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// MFCLeakerTest.cpp : Defines the class behaviors for the application.
// #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCLeakerTest.h" #include "MFCLeakerTestDlg.h" #include "MemLeakDetect.h" // CMFCLeakerTestApp BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCLeakerTestApp, CWinApp) ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP, CWinApp::OnHelp) END_MESSAGE_MAP() // CMFCLeakerTestApp construction CMFCLeakerTestApp::CMFCLeakerTestApp() { CLeakMemory *pMem; pMem = new CLeakMemory(); // TODO: add construction code here, // Place all significant initialization in InitInstance } // Detect Memory Leaks #ifdef _DEBUG CMemLeakDetect memLeakDetect; #endif // The one and only CMFCLeakerTestApp object CMFCLeakerTestApp theApp; // CMFCLeakerTestApp initialization BOOL CMFCLeakerTestApp::InitInstance() { // InitCommonControls() is required on Windows XP if an application // manifest specifies use of ComCtl32.dll version 6 or later to enable // visual styles. Otherwise, any window creation will fail. InitCommonControls(); CWinApp::InitInstance(); AfxEnableControlContainer(); ... } |
C++ Code :*.h
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Author : David A. Jones File Name : MemLeakDetect.h Date : July 30, 2004 Synopsis : A trace memory feature for source code to trace and find memory related bugs. Future : 1) Memory corruption 2) Freeing memory without allocating 3) Freeing memory twice 4) Not Freeing memory at all 5) over running memory boundardies July 2009: Tim Stevens (UNICODE/ANSI 32 bit only, more secure CRT with VS 2008). Feb 2011: Doug Rogers, Igor Jambrek, OfekSH & tim. (Compiles as 64 & 32 bit). Based on http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/MemLeakDetect.asp ****************************************************************/ /* Compiles clean in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 in 32 & 64 UNICODE and MultiByte builds. By default, disabled in Release mode, since it relies on the Debug MS Runtime DLLs, the licence terms of which only allow redistribution in Release mode. However, if you do want to use it in Release mode, then comment out the "#ifdef _DEBUG" lines that guard the complete MemLeakDetect.h & .cpp files, and link against the Debug runtimes (e.g. /MTd instead of /MT) in Release mode. Please don't use precompiled headers for this file. To catch most malloc/free or new/delete leaks, simply add this block of code (& #define MEMORY_LEAK_CHECK) at the application level: #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef MEMORY_LEAK_CHECK #include "MemLeakDetect.h" static CMemLeakDetect memLeakDetect; #endif #endif A typical leak might be: int *pfoo = new int[1000]; Then forgetting to do delete [] pfoo; Then when running under a debugger, if there is a leak, you'll get this kind of output in the Output pane. You'll also get files with names like "mldetector-(AppName.exe)_Feb16-2011__21-53-43.log" written to your %TEMP% directory: Memory Leak(1)-------------------> Memory Leak <0xBC> bytes(86) occurance(0) c:code a2svnsandboxpjhsoftwarecommonmemleakdetect.cpp(201): 0x0044B7C3->CMemLeakDetect::addMemoryTrace() c:code a2svnsandboxpjhsoftwarecommonmemleakdetect.cpp(140): 0x0044B4B2->catchMemoryAllocHook() 0x0012D874->_malloc_dbg() 0x0012D874->_malloc_dbg() 0x0012D874->_malloc_dbg() 0x0012D874->malloc() 0x0012D874->??2@YAPAXI@Z() f:ddvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrc ewaop.cpp(7): 0x004B4D1E->operator new[]() c:code a2svnsandboxpjhsoftwarehw_apphw_app.cpp(145): 0x00442276->wmain() f:ddvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrccrtexe.c(579): 0x004B56C8->__tmainCRTStartup() f:ddvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrccrtexe.c(399): 0x004B550F->wmainCRTStartup() 0x0012D874->RegisterWaitForInputIdle() ----------------------------------------------------------- Total 1 Memory Leaks: 86 bytes Total Alocations 276 You can then double-click in the Output pane on the leak ((145) in the example above) and be taken to the source line which caused the leak. */ #if !defined(MEMLEAKDETECT_H) #define MEMLEAKDETECT_H #ifdef _DEBUG #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <map> #define _CRTBLD #include <windows.h> #include <..crtsrcdbgint.h> #include <imagehlp.