• VS:101 Visual Studio 2010 Tips

    101 Visual Studio 2010 Tips

    Tip #1        How to not accidentally copy a blank line

    TO – Text Editor – All Lang – Gen – Apply cut or copy commands to blank lines

    Tip #2       How to cycle through the Clipboard ring

    Ctrl+Shift+V (Edit.CycleClipboardRing)

    Tip #3       How to use the Undo stack

    Undo button on Standard Toolbar

    Tip #4       New! Automatic highlighting of symbols

    Hoverover symbol, then Ctrl+Shift+Arrow to navigate

    Tip #5        How to navigate forward and backward w go-back markers

    View.NavigateBackward (Ctrl+Minus), View.NavigateForward (Ctrl+Shift+Minus)

    Tip #6        New! How to collapse a region with ease

    Hover over any part of region and dclick. Or Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M

    Tip #7       How to reach the navigation bar via keyboard shortcut

    Ctrl+F2 (Window.MoveToNavigationBar), type-ahead selection

    Tip #8        How to use Navigate To


    Tip #9       How to split a window and create new ones

    Window – Split, Window – New Window

    Tip #10     How to show line numbers in the editor

    Tools – Options – Text Editor – All Languages – General  - Line Numbers

    Tip #11     How to enable virtual space

    TO – Text Editor – All Languages – General

    Tip #12     How to view visible white space

    Edit – Advanced – View White Space

    Tip #13      How to change the color of visual white space glyphs

    TO – Env – Fonts and Colors – Text Editor – Visual White Space

    Tip #14     How to increase the editor’s ToolTip font size

    TO– Env – Fonts and Colors –Show Settings for – Editor ToolTip

    Tip #15      New! How to zoom in/out in Editor

    Ctrl+Mouse Wheel / Edit in zoom control

    Tip #16      How to change text editor font size via keyboard


    Tip #17      Diff Automatic vs Default in Fonts and Colors

    Tip #18      How to print boldly

    TO – Env– Fonts and Colors - Show Settings for – Printer

    Tip #19      How to use box/column selection in the editor

    Shift+Alt+Arrow, or Mouse+Alt

    Tip #20      New! How to use Multiline Edit

    Shift+Alt+Arrow, type

    Tip #21   How to format the current document

    Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D – (Edit.FormatDocument)

    Tip #22     You can remove unused using statements in C#

    Context Menu – Organize Usings – Remove Unused Usings

    Tip #23 How to remove a project from Start Page

    Right-click project, select Remove from list

    Tip #24   How to set bookmarks and navigate among them

    Edit.ToggleBookmark (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K )

    Tip #25   You can bookmark your quick find results

    Ctrl+F, then press bookmark all

    Tip #26   How to increase Intellisense font sizes

    TO – Env – Fonts and Colors - Show Settings For - <item>

    Tip #27   How to increase Environment font

    TO – Env – Fonts and Colors - Show Settings For – Environment Font

    Tip #28    Toggle Statement Completion tabs via keyboard

    All tab: Alt+.  and  Common Tab: Alt+,

    Tip #29    New! How to do Pascal / Sub-string matching in Intellisense

    Tip #30    New! How to enable Suggestion mode in Intellisense

    Ctrl+Alt+Space to enable

    Tip #31    You can insert a snippet by pressing Tab Tab

    Type in snippet shortcut word, then hit Tab Tab to insert

    Tip #32    New! How to browse new code snippets and add new ones

    Tools – Code Snippet Manager, HTML and Javascript

    Tip #33    How to insert a code snippet around a block of code in C#

    Select code, then Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S.  Command: Edit.SurroundWith

    Tip #34    How to behold the power of incremental search

    Ctrl+I  - (Edit.IncrementalSearch)

    Tip #35    Use Ctrl+F3 to search for currently-selected word


    Tip #36   How not to search for the currently-selected word

    Tools – Options – Environment – Find and Replace

    Tip #37   You can use F3 to search for the last thing you searched for


    Tip #38   You can customize what files to find in

    Find in Files – Look in – Choose Search Folders

    Tip #39  You can use a reg key for customizing search results

    HKCU... 10.0Find, String Find results format = $f$e($l,$c):$t

    Tip #40   Use Ctrl+Alt+Down to drop down the file tab channel


    Tip #41   Use Close All But This on files in the file tab channel


    Tip #42   You can copy a file’s full path for the file tab channel


    Tip #43  Open a Windows Explorer browser to the active file


    Tip #44   How to close just the selected files you want

    Window – Windows

    Tip #45   How to use the IDE Navigator

    Hold Ctrl key, then press tab (or shift+tab)

    Tip #46    How to navigate all open tool windows

    Hold Alt key, then press F7 (or Shift+F7)

