• Time Zones And Daylight Savings Time

    This page describes code for working with Time Zones and Daylight Savings Time. ShortFadeBar

    Neither VBA nor VB6 provides any native functions for working with Time Zones, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT, also called UTC), or Daylight Savings Time. To work with these values, you must use some Windows Application Programmatic Interface (API) functions. This page describes these API functions and how to use them in your VBA code.

    A NOTE OF CAUTION: Windows API functions are unforgiving. Any error, such as using the address of a variable rather than a value of the variable, may cause the entire Excel Application to crash immediately, and you will lose all of you unsaved work. Until you are compfortable with the various APIs, always save your work before running the code.

    Names And Abbreviations: Although the name for the time of a official atomic clock is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), we will use on this page and in the sample code, the term 'Greenwich Mean Time' or 'GMT'. 'GMT' and 'UTC' can be used interchangably. Daylight Savings Time is abbreviated 'DST' and Standard Time is abbreviated 'SST'.

    You can download a bas module file containing all the code discussed on this page.



    The core of all the functions presented on this pages is the API function GetTimeZoneInformation and the structure named TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION that the API function populates with data. You can learn much more about GetTimeZoneInformation and the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION on MSDN at GetTimeZoneInformation.


    Daylight Savings Time

    The return value of the GetTimeZoneInformation API function indicates whether the current date and time are in Daylight Time, Standard Time, or if Windows is unable to determine whether the time is in Daylight Time or Standard Times. The code is shown below:

        Function DaylightMode() As TIME_ZONE
        ' DaylightMode
        ' Returns a value indicating whether the current date is
        ' in Daylight Time, Standard Time, or that Windows cannot
        ' deterimine the time status. The result is a member or
        ' the TIME_ZONE enum.
        Dim DST As TIME_ZONE
        DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI)
        DaylightMode = DST
        End Function 

    The code uses the following Enum declaration to indicate Daylight Times.

        Public Enum TIME_ZONE
            TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID = 0    ' Cannot determine DST
            TIME_ZONE_STANDARD = 1      ' Standard Time, not Daylight
            TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT = 2      ' Daylight Time, not Standard
        End Enum


    Time Zones

    Time Zone information is retrieved with the API functions shown below. Since the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATIONstructure and the SYSTEMTIME structure are used by the API functions, they must be declared before theDeclare Function declarations. You code module should look like the following:

        Option Explicit
        Private Type SYSTEMTIME
            wYear As Integer
            wMonth As Integer
            wDayOfWeek As Integer
            wDay As Integer
            wHour As Integer
            wMinute As Integer
            wSecond As Integer
            wMilliseconds As Integer
        End Type
        ' NOTE: If you are using the Windows WinAPI Viewer Add-In to get
        ' function declarations, not that there is an error in the 
        ' TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. It defines StandardName and
        ' DaylightName As 32. This is fine if you have an Option Base
        ' directive to set the lower bound of arrays to 1. However, if 
        ' your Option Base directive is set to 0 or you have no 
        ' Option Base diretive, the code won't work. Instead,
        ' change the (32) to (0 To 31).
        Private Type TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
            Bias As Long
            StandardName(0 To 31) As Integer
            StandardDate As SYSTEMTIME
            StandardBias As Long
            DaylightName(0 TO 31) As Integer
            DaylightDate As SYSTEMTIME
            DaylightBias As Long
        End Type
        ' These give symbolic names to the time zone
        ' values returned by GetTimeZoneInformation .
        Private Enum TIME_ZONE
            TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID = 0        ' Cannot determine DST
            TIME_ZONE_STANDARD = 1          ' Standard Time, not Daylight
            TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT = 2          ' Daylight Time, not Standard
        End Enum
        Private Declare Function GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" _
            (lpTimeZoneInformation As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) As Long
        Private Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" _
            (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)

    Once these declarations are in place, we can move forward to the real code.


    Time Zone Information

    Time zone information is returned by the GetTimeZoneInformation function. You pass the function an instance of the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure and the function populates the fields of this structure. The return value of the function indicates whether the current time is within DST. The return value will be one of the values in the following Enum:

        Private Enum TIME_ZONE
            TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID = 0        ' Cannot determine DST
            TIME_ZONE_STANDARD = 1          ' Standard Time, not Daylight
            TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT = 2          ' Daylight Time, not Standard
        End Enum

    Using only the return value of GetTimeZoneInformation, you can determine whether the current date is within DST.

    Sub TestDST()
        Dim DST As TIME_ZONE
        DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI)
        Select Case DST
            Case TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID
                Debug.Print "Windows cannot determine DST."
            Case TIME_ZONE_STANDARD
                Debug.Print "Current date is in Standard Time"
            Case TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT
                Debug.Print "Current date is in Daylight Time"
            Case Else
                Debug.Print "**** ERROR: Unknown Result From GetTimeZoneInformation"
        End Select
    End Sub

    You can turn this into a fuctions such as shown below:

        Public Function IsDST() As Boolean
        ' IsDST
        ' Returns TRUE if the current data is within DST, FALSE
        ' if DST is not in effect or if Windows cannot determine
        ' DST setting.
            Application.Volatile True
            Dim DST As TIME_ZONE
            DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI)
            IsDST = (DST = TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT)
        End Function

    The GetTimeZoneInformation function and the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure elements provide much more information besides just the current time zone. First, it returns the name of the Standard Time Zone and the Daylight Time Zone. These values do not depend on whether the current time is within DST. The StandardName and DaylightName values are not String type variables. Instead, they are arrays of integers that can be translated to a string. The following function takes in an array of integers and returns a String based on those integer values in the array.

