static int compare_int(const void *int1,const void *int2) { if(*(const int*)int1>*(const int*)int2) { return 1; } else if(*(const int*)int1<*(const int*)int2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } }
int issort(void *data, int size,int esize,int (*compare)(const void *key1,const void *key2)) { char *a = (char*)data; void *key=NULL; int i=0,j=0; if((key=(char *)malloc(esize))==NULL) { return -1; } else { memset(key, 0, esize); for(j=1;j<size;j++) { memcpy(key, &a[j*esize],esize); i=j-1; while(i>=0&&compare(&a[i*esize],key)>0){ memcpy(&a[(i+1)*esize],&a[i*esize],esize); i--; cout<<i<<endl; } memcpy(&a[(i+1)*esize],key,esize); } free(key); return 0; } }
static int partition(void *data, int esize, int i, int k, int (*compare)(const void *key1,const void *key2)) { //cout<<"enter partition"<<endl; char *a=(char*)data; void *pval=NULL, *temp=NULL; int r[3]={0,0,0}; //allocate storage for the partition value and swap if((pval = malloc(esize))==NULL) { return -1; } if((temp = malloc(esize))==NULL) { free(pval); return -1; } //Use the median-of-tree method to find the partition value r[0] = (rand() % (k-i+1))+i; r[1] = (rand() % (k-i+1))+i; r[2] = (rand() % (k-i+1))+i; issort(r, 3, sizeof(int), compare_int); memcpy(pval, &a[r[1]*esize],esize); //cout<<"*pval= "<<(pval)<<endl; //create two partitions around the partition value i--; k++; // cout<<"this is i: "<<i<<endl; // cout<<"this is k: "<<k<<endl; while(1) { do{ // cout<<"doing k"<<endl; k--; }while(compare(&a[k*esize],pval)>0); do{ // cout<<"doing i"<<endl; i++; }while(compare(&a[i*esize],pval)<0); if(i >= k) { // cout<<"doing break"<<endl; break; } else { // cout<<"swaping......................."<<endl; memcpy(temp, &a[i*esize], esize); memcpy(&a[i*esize], &a[k*esize], esize); memcpy(&a[k*esize], temp, esize); } } free(pval); free(temp); // cout<<"left partition"<<endl; return k; }//排序调用
int qksort(void *data, int size, int esize, int i, int k, int (*compare)(const void *key1,const void *key2)) { int j; while(i<k) { if((j=partition(data,esize,i,k,compare))<0) { //cout<<"return partition"<<endl; return -1; } if(qksort(data,size,esize,i,j,compare)<0) { //cout<<"return qksort"<<endl; return -1; } else { i=j+1; //cout<<"i value: "<<i<<endl; //cout<<"j value: "<<j<<endl; } } return 0; }