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #pragma comment( lib, "imagehlp.lib" ) using namespace std; // if you want to use the custom stackwalker otherwise // comment this line out #define MLD_CUSTOMSTACKWALK 1 // #define MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 256 #define MLD_MAX_TRACEINFO 63 #define MLD_TRACEINFO_EMPTY _T("") #define MLD_TRACEINFO_NOSYMBOL _T("?(?)") #ifdef MLD_CUSTOMSTACKWALK #define MLD_STACKWALKER symStackTrace2 #else #define MLD_STACKWALKER symStackTrace #endif #define AfxTrace MyTrace #ifndef _WIN64 typedef DWORD ADDR; typedef PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL IMAGE_SYM; typedef IMAGEHLP_LINE IMAGE_LN; #else typedef DWORD64 ADDR; typedef PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 IMAGE_SYM; typedef IMAGEHLP_LINE64 IMAGE_LN; #endif class CMemLeakDetect { public: typedef struct { ADDRESS addrPC; ADDRESS addrFrame; } STACKFRAMEENTRY; typedef struct tagAllocBlockInfo { // Added constructor to zero memory - thanks to bugfix from OfekSH. tagAllocBlockInfo() { ZeroMemory(traceinfo, sizeof(traceinfo) ); } void* address; size_t size; TCHAR fileName[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; DWORD lineNumber; DWORD occurance; STACKFRAMEENTRY traceinfo[MLD_MAX_TRACEINFO]; } AllocBlockInfo; //typedef int POSITION; typedef map<lpvoid,> KEYMAP; typedef map<lpvoid,>::iterator POSITION; typedef pair<lpvoid,> KEYVALUE; class CMapMem { public: KEYMAP m_Map; POSITION m_Pos; inline BOOL Lookup(LPVOID pAddr, AllocBlockInfo& aInfo) { m_Pos = m_Map.find(pAddr); // if (m_Pos == m_Map.end()) { return FALSE; } // pAddr = m_Pos->first; aInfo = m_Pos->second; return TRUE; }; inline POSITION end() { return m_Map.end(); }; inline void RemoveKey(LPVOID pAddr) { m_Map.erase(pAddr); }; inline void RemoveAll() { m_Map.clear(); }; void SetAt(LPVOID pAddr, AllocBlockInfo& aInfo) { m_Map[pAddr] = aInfo; }; inline POSITION GetStartPosition() { POSITION pos = m_Map.begin(); return pos; }; inline void GetNextAssoc(POSITION& pos, LPVOID& rAddr, AllocBlockInfo& aInfo) { rAddr = pos->first; aInfo = pos->second; pos++; }; void InitHashTable(int preAllocEntries, BOOL flag) { preAllocEntries = NULL; flag = NULL; }; }; CMemLeakDetect(); ~CMemLeakDetect(); void Init(); void End(); void addMemoryTrace(void* addr, size_t asize, TCHAR *fname, DWORD lnum); void redoMemoryTrace(void* addr, void* oldaddr, size_t asize, TCHAR *fname, DWORD lnum); void removeMemoryTrace(void* addr, void* realdataptr); void cleanupMemoryTrace(); void dumpMemoryTrace(); // //CMap<lpvoid,> m_AllocatedMemoryList; CMapMem m_AllocatedMemoryList; DWORD memoccurance; bool isLocked; // private: typedef USHORT (WINAPI *CaptureStackBackTraceType)(__in ULONG, __in ULONG, __out PVOID*, __out_opt PULONG); HMODULE m_k32; CaptureStackBackTraceType m_func; BOOL initSymInfo(TCHAR* lpUserPath); BOOL cleanupSymInfo(); void symbolPaths( TCHAR* lpszSymbolPaths); void symStackTrace(STACKFRAMEENTRY* pStacktrace); void symStackTrace2(STACKFRAMEENTRY* pStacktrace); BOOL symFunctionInfoFromAddresses(ADDR fnAddress, ADDR stackAddress, TCHAR *lpszSymbol, UINT BufSizeTCHARs); BOOL symSourceInfoFromAddress(ADDR address, TCHAR* lpszSourceInfo); BOOL symModuleNameFromAddress(ADDR address, TCHAR* lpszModule); HANDLE m_hProcess; PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL m_pSymbol; DWORD m_dwsymBufSize; }; #endif #endif |
C++ Code : *.cpp
