• nachos3.4 threads管理 (c++)




    // Usage: nachos -d <debugflags> -rs <random seed #>
    //  -s -x <nachos file> -c <consoleIn> <consoleOut>
    //  -f -cp <unix file> <nachos file>
    //  -p <nachos file> -r <nachos file> -l -D -t
    //              -n <network reliability> -m <machine id>
    //              -o <other machine id>
    //              -z
    //    -d causes certain debugging messages to be printed (cf. utility.h)
    //    -rs causes Yield to occur at random (but repeatable) spots
    //    -z prints the copyright message
    //    -s causes user programs to be executed in single-step mode
    //    -x runs a user program
    //    -c tests the con

    -d  与调试信息相关,如果执行时增加参数 -d -t 则是打印出和thread相关的调试信息,如果执行时增加参数 -d + 则打印出所有调试信息。否则不打印。
    -d  所跟的参数代表了需要打印哪些相关参数(具体见utility.h)
    -rs 在指定的范围内随机触发线程的Yield方法,让出cpu,这个范围就是-rs 之后跟的参数(个人理解,不一定对)
    -z  打印版本信息

    之后都是与 USER_PROGRAM,FILESYS,NETWORK相关的内容,现在先不考虑

    //  FILESYS
    //    -f causes the physical disk to be formatted
    //    -cp copies a file from UNIX to Nachos
    //    -p prints a Nachos file to stdout
    //    -r removes a Nachos file from the file system
    //    -l lists the contents of the Nachos directory
    //    -D prints the contents of the entire file system
    //    -t tests the performance of the Nachos file system
    //  NETWORK
    //    -n sets the network reliability
    //    -m sets this machine's host id (needed for the network)
    //    -o runs a simple test of the Nachos network software
    //  NOTE -- flags are ignored until the relevant assignment.
    //  Some of the flags are interpreted here; some in system.cc.
    // Copyright (c) 1992-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
    // All rights reserved.  See copyright.h for copyright notice and limitation
    // of liability and disclaimer of warranty provisions.

    #define MAIN
    #include "copyright.h"
    #undef MAIN
    #include "utility.h"
    #include "system.h"
    #ifdef THREADS
    extern int testnum;
    // External functions used by this file
    extern void ThreadTest(void), Copy(char *unixFile, char *nachosFile);
    extern void Print(char *file), PerformanceTest(void);
    extern void StartProcess(char *file), ConsoleTest(char *in, char *out);
    extern void MailTest(int networkID);

    #ifdef THREADS
    extern int testnum;
    在额外函数中,我们只调用了如下函数,该函数在threadtest.cc 文件中,执行一个线程测试。
    extern void ThreadTest(void)

    // main
    // 	Bootstrap the operating system kernel.  
    //	Check command line arguments
    //	Initialize data structures
    //	(optionally) Call test procedure
    //	"argc" is the number of command line arguments (including the name of the command) -- ex: "nachos -d +" -> argc = 3 
    //	"argv " is an array of strings, one for each command line argument  ex: "nachos -d +" -> argv = {"nachos", "-d", "+"}


    main(int argc, char **argv)
        int argCount;            // the number of arguments 
                        // for a particular command
        DEBUG('t', "Entering main");
        (void) Initialize(argc, argv);
    #ifdef THREADS
        for (argc--, argv++; argc > 0; argc -= argCount, argv += argCount) {
          argCount = 1;
          switch (argv[0][1]) {
          case 'q':
            testnum = atoi(argv[1]);
            testnum = 1;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Libo-Master/p/8323890.html
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