• iviewUI 前端静态页面实现增删改查分页




    完整代码部分 (仅供参考哈):

      1 <template>
      2   <div>
      3     <label prop="name">&nbsp;姓名:&nbsp;</label>
      4     <Input v-model="companyName" id="pp" style=" 120px" placeholder="请输入" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
      5     <Button @click="search" type="primary" icon="ios-search">查询</Button>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      6     <Button type="primary" @click="addBus" icon="ios-add-circle-outline">新增</Button>
      7     <Table :columns="columns1" :data="data1" size="small" ref="table">
      8       <template slot-scope="{ row }" slot="name">
      9         <strong>{{ row.name }}</strong>
     10       </template>
     11       <template slot-scope="{ row, index }" slot="action">
     12         <Button type="primary" size="small" style="margin-right: 5px" @click="show(index)">详情</Button>
     13         <Button type="warning" style="margin-right: 5px" size="small" @click="editBus(row,index)">编辑</Button>
     14         <!-- 前面的小图标会居中挡住文字  设置一下样式就好了 style="text-align:left" -->
     15         <Poptip
     16           style="text-align:left"
     17           confirm
     18           title="您确定要删除该信息?"
     19           placement="left-end"
     20           @on-ok="remove(index)"
     21           @on-cancel="cancel1"
     22         >
     23           <Button type="error" size="small">删除</Button>
     24           <!-- @click="remove(index)" -->
     25         </Poptip>
     26       </template>
     27     </Table>
     28     <Modal
     29       v-model="handleModal"
     30       title="新增一条数据"
     31       @on-ok="ok"
     32       @on-cancel="cancel"
     33       :footer-hide="true"
     34       :mask-closable="false"
     35       width="820"
     36       @on-visible-change="handleReset('formValidate')"
     37     >
     38       <Form inline ref="formValidate" :model="formValidate" :label-width="80" :rules="ruleValidate">
     39         <FormItem label="姓名" prop="name">
     40           <Input v-model="formValidate.name" placeholder="请输入姓名"></Input>
     41         </FormItem>
     42         <FormItem label="年龄" prop="age">
     43           <Input v-model="formValidate.age" placeholder="请输入年龄"></Input>
     44         </FormItem>
     45         <FormItem label="爱好" prop="address">
     46           <Input v-model="formValidate.address" placeholder="请输入你的爱好"></Input>
     47         </FormItem>
     48         <FormItem label="性别" prop="sex">
     49           <Input v-model="formValidate.sex" placeholder="别不男不女"></Input>
     50         </FormItem>
     51         <FormItem>
     52           <!-- 提交的单击事件  在下面的方法里面写好 -->
     53           <Button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit('formValidate')">提交</Button>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;
     54           <Button @click="handleReset('formValidate')" style="margin-left: 8px">重置</Button>
     55         </FormItem>
     56       </Form>
     57     </Modal>
     58      <!-- 分页控件 -->
     59         <div style="margin: 10px;overflow: hidden">
     60           <div style="float:left">
     61             <Page
     62               :total="dataCount"
     63               :page-size="pageSize"
     64               show-total
     65               :current="1"
     66               @on-change="changepage"
     67             ></Page>
     68           </div>
     69         </div>
     70   </div>
     71 </template>
     72 <script>
     73 import { Script } from "vm";
     74 let testData = {
     75   histories: [
     76       {
     77           name: "老王",
     78           age: 18,
     79           sex: "",
     80           address: "我喜欢吃苹果"
     81         },
     82         {
     83           name: "张三",
     84           age: 18,
     85           sex: "",
     86           address: "我喜欢吃炸鸡"
     87         },
     88         {
     89           name: "张欧",
     90           age: 18,
     91           sex: "",
     92           address: "我喜欢吃西瓜"
     93         },
     94         {
     95           name: "张五",
     96           age: 18,
     97           sex: "",
     98           address: "我喜欢吃阿弥光"
     99         },
    100         {
    101           name: "国基",
    102           age: 18,
    103           sex: "",
    104           address: "我喜欢吃烤鸭"
    105         },
    106         {
    107           name: "老王",
    108           age: 18,
    109           sex: "",
    110           address: "我喜欢吃苹果"
    111         },
    112         {
    113           name: "张三",
    114           age: 18,
    115           sex: "",
    116           address: "我喜欢吃炸鸡"
    117         },
    118         {
    119           name: "张欧",
    120           age: 18,
    121           sex: "",
    122           address: "我喜欢吃西瓜"
    123         },
    124         {
    125           name: "张五",
    126           age: 18,
    127           sex: "",
    128           address: "我喜欢吃阿弥光"
    129         },
    130         {
    131           name: "国基",
    132           age: 18,
    133           sex: "",
    134           address: "我喜欢吃烤鸭"
    135         }
    137   ]
    138 };
    139 export default {
    140   data() {
    141     return {
