• XHTML学习笔记 Part4:列表

    1. 空格



    <p>This   paragraph shows how   multiple spaces
         between     words are  treated as a single space. 
         This is known as white space collapsing, and  
         the big spaces between    some of the    words will not appear   
         in the  browser.   
         It also demonstrates how the browser will treat multiple carriage returns  
         (new lines) as a single space, too.</p> 

    2. 利用ul元素创建无序列表(在页面上放置项目符号列表)


    3. 有序列表(列表中的每一项的前缀不是项目符号,而是数值(1、2、3),字母(A、B、C、)或罗马数字(ⅰ、ⅱ、ⅲ))


    • 使用start属性(逐渐淘汰)改变有序列表中的起始数值
    • 使用type属性(逐渐淘汰)选择有序列表中的数值、字母或罗马数字:
    type属性的值  描述 示例
    1 阿拉伯数字(默认值) 1、2、3、4、5
    A 大写字母


    a 小写字母 a、b、c、d、e
    I 大写罗马数字 Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ
    i 小写罗马数字 ⅰ、ⅱ、ⅲ、ⅳ、ⅴ

    4. 定义列表


     5. 列表的嵌套


     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <!DOCTYPE html Public "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
     4 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">
     6 <head>
     7 <title>Wrox Recipes-World's Best Scrambled Eggs</title>
     8 </head>
    10 <body>
    11 <h1>Wrox Recipes-World's Best Scrambled Eggs</h1>
    12 <p>I adapted this recipe from a book called  
    13 <cite cite=" http:/www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-  /0864119917/">Sydney Food</cite> by Bill Grainger. Ever since tasting these eggs on my 1<sup>st</sup> visit to
    14 Bill's restaurant in Kings Cross, Sydney, I have been after the recipe. I have since transformed  it into what I really believe are the<em>best</em> scrambled eggs  
    15 I have ever tasted.</p> 
    17 <p>This recipe is what I call a <q>very special breakfast</q>; just look at the ingredients to see why. It has to be tasted to be believed.</p> 
    19 <h2>Ingredients</h2>
    20 <p>The following ingredients make one serving:</p> 
    21 <ul> 
    22 <li>2 eggs</li> 
    23 <li>1 tablespoon of butter (10g)</li> 
    24 <li>1/3 cup of cream <i>(2 3/4 fl ounces)</i></li> 
    25 <li>A pinch of salt</li> 
    26 <li>Freshly milled black pepper</li> 
    27 <li>3 fresh chives (chopped)</li> 
    28 </ul> 
    30 <h3>Instructions</h3>
    31 <ol> 
    32 <li>Whisk eggs, cream, and salt in a bowl.</li> 
    33 <li>Melt the butter in a non-stick pan over a high heat <i>(taking care not to burn the butter)</i>.</li> 
    34 <li>Pour egg mixture into pan and wait until it starts setting around the edge of the pan (around 20 seconds).</li> 
    35 <li>Using a wooden spatula, bring the mixture into the center as if it were an omelet, and let it cook for another 20 seconds.</li> 
    36 <li>Fold contents in again, leave for 20 seconds, and repeat until the eggs are only just done.</li> 
    37 <li>Grind a light sprinkling of freshly milled pepper over the eggs and blend in some chopped fresh chives.</li> 
    38 </ol> 
    39 <p>You should only make a <strong>maximum</strong> of two servings per frying pan.</p> 
    41 </body>
    43 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LilianChen/p/3242722.html
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