    Tip #47    How to disable the IDE Navigator

    Rebind Window.Previous/NextDocumentWindow

    Tip #48    How to disable statement completion

    TO – Text Editor – All Language – Auto List Members

    Tip #49     How to customize what the tool window push pin does

    TO – Environment – General

    Tip #50     Show autohiding tool windows via autohide channel

    Right-click in the autohide channel to view context menu

    Tip #51     How to redock a tool window via keyboard

    Ctrl+Double Click Tool Window title bar

    Tip #52     You can maximize a tool window in the editor

    Window – Tabbed Document

    Tip #53     New! How to move a file onto a secondary monitor

    Click-Drag a file out of File Tab Channel

    Tip #54     New! How to snap file windows to monitor edges

    Windows 7 feature: Win key+Arrow

    Tip #55     New! How to put file back into File Tab Channel


    Tip #56      New! How to reverse the order the file tabs open

    TO – Doc – insert docs to right of existing ones

    Tip #57     Customize the tool window ‘x’ button

    Tools – Options – Environment – General

    Tip #58     How to access a toolbar within a tool window

    Shift+Alt (note: Alt+Shift will not work)

    Tip #59    How to quickly access full screen mode

    Shift+Alt+Enter – (View.FullScreen)

    Tip #60    How to enter the File window layout mode

    Open a file from a command prompt

    Tip #61    How to use the keyboard to jump to output window panes

    Window.NextSubPane. Need to create shortcut

    Tip #62     Drag and drop code onto the Toolbox’s General tab

    Either drag and drop code, or use Cut/Copy shortcuts

    Tip #63     How to use Ctrl+Arrow to move among the Toolbox Tabs

    Tip #64     Switch between the Icon View and the List view in Toolbox

    On Context Menu, uncheck List view

    Tip #65     You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls

    On Context Menu, check Show All

    Tip #66 You can show custom tokens in the Task list

    TO – Environment – Task List, add custom token to list

    Tip #67 How to find what development settings you last reset to

    HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftVisualStudio10.0Profile, LastResetSettingsFile

    Tip #68 You can create a macro for your import / export settings

    Tip #69   How to open a file without any UI


    Tip #70   How to have fun with the Find Combo Box

    Does everything from finding stuff to making coffee

    Tip #71   How to not show the Start Page on launch

    TO – Env – Startup – anything but Show Start Page

    Tip #72   How to open to the last loaded project

    TO – Env – Startup – Load Last Loaded project

    Tip #73   How to use solution folders to hide projects

    Solution Explorer context menu – Add New Solution Folder

    Tip #74   How to create temp or throw away projects

    TO – Projects and Solutions – uncheck Save new projects when created

    Tip #75   How to hide or show the Project Location is Not Trusted message box

    TO – Projects and Solutions

    Tip #76   How to show the Misc Files project in Solution Explorer

    TO – Env – Documents, show Misc project

    Tip #77   How to type-ahead selection in solution explorer

    Just type name of file and focus will jump to file that matches

    Tip #78   How to add a solution to a solution

    File – Open Project, choose a solution (not a project) file

    Tip #79   How to have the Sln Explorer show active file

    TO – Projects and Solutions – General – Track Active Item

    Tip #80   How to use tracepoints to log stuff in your code

    Editor context menu – Breakpoints – Add Tracepoints

    Tip #81   How to use DataTips to edit a variable’s content

    Click inside DataTip contents to edit

    Tip #82   New! How to leave comments in Data Tips

    Expand down arrow and type in comment

    Tip #83   New! How to export Data Tips

    Debug – Export DataTips

    Tip #84   New! How to label breakpoints

    Right-click on breakpoint in Bp Window, Edit Labels

    Tip #85   New! How to export breakpoints

    Breakpoint Window – Export Breakpoints button on toolbar

    Tip #86   How to select the startup project from the Sln Explorer

    Tools – Options – Projects and Solutions – Build and Run

    Tip #87   How to make statement completion transparent

    Hold down Ctrl key.

    Tip #88   You can use Ctrl+. to show a smart tag

    Tip #89   Shortcut to go directly to the class view search bar


    Tip #90   How to bring up Code Definition Window in C#

    View – Code Definition Window, Ctrl+\, D 

    Tip #91   How to bring up the Call Hierarchy dialog

     View – Call Hierarchy, Ctrl+Alt+K

    Tip #92   How to use “Devenv /nosplash” to speed up launch, maybe

    Tip #93   You can create project/item templates

    File – Export Template

    Tip #94   New Project from Existing Code

    File – New – Project from existing code

    Tip #95   Edit project file within IDE

    Unload then select Edit

    Tip #96   XAML Visualizer

    Drop down arrow in DataTip to show XAML visualizer option

    Tip #97   How to see the caught exception in Watch Window

    Add $exception to watch window

    Tip #98   You can disable the Exception assistant

    Tools – Options – Debugging – General

    Tip #99   New! How to use Historical debugging aka Intellitrace

    Up / Down arrows in gutter like DVR controls

    Tip #100   New! How to open IntelliTrace log

    Double-click .iTrace files to open in VS

    Tip #101 New! How to use Extension Manager

    Install VS Tips extension to get Tips in Start Page

  • 相关阅读:
    CentOS 下PHP的卸载
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MakeView660/p/6080314.html
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