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Author : David A. Jones File Name : MemLeakDetect.h Date : July 30, 2004 Synopsis A trace memory feature for source code to trace and find memory related bugs. ****************************************************************/ // See MemLeakDetect.h for full history. // Based on http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/MemLeakDetect.asp #ifdef _DEBUG #include <tchar.h> #include "MemLeakDetect.h" #include <fstream> #include <time.h> #include <psapi.h> // Only needed for GetModuleBaseName(). #pragma comment(lib, "Psapi.lib") // Only needed for GetModuleBaseName(). //#pragma warning(disable:4312) // 'type cast' : conversion from 'long' to 'void *' of greater size //#pragma warning(disable:4313) //#pragma warning(disable:4267) #pragma warning(disable:4100) // Unreferenced formal parameter. static CMemLeakDetect* g_pMemTrace = NULL; static _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK pfnOldCrtAllocHook = NULL; static int catchMemoryAllocHook(int allocType, void *userData, size_t size, int blockType, long requestNumber, const unsigned char *filename, // Can't be UNICODE int lineNumber) ; static int MyTrace(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...); static void DeleteOldTempFiles(const TCHAR dir[], const TCHAR type[], int DaysAge); static int MyTrace(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...) { va_list args; va_start( args, lpszFormat); #ifndef UNICODE char buffer[1024]; vsprintf_s( buffer, lpszFormat, args ); return _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_WARN,NULL,NULL,NULL,buffer); #else TCHAR buffer[1024]; vswprintf_s( buffer, lpszFormat, args ); char fmtbuf[1024] ; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, fmtbuf, 1024, NULL, NULL ) ; return _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_WARN,NULL,NULL,NULL,fmtbuf); #endif } static int catchMemoryAllocHook(int allocType, void *userData, size_t size, int blockType, long requestNumber, const unsigned char *filename, // Can't be UNICODE int lineNumber) { _CrtMemBlockHeader *pCrtHead; long prevRequestNumber; #ifdef UNICODE wchar_t Wname[1024] ; Wname[0] = L' ' ; #endif // internal C library internal allocations if ( blockType == _CRT_BLOCK ) { return( TRUE ); } // check if someone has turned off mem tracing if ((( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF & _crtDbgFlag) == 0) && (( allocType == _HOOK_ALLOC) || ( allocType == _HOOK_REALLOC))) { if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook) { pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber); } return TRUE; } // protect if mem trace is not initialized if (g_pMemTrace == NULL) { if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook) { pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber); } return TRUE; } // protect internal mem trace allocs if (g_pMemTrace->isLocked) { if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook) { pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber); } return( TRUE); } // lock the function g_pMemTrace->isLocked = true; // #ifdef UNICODE int len ; if (NULL != filename) { len = (int)strlen((char *)filename) + 1 ; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char *)filename, len, Wname, len) ; } else len = 0 ; #else #define Wname (char*)filename #endif if (allocType == _HOOK_ALLOC) { g_pMemTrace->addMemoryTrace((void *) requestNumber, size, Wname, lineNumber); } else if (allocType == _HOOK_REALLOC) { if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(userData)) { pCrtHead = pHdr(userData); prevRequestNumber = pCrtHead->lRequest; // if (pCrtHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK) { if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook) { pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber); } goto END; } g_pMemTrace->redoMemoryTrace((void *) requestNumber, (void *) prevRequestNumber, size, Wname, lineNumber); } } else if (allocType == _HOOK_FREE) { if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(userData)) { pCrtHead = pHdr(userData); requestNumber = pCrtHead->lRequest; // if (pCrtHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK) { if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook) { pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber); } goto END; } g_pMemTrace->removeMemoryTrace((void *) requestNumber, userData); } } END: // unlock the function g_pMemTrace->isLocked = false; return TRUE; } void CMemLeakDetect::addMemoryTrace(void* addr, size_t asize, TCHAR *fname, DWORD lnum) { AllocBlockInfo ainfo; // if (m_AllocatedMemoryList.Lookup(addr, ainfo)) { // already allocated AfxTrace(_T("ERROR!CMemLeakDetect::addMemoryTrace() Address(0x%p) already allocated "), addr); return; } // ainfo.address = addr; ainfo.lineNumber = lnum; ainfo.size = asize; ainfo.occurance = memoccurance++; MLD_STACKWALKER(&ainfo.traceinfo[0]); // if (fname) _tcsncpy_s(&ainfo.fileName[0], MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, fname, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); else ainfo.fileName[0] = 0; // m_AllocatedMemoryList.SetAt(addr, ainfo); }; void CMemLeakDetect::redoMemoryTrace(void* addr, void* oldaddr, size_t asize, TCHAR *fname, DWORD lnum) { AllocBlockInfo ainfo; if (m_AllocatedMemoryList.Lookup(oldaddr,(AllocBlockInfo &) ainfo)) { m_AllocatedMemoryList.RemoveKey(oldaddr); } else { AfxTrace(_T("ERROR!CMemLeakDetect::redoMemoryTrace() didnt find Address(0x%08X) to free "), oldaddr); } // ainfo.address = addr; ainfo.lineNumber = lnum; ainfo.size = asize; ainfo.occurance = memoccurance++; MLD_STACKWALKER(&ainfo.traceinfo[0]); // if (fname) _tcsncpy_s(&ainfo.fileName[0], MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, fname, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); else ainfo.fileName[0] = 0; m_AllocatedMemoryList.SetAt(addr, ainfo); }; void CMemLeakDetect::removeMemoryTrace(void* addr, void* realdataptr) { AllocBlockInfo ainfo; // if (m_AllocatedMemoryList.Lookup(addr,(AllocBlockInfo &) ainfo)) { m_AllocatedMemoryList.RemoveKey(addr); } else { //freeing unallocated memory AfxTrace(_T("ERROR!CMemLeakDetect::removeMemoryTrace() didnt find Address(0x%08X) to free "), addr); } }; void CMemLeakDetect::cleanupMemoryTrace() { m_AllocatedMemoryList.RemoveAll(); }; void CMemLeakDetect::dumpMemoryTrace() { POSITION pos; LPVOID addr; AllocBlockInfo ainfo; TCHAR buf[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR fileName[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR symInfo[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR srcInfo[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; size_t totalSize = 0; int numLeaks = 0; STACKFRAMEENTRY* p = 0; ofstream myfile; #ifdef UNICODE char dest[1024] ; #endif struct tm timeinfo; __time64_t long_time; _time64(&long_time); // Convert to local time. _localtime64_s(&timeinfo, &long_time); TCHAR TempDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR ProcName[MAX_PATH]; GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, TempDir); ProcName[0] = _T(' '); GetModuleBaseName(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, ProcName, sizeof(ProcName)/sizeof(TCHAR)); _stprintf_s(fileName, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("%smldetector-(%s)_"), TempDir, ProcName); _tcsftime(buf,MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("%b%d-%Y__%H-%M-%S.log"),&timeinfo); _tcscat_s(fileName,MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, buf); myfile.open (fileName); DeleteOldTempFiles(TempDir, _T("mldetector-(*.log"), 7); // _tcscpy_s(symInfo, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, MLD_TRACEINFO_NOSYMBOL); _tcscpy_s(srcInfo, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, MLD_TRACEINFO_NOSYMBOL); // pos = m_AllocatedMemoryList.GetStartPosition(); // while(pos != m_AllocatedMemoryList.end()) { numLeaks++; _stprintf_s(buf, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("Memory Leak(%d)-------------------> "), numLeaks); AfxTrace(buf); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, buf, -1, dest, 1024, NULL, NULL ); myfile << dest; #else myfile << buf; #endif // m_AllocatedMemoryList.GetNextAssoc(pos, (LPVOID &) addr, (AllocBlockInfo&) ainfo); if (ainfo.fileName[0] != NULL) { _stprintf_s(buf, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("Memory Leak <0x%p> bytes(%d) occurance(%d) %s(%d) "), ainfo.address, ainfo.size, ainfo.occurance, ainfo.fileName, ainfo.lineNumber); } else { _stprintf_s(buf, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("Memory Leak <0x%p> bytes(%d) occurance(%d) "), ainfo.address, ainfo.size, ainfo.occurance); } // AfxTrace(buf); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, buf, -1, dest, 1024, NULL, NULL ); myfile << dest; #else myfile << buf; #endif // p = &ainfo.traceinfo[0]; while(p[0].addrPC.Offset) { symFunctionInfoFromAddresses( p[0].addrPC.Offset, p[0].addrFrame.Offset, symInfo, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); symSourceInfoFromAddress( p[0].addrPC.Offset, srcInfo ); _stprintf_s(buf, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("%s->%s() "), srcInfo, symInfo); AfxTrace(_T("%s->%s() "), srcInfo, symInfo); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, buf, -1, dest, 1024, NULL, NULL ); myfile << dest; #else myfile << buf; #endif p++; } totalSize += ainfo.size; } _stprintf_s(buf, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T(" ----------------------------------------------------------- ")); AfxTrace(buf); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, buf, -1, dest, 1024, NULL, NULL ); myfile << dest; #else myfile << buf; #endif if(!totalSize) { _stprintf_s(buf, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("No Memory Leaks Detected for %d Allocations "), memoccurance); AfxTrace(buf); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, buf, -1, dest, 1024, NULL, NULL ); myfile << dest; #else myfile << buf; #endif } else { _stprintf_s(buf, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("Total %d Memory Leaks: %d bytes Total Alocations %d "), numLeaks, totalSize, memoccurance); } AfxTrace(buf); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, buf, -1, dest, 1024, NULL, NULL ); const TCHAR *umb = _T("Unicode"); myfile << dest; #else myfile << buf; const TCHAR *umb = _T("Multibyte"); #endif #ifdef _WIN64 const TCHAR *w64 = _T("64 bit"); #else const TCHAR *w64 = _T("32 bit"); #endif #ifdef NDEBUG const TCHAR *dbg = _T("release build."); #else const TCHAR *dbg = _T("debug build."); #endif _stprintf_s(TempDir, MAX_PATH, _T("%s %s %s "), umb, w64, dbg); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, TempDir, -1, dest, 1024, NULL, NULL ); myfile << dest; AfxTrace(TempDir); #else myfile << TempDir; AfxTrace(TempDir); #endif myfile.close(); } void CMemLeakDetect::Init() { m_func = (CaptureStackBackTraceType)(GetProcAddress( m_k32 = LoadLibrary(_T("kernel32.dll")), "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace")); m_dwsymBufSize = (MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + sizeof(PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL)); m_hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); m_pSymbol = (IMAGE_SYM)GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, m_dwsymBufSize); m_AllocatedMemoryList.InitHashTable(10211, TRUE); initSymInfo( NULL ); isLocked = false; g_pMemTrace = this; pfnOldCrtAllocHook = _CrtSetAllocHook( catchMemoryAllocHook ); } void CMemLeakDetect::End() { isLocked = true; _CrtSetAllocHook(pfnOldCrtAllocHook); dumpMemoryTrace(); cleanupMemoryTrace(); cleanupSymInfo(); GlobalFree(m_pSymbol); g_pMemTrace = NULL; FreeLibrary(m_k32); } CMemLeakDetect::CMemLeakDetect() { Init(); } CMemLeakDetect::~CMemLeakDetect() { End(); } // PRIVATE STUFF void CMemLeakDetect::symbolPaths( TCHAR* lpszSymbolPath) { TCHAR lpszPath[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; // Creating the default path where the dgbhelp.dll is located // ".;%_NT_SYMBOL_PATH%;%_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH%;%SYSTEMROOT%;%SYSTEMROOT%System32;" _tcscpy_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T(".;..\;..\..\")); // environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH if ( GetEnvironmentVariable(_T("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH"), lpszPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH )) { _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T(";")); _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, lpszPath ); } // environment variable _NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH if ( GetEnvironmentVariable( _T("_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH"), lpszPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH )) { _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T(";")); _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, lpszPath ); } // environment variable SYSTEMROOT if ( GetEnvironmentVariable( _T("SYSTEMROOT"), lpszPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) ) { _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T(";")); _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, lpszPath); _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T(";")); // SYSTEMROOTSystem32 _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, lpszPath ); _tcscat_s( lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("\System32")); } } BOOL CMemLeakDetect::cleanupSymInfo() { return SymCleanup( GetCurrentProcess() ); } // Initializes the symbol files BOOL CMemLeakDetect::initSymInfo( TCHAR* lpszUserSymbolPath ) { TCHAR lpszSymbolPath[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; DWORD symOptions = SymGetOptions(); symOptions |= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES; symOptions &= ~SYMOPT_UNDNAME; SymSetOptions( symOptions ); // Get the search path for the symbol files symbolPaths( lpszSymbolPath); // if (lpszUserSymbolPath) { _tcscat_s(lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T(";")); _tcscat_s(lpszSymbolPath, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, lpszUserSymbolPath); } #ifdef UNICODE int len = (int)_tcslen(lpszSymbolPath) + 1 ; char dest[1024] ; WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpszSymbolPath, -1, dest, len, NULL, NULL ); BOOL bret = SymInitialize( GetCurrentProcess(), dest, TRUE); #else BOOL bret = SymInitialize( GetCurrentProcess(), lpszSymbolPath, TRUE) ; #endif return bret; } /*void CMemLeakDetect::symStackTrace(STACKFRAMEENTRY* pStacktrace ) { STACKFRAME callStack; BOOL bResult; CONTEXT context; HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); // get the context memset( &context, NULL, sizeof(context) ); context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; if ( !GetThreadContext( hThread, &context ) ) { // AfxTrace("Call stack info(thread=0x%X) failed. ", hThread ); return; } //initialize the call stack memset( &callStack, NULL, sizeof(callStack) ); callStack.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip; callStack.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp; callStack.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp; callStack.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; callStack.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; callStack.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; // for( DWORD index = 0; index < MLD_MAX_TRACEINFO; index++ ) { bResult = StackWalk(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, m_hProcess, hThread, &callStack, NULL, NULL, SymFunctionTableAccess, SymGetModuleBase, NULL); //if ( index == 0 ) // continue; if( !bResult || callStack.AddrFrame.Offset == 0 ) break; // pStacktrace[0].addrPC = callStack.AddrPC; pStacktrace[0].addrFrame = callStack.AddrFrame; pStacktrace++; } //clear the last entry memset(pStacktrace, NULL, sizeof(STACKFRAMEENTRY)); }*/ // // This code is still under investigation // I have to test this code and make sure it is compatible // with the other stack walker! // void CMemLeakDetect::symStackTrace2(STACKFRAMEENTRY* pStacktrace ) { long StackIndex = 0; ADDR block[63]; memset(block,0,sizeof(block)); USHORT frames = (m_func)(3,59,(void**)block,NULL); for (int i = 0; i < frames ; i++) { ADDR InstructionPtr = (ADDR)block[i]; pStacktrace[StackIndex].addrPC.Offset = InstructionPtr; pStacktrace[StackIndex].addrPC.Segment = NULL; pStacktrace[StackIndex].addrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; // StackIndex++; } pStacktrace[StackIndex].addrPC.Offset = 0; pStacktrace[StackIndex].addrPC.Segment = 0; } BOOL CMemLeakDetect::symFunctionInfoFromAddresses( ADDR fnAddress, ADDR stackAddress, TCHAR *lpszSymbol, UINT BufSizeTCHARs) { ADDR dwDisp = 0; ::ZeroMemory(m_pSymbol, m_dwsymBufSize ); m_pSymbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); //m_pSymbol->MaxNameLength = DWORD64 - sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64); // Set the default to unknown _tcscpy_s( lpszSymbol, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, MLD_TRACEINFO_NOSYMBOL); // Get symbol info for IP if ( SymGetSymFromAddr( m_hProcess, (ADDR)fnAddress, &dwDisp, m_pSymbol ) ) { #ifdef UNICODE int len = (int)strlen(m_pSymbol->Name) + 1 ; wchar_t