• C# 条码生成类

    using System.Collections;  
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;  
    namespace DotNet.Utilities  
        public class BarCodeToHTML  
            public static string get39(string s, int width, int height)  
                Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();  
                #region 39码 12位  
                ht.Add('A', "110101001011");  
                ht.Add('B', "101101001011");  
                ht.Add('C', "110110100101");  
                ht.Add('D', "101011001011");  
                ht.Add('E', "110101100101");  
                ht.Add('F', "101101100101");  
                ht.Add('G', "101010011011");  
                ht.Add('H', "110101001101");  
                ht.Add('I', "101101001101");  
                ht.Add('J', "101011001101");  
                ht.Add('K', "110101010011");  
                ht.Add('L', "101101010011");  
                ht.Add('M', "110110101001");  
                ht.Add('N', "101011010011");  
                ht.Add('O', "110101101001");  
                ht.Add('P', "101101101001");  
                ht.Add('Q', "101010110011");  
                ht.Add('R', "110101011001");  
                ht.Add('S', "101101011001");  
                ht.Add('T', "101011011001");  
                ht.Add('U', "110010101011");  
                ht.Add('V', "100110101011");  
                ht.Add('W', "110011010101");  
                ht.Add('X', "100101101011");  
                ht.Add('Y', "110010110101");  
                ht.Add('Z', "100110110101");  
                ht.Add('0', "101001101101");  
                ht.Add('1', "110100101011");  
                ht.Add('2', "101100101011");  
                ht.Add('3', "110110010101");  
                ht.Add('4', "101001101011");  
                ht.Add('5', "110100110101");  
                ht.Add('6', "101100110101");  
                ht.Add('7', "101001011011");  
                ht.Add('8', "110100101101");  
                ht.Add('9', "101100101101");  
                ht.Add('+', "100101001001");  
                ht.Add('-', "100101011011");  
                ht.Add('*', "100101101101");  
                ht.Add('/', "100100101001");  
                ht.Add('%', "101001001001");  
                ht.Add('$', "100100100101");  
                ht.Add('.', "110010101101");  
                ht.Add(' ', "100110101101");  
                #region 39码 9位  
                //ht.Add('0', "000110100");  
                //ht.Add('1', "100100001");  
                //ht.Add('2', "001100001");  
                //ht.Add('3', "101100000");  
                //ht.Add('4', "000110001");  
                //ht.Add('5', "100110000");  
                //ht.Add('6', "001110000");  
                //ht.Add('7', "000100101");  
                //ht.Add('8', "100100100");  
                //ht.Add('9', "001100100");  
                //ht.Add('A', "100001001");  
                //ht.Add('B', "001001001");  
                //ht.Add('C', "101001000");  
                //ht.Add('D', "000011001");  
                //ht.Add('E', "100011000");  
                //ht.Add('F', "001011000");  
                //ht.Add('G', "000001101");  
                //ht.Add('H', "100001100");  
                //ht.Add('I', "001001100");  
                //ht.Add('J', "000011100");  
                //ht.Add('K', "100000011");  
                //ht.Add('L', "001000011");  
                //ht.Add('M', "101000010");  
                //ht.Add('N', "000010011");  
                //ht.Add('O', "100010010");  
                //ht.Add('P', "001010010");  
                //ht.Add('Q', "000000111");  
                //ht.Add('R', "100000110");  
                //ht.Add('S', "001000110");  
                //ht.Add('T', "000010110");  
                //ht.Add('U', "110000001");  
                //ht.Add('V', "011000001");  
                //ht.Add('W', "111000000");  
                //ht.Add('X', "010010001");  
                //ht.Add('Y', "110010000");  
                //ht.Add('Z', "011010000");  
                //ht.Add('-', "010000101");  
                //ht.Add('.', "110000100");  
                //ht.Add(' ', "011000100");  
                //ht.Add('*', "010010100");  
                //ht.Add('$', "010101000");  
                //ht.Add('/', "010100010");  
                //ht.Add('+', "010001010");  
                //ht.Add('%', "000101010");  
                s = "*" + s.ToUpper() + "*";  
                string result_bin = "";//二进制串  
                    foreach (char ch in s)  
                        result_bin += ht[ch].ToString();  
                        result_bin += "0";//间隔,与一个单位的线条宽度相等  
                catch { return "存在不允许的字符!"; }  
                string result_html = ""; //HTML代码  
                string color = "";       //颜色  
                foreach (char c in result_bin)  
                    color = c == '0' ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000";  
                    result_html += "<div style="" + width + "px;height:" + height + "px;float:left;background:" + color + ";"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="clear:both"></div>";  
                int len = ht['*'].ToString().Length;  
                foreach (char c in s)  
                    result_html += "<div style="" + (width * (len + 1)) + "px;float:left;color:#000000;text-align:center;">" + c + "</div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="clear:both"></div>";  
                return "<div style="background:#FFFFFF;padding:5px;font-size:" + (width * 10) + "px;font-family:'楷体';">" + result_html + "</div>";  
            public static string getEAN13(string s, int width, int height)  
                int checkcode_input = -1;//输入的校验码  
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(s, @"^d{12}$"))  
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(s, @"^d{13}$"))  
                        return "存在不允许的字符!";  
                        checkcode_input = int.Parse(s[12].ToString());  
