr("cy");
            isMoveBack = true;    
        }else if(isMoveBack){
        }else if(isMoveBack){        
    function backImgOnmouseup(e){
        divId = null;
        isMoveBack = false;
    function backImgOnmousemove(e){
        if(divId == 'backImgDiv'){    
            $('#'+divId).offset({left:e.clientX - leftSpace, top:e.clientY - topSpace}); 
            if(("undefined" != typeof controls) && controls.length>0){
                for(var i=0;i<controls.length;i++){
                    controls[i][0].update(e.clientX - point1Left[i], e.clientY - point1Top[i], true);
    View Code

      3. dragDrop.js:实现曲线的拖放功能

    dragLine = new DragDrop("dragLine");
    // 随鼠标移动的DragDiv
    followDragDiv = null; 
    // 鼠标偏移DragDiv水平和垂直方向的距离
    mouseDivX = 0;  
    mouseDivY = 0;
    sideBarLeft = 0;
    sideBarTop = 0;
    isMoveLine = false;
    function DragDrop(divId){
            // 通知浏览器不要执行与事件关联的默认动作
                e.returnvalue = false;
            sideBarLeft = $('#leftSideBar').offset().left;
            sideBarTop = $('#leftSideBar').offset().top;
            var downPos = com.getMousePos(e);
            mouseDivX = downPos.x - this.offsetLeft - sideBarLeft;
            mouseDivY = downPos.y - this.offsetTop - sideBarTop;
            followDragDiv = document.createElement("div");
            followDragDiv.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;
            followDragDiv.style.width = this.offsetWidth;
            followDragDiv.style.height = this.offsetHeight;
            followDragDiv.style.left = this.offsetLeft + sideBarLeft + "px";
            followDragDiv.style.top = this.offsetTop + sideBarTop + "px";
            followDragDiv.style.zIndex = 3;
            followDragDiv.innerHTML = this.innerHTML;
            setOpacity(followDragDiv, 50);
            isMoveLine = true;
    function setOpacity(dragDiv, n){
        var ieVer = parseInt(com.getIeVersion());
        if (com.isIE && 5<ieVer && ieVer<10 ) {
            dragDiv.filters.alpha.opacity = n;
        } else {
            dragDiv.style.opacity = n / 100;
    function dragLineOnmouseup(e){
        isMoveLine = false;
        mouseDivX = 0;
        mouseDivY = 0;
        sideBarLeft = 0;
        sideBarTop = 0;
        followDragDiv.outerHTML = "";
        followDragDiv = null;
        var upPos = com.getMousePos(e);
        new Curver(upPos.x-(0.5*50), upPos.y, upPos.x-(0.5*50-20), upPos.y, upPos.x-(0.5*50-30), upPos.y, upPos.x-(0.5*50-50), upPos.y, "hsb(.3, .75, .75)", 0, 1);
    function dragLineOnmousemove(e){
        if (isMoveLine) {
            var movePos = com.getMousePos(e);
            var dragArea = { maxLeft: 0, maxRight: $(window)[0].innerWidth - $(followDragDiv).width(), maxTop: 0, maxBottom: $(window)[0].innerHeight - $(followDragDiv).height() };
            followDragDiv.style.left = Math.max(Math.min(movePos.x - mouseDivX, dragArea.maxRight), dragArea.maxLeft) + "px";
            followDragDiv.style.top = Math.max(Math.min(movePos.y - mouseDivY, dragArea.maxBottom), dragArea.maxTop) + "px";
    View Code