    142       // 这里需要设置原数据为空
    143       // 好像跟实例化一样  不然会出错的
    144       data1: [],
    145       companyName: "",
    146       // modal开始为false
    147       handleModal: false,
    149       //  这个对应form里面的数据不能少  名字不规范我就不改了
    150       // columns1 和formvalidate 里面的命名要一样 别乱了
    151       formValidate: {
    152         name: "",
    153         flight: "",
    154         begin: "",
    155         destination: ""
    156       },
    157        // 分页
    159      ajaxHistoryData: [],
    160       // 初始化信息总条数
    161       dataCount: 0,
    162       // 每页显示多少条
    163       pageSize: 5,
    164       // 设置table的表头
    165       columns1: [
    166         {
    167           title: "姓名",
    168           key: "name"
    169         },
    170         {
    171           title: "年龄",
    172           key: "age"
    173         },
    174         {
    175           title: "爱好",
    176           key: "address"
    177         },
    178         {
    179           title: "性别",
    180           key: "sex"
    181         },
    182         {
    183           title: "操作",
    184           slot: "action",
    185            200,
    186           align: "center"
    187         }
    188       ],
    189       // 设置表格的数据
    190       tableData: []
    191     };
    192   },
    193   // 方法
    194   methods: {
    195     // 查找按钮
    196     search() {
    197       // 获取表格数据
    198       var len = testData.histories;
    199       // 设置一个空的数组
    200       var arr = [];
    201       // 循环遍历
    202       for (var i in len) {
    203         // if判断  如果文本框中的值等于表格中name的值 输出
    204         if (len[i].name == this.companyName) {
    205           arr.push(len[i]);
    206           // 如果等于空就给他全部数据
    207         } else if (this.companyName == "") {
    208           this.data1 = testData.histories;
    209           return;
    210         }
    211       }
    212       // 将查找出来的数据给表格
    213       this.data1 = arr;
    214     },
    215     // 新增按钮的单击事件
    216     addBus() {
    217       this.handleModal = true;
    218       this.modalTitle = "新增";
    219     },
    220     // 新增数据
    221     handleSubmit(name) {
    222       var self = this;
    223       self.$refs[name].validate(valid => {
    224         if (valid) {
    225           var params = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(self.formValidate));
    227           if (self.modalTitle == "新增") {
    228             // 获取需要渲染到页面中的数据
    229             self.$Message.success("新增成功!");
    230             self.data1.push(params);
    231           } else {
    232             this.$set(self.data1, self.itemIndex, params);
    233             self.$Message.success("修改成功!");
    234           }
    235           self.handleModal = false;
    236         } else {
    237           if (self.modalTitle == "新增") {
    238             self.$Message.error("新增失败!");
    239           } else {
    240             self.$Message.error("修改失败!");
    241           }
    242         }
    243       });
    244     },
    245     // 修改方法
    246     editBus(item, index) {
    247       this.handleModal = true;
    248       this.modalTitle = "修改";
    249       this.itemIndex = index;
    250       this.formValidate = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item));
    251     },
    252     // 删除一条数据
    253     remove(index) {
    254       this.data1.splice(index, 1);
    255       // on-click  方法 冒泡提示确定
    256       this.$Message.success("删除成功");
    257     },
    258      cancel1() {
    259       this.$Message.info("取消删除");
    260     },
    261     // 清除文本框  重置
    262     handleReset(name) {
    263       this.$refs[name].resetFields();
    264     },
    265     // 详情显示
    266      show(index) {
    267       this.$Modal.info({
    268         title: "查看详情",
    269         content: `姓名:${this.data1[index].name}<br>年龄:${this.data1[index].age}
    270         <br>爱好:${this.data1[index].address}<br>性别:${this.data1[index].sex}
    271         `
    272       });
    273     },
    274      // 分页
    275     handleListApproveHistory() {
    276       // 保存取到的所有数据
    278       this.ajaxHistoryData = testData.histories;
    279       this.dataCount = testData.histories.length;
    280       // 初始化显示,小于每页显示条数,全显,大于每页显示条数,取前每页条数显示
    281       if (testData.histories.length < this.pageSize) {
    282         this.data1 = this.ajaxHistoryData;
    283       } else {
    284         this.data1 = this.ajaxHistoryData.slice(0, this.pageSize);
    285       }
    286     },
    287     changepage(index) {
    288       this.page = index;
    289       var _start = (index - 1) * this.pageSize;
    290       var _end = index * this.pageSize;
    291       this.data1 = this.ajaxHistoryData.slice(_start, _end);
    292     }
    294   },
    296   // 这个应该是加载事件  加载页面的时候就调用
    297   // mounted() {
    298   //   // 页面一加载就将数据给出给表格
    299   //   this.data1 = testData.histories;
    300   // },
    301   created() {
    302     this.handleListApproveHistory();
    303   }
    306 };
    307 </script>
    309 <style>
    310 </style>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LinWenQiang/p/11876822.html
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