1 try 2 { 3 //获取并使用资源,可能出现异常 4 } 5 catch(DivideByZeroException de) 6 { 7 } 8 catch(ArithmeticException ae) 9 { 10 } 11 catch(Exception e) 12 { 13 //捕获并处理异常,当出现多个异常且异常类之间有继承关系(DivideByZeroException==>ArithmeticException==>Exception), 14 //捕获顺序是子类在前,基类在后 15 } 16 finally 17 { 18 //无论什么情况(即使在catch块中return)下,都会执行该块的代码(如:关闭文件) 19 //另外需要说明的是,在finally块中使用任何break、continue、return退出都是非法的。 20 }
1. 页面级错误处理(通过Page_Error事件)
protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { string errorMsg = String.Empty; Exception currentError = Server.GetLastError(); errorMsg += "系统发生错误:<br/>"; errorMsg += "错误地址:" + Request.Url + "<br/>"; errorMsg += "错误信息:" + currentError.Message + "<br/>"; Response.Write(errorMsg); Server.ClearError();//清除异常(否则将引发全局的Application_Error事件) }
2. 应用程序级(global.asax)错误处理(通过Application_Error事件)
protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception ex = Server.GetLastError(); Exception iex = ex.InnerException; string errorMsg = String.Empty; string particular = String.Empty; if (iex != null) { errorMsg = iex.Message; particular = iex.StackTrace; } else { errorMsg = ex.Message; particular = ex.StackTrace; } //AddLog(errorMsg, particular); Server.ClearError();//处理完及时清理异常 }
3. 应用程序配置(web.config)
<system.web> <!--mode有三种值:On,Off,RemoteOnly,defaultRedirect出现错误重定向的URL--> <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.htm"> <!--statusCode错误状态码,redirect错误重定向的URL--> <error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm"/> <error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNoFound.htm"/> </customErrors> </system.web>
internal class ThreadExceptionHandler { //实现错误异常事件 public void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { try { //如果用户单击"Abort"则退出应用程序 DialogResult result = ShowThreadExceptionDialog(e.Exception); if (result == DialogResult.Abort) { Application.Exit(); } } catch { try { MessageBox.Show("严重错误", "严重错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } finally { Application.Exit(); } } } private DialogResult ShowThreadExceptionDialog(Exception e) { string errorMsg = "错误信息:\t\t" + e.Message + "\t\t" + e.GetType() + "\t\t" + e.StackTrace; return MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Application Error", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } } static class Program { ///<summary> /// The main entry point for the application. ///</summary> [STAThread] static void Main() { ThreadExceptionHandler handler = new ThreadExceptionHandler(); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(handler.Application_ThreadException); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new frmEvent()); } } public partial class frmEvent : Form { private void btnException_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { throw new InvalidOperationException("无效的操作异常!"); } }