      4. curver.js:实现曲线的绘制功能

        controls = [];
        selectControlId = null;
        windowHeight = $(window)[0].innerHeight;
        windowWidth = $(window)[0].innerWidth;
        r = Raphael("holder", windowWidth, windowHeight);  
        discattrWhite = {fill: "#fff", stroke: "none"};
        discattrBlack = {fill: "#000", stroke: "none"};    
        windowHeight = $(window)[0].innerHeight;
        windowWidth = $(window)[0].innerWidth;
        r.setSize(windowWidth, windowHeight);
    function Curver(x, y, ax, ay, bx, by, zx, zy, color, startPoint, endPoint) {
        this.init = function () {
            var path = [["M", x, y], ["C", ax, ay, bx, by, zx, zy]],
                path2 = [["M", x, y], ["L", ax, ay], ["M", bx, by], ["L", zx, zy]];
            var posi = controls.length;
            controls[posi] = r.set(
                r.path(path2).attr({stroke: "#ccc", "stroke-dasharray": ". "}),
                r.circle(x, y, 5).attr(discattrBlack),
                r.circle(ax, ay, 5).attr(discattrWhite),
                r.circle(bx, by, 5).attr(discattrWhite),
                r.circle(zx, zy, 5).attr(discattrBlack),
                r.path(path).attr({stroke: color || Raphael.getColor(), "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-linecap": "round"})
            controls[posi][0].startPoint = startPoint;
            controls[posi][0].endPoint = endPoint;
            controls[posi][0].arrIndex = posi;
            controls[posi][0].update = function (x, y, isOffset) {
                    x = x - controls[this.arrIndex][1].attr("cx");
                    y = y - controls[this.arrIndex][1].attr("cy");
                controls[this.arrIndex][1].update(x, y);
                controls[this.arrIndex][4].update(x, y);
            controls[posi][1].arrIndex = posi;
            controls[posi][1].update = function (x, y) {
                var X = this.attr("cx") + x,
                    Y = this.attr("cy") + y;
                this.attr({cx: X, cy: Y});
                path[0][1] = X;
                path[0][2] = Y;
                path2[0][1] = X;
                path2[0][2] = Y;
                controls[this.arrIndex][2].update(x, y);
            controls[posi][2].arrIndex = posi;
            controls[posi][2].update = function (x, y) {
                var X = this.attr("cx") + x,
                    Y = this.attr("cy") + y;
                this.attr({cx: X, cy: Y});
                path[1][1] = X;
                path[1][2] = Y;
                path2[1][1] = X;
                path2[1][2] = Y;
                controls[this.arrIndex][5].attr({path: path});
                controls[this.arrIndex][0].attr({path: path2});
            controls[posi][3].arrIndex = posi;
            controls[posi][3].update = function (x, y) {
                var X = this.attr("cx") + x,
                    Y = this.attr("cy") + y;
                this.attr({cx: X, cy: Y});
                path[1][3] = X;
                path[1][4] = Y;
                path2[2][1] = X;
                path2[2][2] = Y;
                controls[this.arrIndex][5].attr({path: path});
                controls[this.arrIndex][0].attr({path: path2});
            controls[posi][4].arrIndex = posi;
            controls[posi][4].update = function (x, y) {
                var X = this.attr("cx") + x,
                    Y = this.attr("cy") + y;
                this.attr({cx: X, cy: Y});
                path[1][5] = X;
                path[1][6] = Y;
                path2[3][1] = X;
                path2[3][2] = Y;
                controls[this.arrIndex][3].update(x, y);
            controls[posi][5].arrIndex = posi;
            controls[posi][5].update = function (x, y) {
            controls[posi].drag(this.move, this.up, false);
                selectControlId = this.arrIndex;  
                this[0].style.cursor = 'pointer';
                this[0].style.cursor = 'default';
        this.move = function(dx, dy) {
            this.update(dx - (this.dx || 0), dy - (this.dy || 0));
            this.dx = dx;
            this.dy = dy;
        this.up = function() {
            this.dx = this.dy = 0;
    View Code

      5. leftBar.js:实现左边工具条的隐藏和显示

        $('#leftSideBar').css('top', $(window)[0].innerHeight/2 - $('#leftSideBarContents').height()/2);
        var leftSideBarStatus = 'close';
        $('#leftSideBarTab').click(function () {
                leftSideBarStatus = 'close';
                leftSideBarStatus = 'open';
            return false;
    function leftSideBarClose() {
        $('#leftSideBarImg')[0].src = 'content/images/dragDrop/open.png';
            left: '-90px'
        }, 300);
    function leftSideBarOpen() {
        $('#leftSideBarImg')[0].src = 'content/images/dragDrop/close.png';        
                left: '0px'
            }, 300);
    View Code

    三. 效果图: http://localhost:8080/ims/view/iot/dragDrop.jsp

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Mr-kevin/p/6056732.html
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