                        s = s.Substring(0, 12);  
                int sum_even = 0;//偶数位之和  
                int sum_odd = 0; //奇数位之和  
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)  
                    if (i % 2 == 0)  
                        sum_odd += int.Parse(s[i].ToString());  
                        sum_even += int.Parse(s[i].ToString());  
                int checkcode = (10 - (sum_even * 3 + sum_odd) % 10) % 10;//校验码  
                if (checkcode_input > 0 && checkcode_input != checkcode)  
                    return "输入的校验码错误!";  
                s += checkcode;//变成13位  
                // 000000000101左侧42个01010右侧35个校验7个101000000000  
                // 6        101左侧6位 01010右侧5位校验1位101000000000  
                string result_bin = "";//二进制串  
                result_bin += "000000000101";  
                string type = ean13type(s[0]);  
                for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)  
                    result_bin += ean13(s[i], type[i - 1]);  
                result_bin += "01010";  
                for (int i = 7; i < 13; i++)  
                    result_bin += ean13(s[i], 'C');  
                result_bin += "101000000000";  
                string result_html = ""; //HTML代码  
                string color = "";       //颜色  
                int height_bottom = width * 5;  
                foreach (char c in result_bin)  
                    color = c == '0' ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000";  
                    result_html += "<div style="" + width + "px;height:" + height + "px;float:left;background:" + color + ";"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="clear:both"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;color:#000000;" + (width * 9) + "px;text-align:center;">" + s[0] + "</div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;"></div>";  
                for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)  
                    result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + (width * 7) + "px;color:#000000;text-align:center;">" + s[i] + "</div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;"></div>";  
                for (int i = 7; i < 13; i++)  
                    result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + (width * 7) + "px;color:#000000;text-align:center;">" + s[i] + "</div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#FFFFFF;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;" + width + "px;height:" + height_bottom + "px;background:#000000;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="float:left;color:#000000;" + (width * 9) + "px;"></div>";  
                result_html += "<div style="clear:both"></div>";  
                return "<div style="background:#FFFFFF;padding:0px;font-size:" + (width * 10) + "px;font-family:'楷体';">" + result_html + "</div>";  
            private static string ean13(char c, char type)  
                switch (type)  
                    case 'A':  
                            switch (c)  
                                case '0': return "0001101";  
                                case '1': return "0011001";  
                                case '2': return "0010011";  
                                case '3': return "0111101";//011101  
                                case '4': return "0100011";  
                                case '5': return "0110001";  
                                case '6': return "0101111";  
                                case '7': return "0111011";  
                                case '8': return "0110111";  
                                case '9': return "0001011";  
                                default: return "Error!";  
                    case 'B':  
                            switch (c)  
                                case '0': return "0100111";  
                                case '1': return "0110011";  
                                case '2': return "0011011";  
                                case '3': return "0100001";  
                                case '4': return "0011101";  
                                case '5': return "0111001";  
                                case '6': return "0000101";//000101  
                                case '7': return "0010001";  
                                case '8': return "0001001";  
                                case '9': return "0010111";  
                                default: return "Error!";  
                    case 'C':  
                            switch (c)  
                                case '0': return "1110010";  
                                case '1': return "1100110";  
                                case '2': return "1101100";  
                                case '3': return "1000010";  
                                case '4': return "1011100";  
                                case '5': return "1001110";  
                                case '6': return "1010000";  
                                case '7': return "1000100";  
                                case '8': return "1001000";  
                                case '9': return "1110100";  
                                default: return "Error!";  
                    default: return "Error!";  
            private static string ean13type(char c)  
                switch (c)  
                    case '0': return "AAAAAA";  
                    case '1': return "AABABB";  
                    case '2': return "AABBAB";  
                    case '3': return "AABBBA";  
                    case '4': return "ABAABB";  
                    case '5': return "ABBAAB";  
                    case '6': return "ABBBAA";//中国  
                    case '7': return "ABABAB";  
                    case '8': return "ABABBA";  
                    case '9': return "ABBABA";  
                    default: return "Error!";  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Liyuting/p/7054418.html
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