1. 在长按power按键弹出的界面增加Reboot界面
frameworks/base/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions.java这个文件中的private AlertDialog createDialog(),如下:
/** * Create the global actions dialog. * @return A new dialog. */ private AlertDialog createDialog() { mSilentModeAction = newSilentModeAction(mAudioManager, mHandler); mAirplaneModeOn = new ToggleAction( R.drawable.ic_lock_airplane_mode, R.drawable.ic_lock_airplane_mode_off, R.string.global_actions_toggle_airplane_mode, R.string.global_actions_airplane_mode_on_status, R.string.global_actions_airplane_mode_off_status) { void onToggle(boolean on) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean( SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_INECM_MODE))){ mIsWaitingForEcmExit =true; // Launch ECM exit dialog Intent ecmDialogIntent = new Intent(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SHOW_NOTICE_ECM_BLOCK_OTHERS,null); ecmDialogIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mContext.startActivity(ecmDialogIntent); } else { changeAirplaneModeSystemSetting(on); } } @Override protected voidchangeStateFromPress(boolean buttonOn) { // In ECM mode airplane statecannot be changed if (!(Boolean.parseBoolean( SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_INECM_MODE)))) { mState = buttonOn ?State.TurningOn : State.TurningOff; mAirplaneState = mState; } } public boolean showDuringKeyguard(){ return true; } public booleanshowBeforeProvisioning() { return false; } //M{ public boolean isEnabled() { if(KeyguardUpdateMonitor.dual_sim_setting == 0){ Log.e(TAG, "if userunselect the dual sim mode setting on phone starting, the airplane mode can notbe set."); return false; //if user hasnot yet selected any item in the dual_sim_mode_setting dialog on phonestarting, the airplane mode should be disabled. } else { returnsuper.isEnabled(); } } //}M }; mItems = new ArrayList<Action>(); // first: power off mItems.add( new SinglePressAction(, R.string.global_action_power_off) { public void onPress() { // shutdown by making sureradio and power are handled accordingly. ShutdownThread.shutdown(mContext, true); } public booleanshowDuringKeyguard() { return true; } public booleanshowBeforeProvisioning() { return true; } }); // next: airplane mode mItems.add(mAirplaneModeOn); // last: silent mode if (SHOW_SILENT_TOGGLE) { mItems.add(mSilentModeAction); } mAdapter = new MyAdapter(); final AlertDialog.Builder ab = newAlertDialog.Builder(mContext); ab.setAdapter(mAdapter, this) .setInverseBackgroundForced(true); final AlertDialog dialog = ab.create(); dialog.getListView().setItemsCanFocus(true); dialog.getWindow().setType(WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_DIALOG); dialog.setOnDismissListener(this); return dialog; }
上面的代码在// first: power off和// next: airplane mode之间增加了reboot部分,代码如下:
// second:reboot,kandi add at 2015.01.21 mItems.add( new SinglePressAction(, R.string.global_action_reboot) { public void onPress() { // shutdown by making sureradio and power are handled accordingly. ShutdownThread.reboot(mContext,null, true); } public booleanshowDuringKeyguard() { return true; } public booleanshowBeforeProvisioning() { return true; } });
(1) 增加字符串global_action_reboot和图片资源ic_lock_reboot,这些的定义在后面描述。
(2) ShutdownThread.reboot(mContext,null, true)此函数是调用
/** * Request a clean shutdown, waiting forsubsystems to clean up their * state etc. Must be called from a Looper thread in whichits UI * is shown. * * @param context Context used to displaythe shutdown progress dialog. * @param reason code to pass to the kernel(e.g. "recovery"), or null. * @param confirm true if user confirmationis needed before shutting down. */ public static void reboot(final Contextcontext, String reason, boolean confirm) { mReboot = true; mRebootReason = reason; shutdown(context, confirm); }
reason 如果值为是null,正常重启;如果是recovery,系统重启进入recovery mode
confirm true显示关机提示框,需要用户;false不显示提示框,直接关机。
2. 增加点击Reboot后的重启
为了在按下重启选项之后,能出现”重启“之类的提示,还需要修改frameworksasecorejavacomandroidinternalapp ShutdownThread.java中的shutdown函数和beginShutdownSequence函数:
(1) shutdown函数
修改之前 final intresourceId = longPressBehavior == 2 ? :; 修改之后 final intresourceId = longPressBehavior == 2 ? : (mReboot ? :;
(2) beginShutdownSequence函数
修改之前: pd.setTitle(context.getText(; pd.setMessage(context.getText(; 修改之后: if(mReboot) { pd.setTitle(context.getText(; pd.setMessage(context.getText(; } else { pd.setTitle(context.getText(; pd.setMessage(context.getText(; }
3. 增加字符串和图片资源
(1) 增加字符串
<stringname="reboot_progress">Reboot...u2026</string> <stringname="reboot_confirm" product="default">Your phone willReboot.</string> <stringname="reboot_confirm" product="default">Your phone willReboot.</string> <stringname="global_action_reboot">Reboot</string> <stringname="reboot">Reboot2</string>
在frameworksasecore es esvaluespublic.xml增加以下字符串
<publictype="drawable" name="ic_menu_sort_by_size"id="0x0108009d" />//已有 <publictype="drawable" name="ic_lock_reboot"id="0x0108009e" />//增加
(2) 增加重启的图片资源
把ic_lock_reboot.png拷贝到frameworksasecore es esdrawable-hdpi目录下
4. 编译及升级
./mk r dr,然后单独升级system.img