欠费年份 欠费开始月份 欠费结束月份 应缴金额(月租)
2001 9 12 94.4
2008 5 12 88.8
2010 8 12 90.4
a(pk,int,not null) //主键,自动增长
b(varchar(19),null) //费款所属期
c(decimal(10,2),null) //应缴金额___________________________________________
select * from a
a b c
1 2001-09 94.4
2 2001-10 94.4
3 2001-11 94.4
4 2001-12 94.4
数据库是:MS Sql server 2008
use testdb2go/*******************建立测试数据***3w@live.cn***********************/IF NOT OBJECT_ID('[TBTest]') IS NULL DROP TABLE [TBTest]GOCREATE TABLE [TBTest]([tid] int identity(1,1) primary key,[date] NVARCHAR(20) null,[Money] decimal(10,2) null)go/*******************启用Ad Hoc Distributed Queries***3w@live.cn***********************/--------USE master--------go--------sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1--------GO------------reconfigure----------启用分布式查询 Ad Hoc Distributed Queries--------sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1--------GO--------reconfigure--------gouse testdb2go/*******************定义表变量***3w@live.cn***********************/Declare @TableVar table(PKId int primary key identity(1,1),RYear int not null,BMonth int not null,EMonth int not null,RMoney Decimal(15,2) not null----,d1 date null,d2 Date null)insert into @TableVar(RYear ,BMonth ,EMonth ,RMoney)select * from OpenRowSet('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;Database=D:\test\test20110501.xls','select * from [Sheet1$]') /*******************第一种方法,用游标***3w@live.cn***********************/ DECLARE @RYear int declare @BMonth int declare @EMonth int declare @RMoney int DECLARE DateDemo_cursor CURSOR FOR select RYear,BMonth,EMonth,RMoney from @TableVar where 1=1 OPEN DateDemo_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM DateDemo_cursor INTO @RYear,@BMonth,@EMonth,@RMoney WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN ----print @RYear ----print @BMonth ----print @EMonth ----print @RMoney --修改记录 while(@EMonth-@BMonth>=0) begin insert INTO [TBTest] SELECT TOP 1 cast(RYear AS nvarchar(4))+'-'+ CASE WHEN (@BMonth<10) THEN '0'+cast(@BMonth AS nvarchar(2)) ELSE cast(@BMonth AS nvarchar(2)) END, Rmoney from @TableVar where Ryear=@RYear SET @BMonth=@BMonth+1 end --修改结束 FETCH NEXT FROM DateDemo_cursor into @RYear,@BMonth,@EMonth,@RMoney END CLOSE DateDemo_cursor DEALLOCATE DateDemo_cursorGOSELECT * FROM [TBTest]
/*tid date Money1 2001-09 94.402 2001-10 94.403 2001-11 94.404 2001-12 94.405 2008-05 88.806 2008-06 88.807 2008-07 88.808 2008-08 88.809 2008-09 88.8010 2008-10 88.8011 2008-11 88.8012 2008-12 88.8013 2010-08 90.4014 2010-09 90.4015 2010-10 90.4016 2010-11 90.4017 2010-12 90.40*/
评价:该方法使用了最传统的方法,思路清晰。但没有体现SQL server 2008的语法特性,略显繁琐。
/*******************第二种方法,用CTE,适用于sql2005/2008/2008 r2*********//***************************************3w@live.cn***********************/ TRUNCATE table [TBTest]goDeclare @TableVar table(PKId int primary key identity(1,1),RYear int not null,BMonth int not null,EMonth int not null,RMoney Decimal(15,2) not null);insert into @TableVar(RYear ,BMonth ,EMonth ,RMoney)select * from OpenRowSet('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;Database=D:\test\test20110501.xls', 'select * from [Sheet1$]');with seq as (select top 12 row_number() over (order by object_id) val from sys.objects)select cast(t.RYear AS nvarchar(4))+'-'+ CASE WHEN (t.BMonth+seq.val<10) THEN '0'+cast(t.BMonth+seq.val AS nvarchar(2)) ELSE cast(t.BMonth+seq.val AS nvarchar(2)) END ,RMoney cfrom @TableVar t inner join seq on t.BMonth+seq.val <= EMonth;
思路三:可否使用SQL Server 2008新提供的Merge实现?
select number from master..spt_valueswhere type='P' andnumber between 1 and 5/*number12345*/
因为月份最多12,不超过2048,因此可以利用 master..spt_values。
/*******************第五种方法,用master..spt_values,适用于sql2005/2008/2008 r2*********//***************************************3w@live.cn***********************/ Declare @TableVar table(PKId int primary key identity(1,1),RYear int not null,BMonth int not null,EMonth int not null,RMoney Decimal(15,2) not null----,d1 date null,d2 Date null);insert into @TableVar(RYear ,BMonth ,EMonth ,RMoney)select * from OpenRowSet('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;Database=D:\test\test20110501.xls', 'select * from [Sheet1$]');select tid=row_number()over(order by getdate()),ltrim(RYear)+'-'+ltrim(right(100+number,2)) as date, b.RMoney as moneyfrom master..spt_values a, @TableVar bwhere number between BMonth and EMonthand type='p'
助人等于自助! 3w@live.cn