dest[1024] ; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, m_pSymbol->Name, len, dest, len ); _tcscpy_s(lpszSymbol, BufSizeTCHARs, dest); #else _tcscpy_s(lpszSymbol, BufSizeTCHARs, m_pSymbol->Name); #endif return TRUE; } //create the symbol using the address because we have no symbol _stprintf_s(lpszSymbol, BufSizeTCHARs, _T("0x%08X"), fnAddress); return FALSE; } BOOL CMemLeakDetect::symSourceInfoFromAddress(ADDR address, TCHAR* lpszSourceInfo) { BOOL ret = FALSE; IMAGE_LN lineInfo; DWORD dwDisp; TCHAR lpModuleInfo[MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = MLD_TRACEINFO_EMPTY; _tcscpy_s( lpszSourceInfo, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, MLD_TRACEINFO_NOSYMBOL); memset( &lineInfo, NULL, sizeof( IMAGEHLP_LINE ) ); lineInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_LINE ); if ( SymGetLineFromAddr( m_hProcess, address, &dwDisp, &lineInfo ) ) { // Using the "sourcefile(linenumber)" format #ifdef UNICODE wchar_t dest[1024] ; int len = (int)strlen((char *)lineInfo.FileName) + 1 ; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char *)lineInfo.FileName, len, dest, len) ; _stprintf_s(lpszSourceInfo, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("%s(%d): 0x%08X"), dest, lineInfo.LineNumber, address );// <--- Size of the char thing. #else _stprintf_s(lpszSourceInfo, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("%s(%d): 0x%08X"), lineInfo.FileName, lineInfo.LineNumber, address );// <--- Size of the char thing. #endif ret = TRUE; } else { // Using the "modulename!address" format symModuleNameFromAddress( address, lpModuleInfo ); if ( lpModuleInfo[0] == _T('?') || lpModuleInfo[0] == _T(' ')) { // Using the "address" format _stprintf_s(lpszSourceInfo,MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("0x%p"), lpModuleInfo, address ); // Tim ??? } else { _stprintf_s(lpszSourceInfo, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, _T("%sdll! 0x%08X"), lpModuleInfo, address ); } ret = FALSE; } // return ret; } BOOL CMemLeakDetect::symModuleNameFromAddress( ADDR address, TCHAR* lpszModule ) { BOOL ret = FALSE; IMAGEHLP_MODULE moduleInfo; ::ZeroMemory( &moduleInfo, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_MODULE) ); moduleInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_MODULE); if ( SymGetModuleInfo( m_hProcess, (ADDR)address, &moduleInfo ) ) { // Note. IMAGEHLP_MODULE::ModuleName seems to be hardcoded as 32 char/wchar_t (VS2008). #ifdef UNICODE int len = (int)_tcslen(lpszModule) + 1 ; char dest[1024] ; WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpszModule, -1, dest, len, NULL, NULL ); strcpy_s(moduleInfo.ModuleName, 32, dest); // bloody ANSI! #else strcpy_s(moduleInfo.ModuleName, 32, lpszModule); #endif ret = TRUE; } else { _tcscpy_s( lpszModule, MLD_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, MLD_TRACEINFO_NOSYMBOL); } return ret; } static void DeleteOldTempFiles(const TCHAR dir[], const TCHAR type[], int days) { union tu { FILETIME fileTime; ULARGE_INTEGER ul; }; // Seems simplest way to do the Win32 time manipulation. WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TCHAR curdir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, curdir); // Ignoring failure! SetCurrentDirectory(dir); hFind = FindFirstFile(type, &FindFileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SYSTEMTIME st; tu ft; GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft.fileTime); while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) != 0) { if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != FindFileData.dwFileAttributes) { tu t; t.fileTime = FindFileData.ftCreationTime; _int64 delta = (ft.ul.QuadPart - t.ul.QuadPart) / 10000000; // Seconds. int ddays = (int)(delta /= (24 * 3600)); //_tprintf (TEXT("Next file name is: %s delta days %d "), FindFileData.cFileName, ddays); if (ddays >= days) { //_tprintf (TEXT("Next file to delete is: %s delta days %d "), FindFileData.cFileName, ddays); DeleteFile(FindFileData.cFileName); } //else //{ // _tprintf (TEXT("Skipping: %s delta days %d "), FindFileData.cFileName, ddays); //} } } FindClose(hFind); } SetCurrentDirectory(curdir); } #endif |