• 7.19_python_lx_注册登录代码

      1 # 写一个登陆注册小程序
      2 # 登录:
      3     # 1.账户密码会预先记录在文件中
      4     # 2.输入账号密码:如果都正确,登录成功
      5     # 3.如果用户登录时进行三次校验,都不对,记录黑名单文件中
      6     # 4.如果是黑名单的用户,禁止下次再次登录
      8 # 注册:
      9     # 1.检测两次密码如果相同,确认注册成功
     10     # 2.检测两次密码如果不同,提示两次密码不一致
     11     # 3.用户名不能重复
     12 while True:
     13     res = input('请问是注册还是登录?注册请输入A,登录输入B')
     14     choose = res.upper()
     15     def zhuce():
     16         while True:
     17             with open("yonghuming.txt",mode='r+',encoding='utf-8')as fp,open('mima.txt',mode='r+',encoding='utf-8')as fp1:
     18                 admin1=""
     19                 password11=""
     20                 yonghuming = ""
     21                 mima = ""
     22                 one = fp.readline()
     23                 two = fp1.readline()
     24                 one1=one.strip()
     25                 two2=two.strip()
     26                 lst1=one1.split()
     27                 lst2=two2.split()
     28                 admin = input('请输入注册的用户名')
     29                 for i in admin:
     30                     admin1 += i.strip()
     31                 if admin1 in lst1:
     32                     print('用户名重复')
     33                     continue
     34                 else:
     35                     lst1.append(admin1)
     36                 password1 = input('输入密码')
     37                 for i in password1:
     38                     password11 += i.strip()
     39                 while True:
     40                     password2 = input('再次确认密码')
     41                     password22=""
     42                     for i in password2:
     43                         password22 += i.strip()
     44                     if password11 == password22:
     45                         lst2.append(password11)
     46                         print('注册成功')
     47                         break
     48                     else:
     49                         print('两次密码不一致')
     50                         continue
     52             with open("yonghuming.txt",mode='r+',encoding='utf-8')as fp,open('mima.txt',mode='r+',encoding='utf-8')as fp1:
     53                 for i in lst1:
     54                     yonghuming += i+' '
     55                 fp.write(yonghuming)
     56                 for i in lst2:
     57                     mima+=i+' '
     58                 fp1.write(mima)
     59             break
     62     def denglu():            
     63         while True:
     64             with open("yonghuming.txt",mode='r+',encoding='utf-8')as fp,open('mima.txt',mode='r+',encoding='utf-8')as fp1,open('heimingdan.txt',mode='r+',encoding='utf-8')as fp2:
     65                 admin = ''
     66                 yonghuming = fp.readline()
     67                 mima = fp1.readline()
     68                 heimingdan = fp2.readline()
     69                 lst1 = yonghuming.split()
     70                 lst2 = mima.split()
     71                 lst3 = heimingdan.split()
     72                 admin1 = input('请输入登录用户名')
     73                 for i in admin1:
     74                     admin += i.strip()
     75                 if admin in lst1 and admin not in lst3:
     76                     res = lst1.index(admin)
     77                 elif admin in lst3:
     78                     print('此用户已禁止登录,查询原因请拨打110')
     79                     break
     80                 else:
     81                     print('无效的用户名')
     82                     continue
     83                 total = 1
     84                 while True:
     85                     password = ''
     86                     password1 = input('请输入密码')
     87                     for i in password1:
     88                         password += i.strip()
     89                     if password == lst2[res]:
     90                         print('登录成功')
     91                         break
     93                     elif password != lst2[res] and total < 3:
     94                         total+=1
     95                         print('密码错误,请重新输入密码')
     96                         continue
     97                     else:
     98                         fp2.write(admin+' ')
     99                         print('密码错误三次,被列入黑名单,此用户无法再次登录')
    100                         break
    101             break
    103     if choose == 'A':
    104         zhuce()
    105         break
    106     elif choose == 'B':
    107         denglu()
    108         break
    109     else:
    110         print('让你输A或者B呢')
    111         continue
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Magicianlx/p/13338416.html
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