refer to :
A newer and cleaner syntax for working with async code! Syntax "makeup" for promise
- Async functions always return a promise
- if the function returns a value, the promise will be resolved with that value
- if the function throws an exception, the promise will be rejected.
We can only use the await keyword inside of functions declared with async
- await will pause the execution of the function, waiting for a promise to be resolved
const login = async (username, password) => { if (!username || !password) throw 'Missing Credentials' if (password === 'corgifeetarecute') return 'WELCOME!' throw 'Invalid Password' } login('todd', 'corgifeetarecute') .then(msg => { console.log("LOGGED IN!") console.log(msg) }) .catch(err => { console.log("ERROR!") console.log(err) })
const delayedColorChange = (color, delay) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { = color; resolve(); }, delay) }) } async function rainbow() { await delayedColorChange('red', 1000) await delayedColorChange('orange', 1000) await delayedColorChange('yellow', 1000) await delayedColorChange('green', 1000) await delayedColorChange('blue', 1000) await delayedColorChange('indigo', 1000) await delayedColorChange('violet', 1000) return "ALL DONE!" } // rainbow().then(() => console.log("END OF RAINBOW!")) async function printRainbow() { await rainbow(); console.log("END OF RAINBOW!") } printRainbow();
const fakeRequest = (url) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * (4500)) + 500; setTimeout(() => { if (delay > 2000) { reject('Connection Timeout :(') } else { resolve(`Here is your fake data from ${url}`) } }, delay) }) } async function makeTwoRequests() { try { let data1 = await fakeRequest('/page1'); console.log(data1); let data2 = await fakeRequest('/page2'); console.log(data2); } catch (e) { console.log("CAUGHT AN ERROR!") console.log("error is:", e) } }
try catch to handle errors in async functions