        Function IntArrayToString(V As Variant) As String
            Dim N As Long
            Dim S As String
            For N = LBound(V) To UBound(V)
                S = S & Chr(V(N))
            Next N
            IntArrayToString = S
        End Function

    You can use this function like:

        Sub AAA()
            Dim DST As TIME_ZONE
            Dim StandardName As String
            DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI)
            StandardName = IntArrayToString(TZI.StandardName)
            Debug.Print StandardName
        End Sub

    This same method can be used with DaylightName.

    The following fucntions convert Local Time to GMT and GMT to Local Time.

    Convert Local Time To GMT

        Function ConvertLocalToGMT(Optional LocalTime As Date) As Date
        ' ConvertLocalToGMT
        ' This function returns the GMT based on LocalTime, if provided.
        ' If LocalTime is not equal to 0, the GMT corresponding to LocalTime
        ' is returned. If LocalTime is 0, the GMT corresponding to the local
        ' time is returned. Since GMT isn't affected by DST, we need to
        ' subtract 1 hour if we are presently in GMT.
        Dim T As Date
        Dim DST As TIME_ZONE
        Dim GMT As Date
        If LocalTime <= 0 Then
            T = Now
            T = StartTime
        End If
        DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI)
        GMT = T + TimeSerial(0, TZI.Bias, 0) - IIf(DST = TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT, TimeSerial(1, 0, 0), 0)
        ConvertLocalToGMT = GMT
        End Function

    Convert GMT To Local Time

        Function GetLocalTimeFromGMT(Optional GMTTime As Date) As Date
        ' GetLocalTimeFromGMT
        ' This returns the Local Time from a GMT time. If GMTTime is present and
        ' greater than 0, it is assumed to be the GMT from which we will calculate
        ' Local Time. If GMTTime is 0 or omitted, it is assumed to be the GMT
        ' time.
        Dim GMT As Date
        Dim DST As TIME_ZONE
        Dim LocalTime As Date
        If StartTime <= 0 Then
            GMT = Now
            GMT = GMTTime
        End If
        DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI)
        LocalTime = GMT - TimeSerial(0, TZI.Bias, 0) + IIf(DST = TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT, TimeSerial(1, 0, 0), 0)
        GetLocalTimeFromGMT = LocalTime
        End Function

    Difference Between GMT And Local Time

    The function below returns the number of hours or minutes that are to be added to the local time to get a GMT time. Normally, this can be done very simply with the Bias member of TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. The function below does that but then adjusts for DST if the AdjustForDST parameter is True. If AdjustForDST is False or omitted, no DST conversion is performed. For example, the absolute difference between local time in Chicago is 6 hours behind London. If we are not in DST, the result is either 360 (if AsHours is False) or 6 (if AsHours is True). If we are presently in DST, and AdjustForDST is True, the result is 300 (if AsHours is True) or 5 (if AsHours is True). IfAdjustForDST is True, the difference is the same as if we are not in DST. To convert in the opposite direction (GMT Offst To Local) simply multiply the result of this function.

    Function LocalOffsetFromGMT(Optional AsHours As Boolean = False, _
        Optional AdjustForDST As Boolean = False) As Double
    ' LocalOffsetFromGMT
    ' This returns the amount of time in minutes (if AsHours is omitted or
    ' false) or hours (if AsHours is True) that should be *added* to the
    ' local time to get GMT. If AdjustForDST is missing or false,
    ' the unmodified difference is returned. (e.g., Kansas City to London
    ' is 6 hours normally, 5 hours during DST. If AdjustForDST is False,
    ' the resultif 6 hours. If AdjustForDST is True, the result is 5 hours
    ' if DST is in effect.)
    ' Note that the return type of the function is a Double not a Long. This
    ' is to accomodate those few places in the world where the GMT offset 
    ' is not an even hour, such as Newfoundland, Canada, where the offset is
    ' on a half-hour displacement.
    Dim TBias As Long
    DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI)
        If AdjustForDST = True Then
            TBias = TZI.Bias + TZI.DaylightBias
            TBias = TZI.Bias
        End If
        TBias = TZI.Bias
    End If
    If AsHours = True Then
        TBias = TBias / 60
    End If
    LocalOffsetFromGMT = TBias
    End Function

    As a final note, the module contains a function named SystemTimeToVBTime which converts a SYSTEMTIMEstructure to a normal VB/VBA serial date and time. The code is shown below:

    Function SystemTimeToVBTime(SysTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Date
    ' SystemTimeToVBTime
    ' This converts a SYSTEMTIME structure to a VB/VBA date value.
    ' It assumes SysTime is valid -- no error checking is done.
    With SysTime
        SystemTimeToVBTime = DateSerial(.wYear, .wMonth, .wDay) + _
                TimeSerial(.wHour, .wMinute, .wSecond)
    End With
    End Function

    You can download a bas module file containing all the code discussed on this page.

    Last Updated: 6-May-2008

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