• Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

    Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock I

    Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.

    If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock),

    design an algorithm to find the maximum profit.





    using namespace std;
    int price[10]={0};
    int maxProfit(int price[], int n)
        int minu = RAND_MAX;
        int maxn = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
            minu = price[i] < minu ? price[i] : minu;
            maxn = (price[i] - minu) > maxn ? (price[i] - minu) : maxn;
        return maxn;
    int main()
        int n = sizeof(price)/sizeof(int);
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int pro =  maxProfit(price, n);
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            cout << price[i] << "	";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "the max profit is :" << pro << endl;
        return 0;

     Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

    Question Solution
    Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.

    Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete as many transactions as you like (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock multiple times). However, you may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).



    using namespace std;
    int price[10] = {0};
    int maxProfit(int price[], int n)
        int maxPro = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < n ; i++) {
            int diff = price[i] - price[i -1];
            if (diff > 0) {
                maxPro += diff;
        return maxPro;
    int main()
        int n = sizeof(price)/sizeof(int);
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            price[i] = rand()%1000;
        int pro = maxProfit(price, n);
        cout << pro << endl;
        return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LyningCoder/p/4209600.html
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