var F = function (){} F.prototype = SuperClass.prototype; SubClass.prototype = new F; SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass |
var Animal = Class.create({ initialize: function (name, sound) { this .name = name; this .sound = sound; }, speak: function () { alert( this .name + " says: " + this .sound + "!" ); } }); // subclassing Animal var Snake = Class.create(Animal, { initialize: function ($ super , name) { $ super (name, 'hissssssssss' ); } }); var ringneck = new Snake( "Ringneck" ); ringneck.speak(); //-> alerts "Ringneck says: hissssssssss!" var rattlesnake = new Snake( "Rattler" ); rattlesnake.speak(); //-> alerts "Rattler says: hissssssssss!" // mixing-in Enumerable var AnimalPen = Class.create(Enumerable, { initialize: function () { var args = $A(arguments); if (!args.all( function (arg) { return arg instanceof Animal })) throw "Only animals in here!" this .animals = args; }, // implement _each to use Enumerable methods _each: function (iterator) { return this .animals._each(iterator); } }); var snakePen = new AnimalPen(ringneck, rattlesnake); snakePen.invoke( 'speak' ); //-> alerts "Ringneck says: hissssssssss!" //-> alerts "Rattler says: hissssssssss!" |
var F = function (){} F.prototype = SuperClass.prototype; SubClass.prototype = new F(); SubClassprototype.constructor = SubClass |
dojo.declare( "TestClass" , null , { id: "" , info: { name : "" ,age: "" }, staticValue:{count:0}, constructor : function (id,name,age) { this .id=id; this .info.name=name; this .info.age=age this .staticValue.count++; } } ); |
YUI().use( 'oop' , function (Y) { var Bird = function (name) { this .name = name; }; Bird.prototype.getName = function (){ return this .name; }; var Chicken = function (name) { Chicken.superclass.constructor.call( this , name); }; Y.extend(Chicken, Bird); var chicken = new Chicken( 'Tom' ); Y.log(chicken.getName()); }); |
supperclass 有两个作用:一是可以用来调用父类的方法,二是可以通过 supperclass.constructor 调用父类的构造函数。一举两得.
Simple JavaScript Inheritance
var Person = Class.extend({ init: function (isDancing){ this .dancing = isDancing; }, dance: function (){ return this .dancing; } }); var Ninja = Person.extend({ init: function (){ this ._super( false ); }, dance: function (){ // Call the inherited version of dance() return this ._super(); }, swingSword: function (){ return true ; } }); var p = new Person( true ); p.dance(); // => true var n = new Ninja(); n.dance(); // => false n.swingSword(); // => true // Should all be true p instanceof Person && p instanceof Class && n instanceof Ninja && n instanceof Person && n instanceof Class |
var Animal = new Class({ initialize: function (age) { this .age = age; } }); var Cat = new Class({ Extends: Animal, initialize: function (name, age) { this .parent(age); // calls initalize method of Animal class this .name = name; } }); var cat = new Cat( 'Micia' , 20); console.log(cat.name); // 'Micia' console.log(cat.age); // 20 |
它应该是所有框架中最复杂也是最强大的,涉及的API就有Mutator Extends Implements还有从Type继承过来的extend implement,它内部拷贝父类属性还用到了深拷贝!
Extends: 可以实现父类,也可以调用父类初始化 this.parent()。而且会覆盖父类定义的变量或者函数。
Implements: 实现父类,子类不可以覆盖父类的方法或者变量。即使子类定义与父类相同的变量或者函数,也会被父类取代掉。
implement: 是用于调整已经创建好的类的原型成员.
extend: 调用子类(非其实例)的extend方法创建一个新的子类.
mass Framework的类工厂
$.require( "class,spec" , function () { var Shape = $.factory({ init: function (len) { $.log(len) this .length = len || 0; }, getLength: function () { return this .length; }, setLength: function (len) { this .length = len; }, getArea: function () { throw "Subclasses must implement this method" } }) var Triangle = $.factory({ inherit: Shape, init: function (len, hei) { //len属性在父类中已定义,这里可以省去 this .height = hei || 0; }, getArea: function () { return this .length * this .height / 2 } }) var Square = $.factory({ inherit: Shape, getArea: function () { return this .length * this .length; } }); var t = new Triangle(3, 4) $.log(t.getArea(), true ) var s = new Square(4) $.log(s.getArea(), true ) }); |
- init为新类的构造器,没有默认传入空函数进去
- inherit为新类的父类
- extend的参数是一个对象或对象数组,不管怎么样,这些对象的属性只是为新类添加静态成员,或者说它们是添加到类之上的
- implement的参数是一个对象或对象数组或类(类即函数),这些对象的属性只是为新类添加实例成员,或者说它们是添加到类的原型上.
标签: javascript