• oracle 用户对象权限

    drop user test cascade;
    create user test identified by test;
    grant create session to test;
    grant create any table to test;
    conn test/test;
    create table scott.test (id number);
    conn scott/tiger;
    insert into test values(888);
    select * from test;
    conn test/test;
    select * from scott.test;
    conn scott/tiger;
    grant select on test to test;
    conn test/test;
    select * from scott.test;
    conn scott/tiger;
    alter table test add(name varchar(10));
    select * from test;
    // 授予更新权限时可以更加细致地加到某一列上
    grant update(name) on test to test;
    conn test/test;
    update scott.test set name = '李四';
    update scott.test set id = '999'; // 失败

    conn sys as sysdba;
    drop user test1 cascade;
    drop user test2 cascade;
    create user test1 identified by test1;
    create user test2 identified by test2;
    grant create session to test1, test2;
    // 后面的选项表示可以级联授权
    grant select on scott.emp to test1 with grant option;
    conn test1/test1;
    select * from scott.emp;
    grant select on scott.emp to test2;
    conn test2/test2;
    select * from scott.emp;
    conn sys as sysdba;
    revoke select on scott.emp from test1;
    conn test2/test2;
    select * from scott.emp; //查不到了

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Mike_Chang/p/9275798.html
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