• 【Microsoft Azure学习之旅】测试消息队列(Service Bus Queue)是否会丢消息

      组里最近遇到一个问题,微软的Azure Service Bus Queue是否可靠?是否会出现丢失消息的情况?


      由于开发的产品是SaaS产品,为防止消息丢失,跨Module消息传递使用的是微软Azure消息队列(Service Bus Queue),但是出现一个问题,一个Module向Queue里发送消息,但另一个Module没有取到该消息。因为消息发送过程中并未有异常。所以大家怀疑,是否Azure Service Bus Queue不可靠,丢失了我们的一些消息


      但我想应该没有那么凑巧,毕竟我们的消息量还在测试阶段,没有那么大,不会那么凑巧碰上。所以索性根据同事的建议,写一个测试程序来确定Service Bus Queue是否会或者容易丢失消息。


    一. 测试程序简介



      首先建立一个消息队列(Queue),程序使用Azure .Net SDK实现向Queue发送和接受消息(接收到消息后会调用方法在Queue中删除此消息,删除成功,则视为接收成功)。






    二. 代码实现

      Class ServiceBusQueueHandler负责封装.Net SDK的发送,接收消息。

    class ServiceBusQueueHandler
            public static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
            public ServiceBusQueueHandler()
                /* For most scenarios, it is recommended that you keep Mode to Auto. 
                 * This indicates that your application will attempt to use TCP to connect to the Windows Azure Service Bus, 
                 * but will use HTTP if unable to do so. In general, this allows your connection to be more efficient. 
                 * However, if TCP is always unavailable to your application, 
                 * you can save some time on your connection if you globally set the mode to HTTP.*/
                ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = ConnectivityMode.AutoDetect;
            //Send Message
            public bool SendMessage(string strMessageBody, QueueClient client, int idelayTime = 0)
                bool bRet = false;
                    BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage(strMessageBody);
                    DateTime utcEnqueueTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(idelayTime);
                    //log.Debug(string.Format("DateTime.UtcNow = {0}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()));
                    //log.Debug(string.Format("EnqueuedTimeUtc = {0}", utcEnqueueTime.ToString()));
                    //set the time when this message will be visiable
                    message.ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc = utcEnqueueTime;
                    log.Debug(string.Format("Success send! Send Time = {0}, Body = {1}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), message.GetBody<string>()));
                    bRet = true;
                catch (TimeoutException e)
                    //Thrown when operation times out. Timeout period is initialized through the MessagingFactorySettings may need to increase the value of OperationTimeout to avoid this exception if timeout value is relatively low.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("TimeoutException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    //Thrown when the BrokeredMessage is null.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("ArgumentException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                    //Thrown if the message has already been sent by a QueueClient or MessageSender once already.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("InvalidOperationException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (OperationCanceledException e)
                    //Thrown if the client entity has been closed or aborted.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("OperationCanceledException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    //Thrown if there is an I/O or security error.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("UnauthorizedAccessException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (SerializationException e)
                    //Thrown when an error occurs during serialization or deserialization.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("SerializationException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (MessagingEntityNotFoundException e)
                    //Thrown if the queue does not exist.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("MessagingEntityNotFoundException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (MessagingException e)
                    log.Debug(string.Format("MessagingException: {0}", e.Message));
                    if (e.IsTransient)
                        //e.IsTransient: Gets a value indicating whether the exception is transient. Check this property to determine if the operation should be retried.
                    return bRet;
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Debug(string.Format("Exception: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                return bRet;
            //SendMessages, the maximum size of the batch is the same as the maximum size of a single message (currently 256 Kb).
            public bool SendMessages(List<string> arrayMessages, QueueClient client, int idelayTime = 0)
                bool bRet = false;
                int i = 0;
                //prepare data
                List<BrokeredMessage> arrayBrokedMessages = new List<BrokeredMessage>();
                DateTime utcEnqueueTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(idelayTime);
                log.Debug(string.Format("DateTime.UtcNow = {0}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()));
                log.Debug(string.Format("EnqueuedTimeUtc = {0}", utcEnqueueTime.ToString()));
                foreach (string strMessageBody in arrayMessages)
                    BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage(strMessageBody);
                    // The Id of message must be assigned 
                    message.MessageId = "Message_" + (++i).ToString();
                    message.ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc = utcEnqueueTime;
                //send messages
                    log.Debug(string.Format("Success send batch messages!"));
                    bRet = true;
                catch (TimeoutException e)
                    //Thrown when operation times out. Timeout period is initialized through the MessagingFactorySettings may need to increase the value of OperationTimeout to avoid this exception if timeout value is relatively low.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("TimeoutException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    //Thrown when the BrokeredMessage is null.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("ArgumentException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                    //Thrown if the message has already been sent by a QueueClient or MessageSender once already.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("InvalidOperationException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (OperationCanceledException e)
                    //Thrown if the client entity has been closed or aborted.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("OperationCanceledException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    //Thrown if there is an I/O or security error.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("UnauthorizedAccessException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (SerializationException e)
                    //Thrown when an error occurs during serialization or deserialization.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("SerializationException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (MessagingEntityNotFoundException e)
                    //Thrown if the queue does not exist.
                    log.Debug(string.Format("MessagingEntityNotFoundException: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                catch (MessagingException e)
                    log.Debug(string.Format("MessagingException: {0}", e.Message));
                    if (e.IsTransient)
                        //e.IsTransient: Gets a value indicating whether the exception is transient. Check this property to determine if the operation should be retried.
                    return bRet;
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Debug(string.Format("Exception: {0}", e.Message));
                    return bRet;
                return bRet;
            //get messages from a queue
            //iWaitTimeout: The time span that the server will wait for the message batch to arrive before it times out.
            public List<BrokeredMessage> GetMessages(int iMaxNumMsg, int iWaitTimeout, QueueClient client)
                List<BrokeredMessage> list = new List<BrokeredMessage>();
                    //receive messages from Agent Subscription
                    list = client.ReceiveBatch(iMaxNumMsg, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iWaitTimeout)).ToList<BrokeredMessage>();
                catch (MessagingException e)
                    log.Debug(string.Format("ReceiveMessages, MessagingException: {0}", e.Message));
                    if (e.IsTransient)
                        //e.IsTransient: Gets a value indicating whether the exception is transient. Check this property to determine if the operation should be retried.
                    return null;
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Debug(string.Format("ReceiveMessages, Exception: {0}", e.Message));
                    return null;
                return list;
            public bool DeleteMessage(BrokeredMessage message)
                bool bRet = false;
                    bRet = true;
                    log.Debug(string.Format("Delete Message Successfully"));
                catch (Exception e)
                    return bRet;
                return bRet;
            private void HandleTransientErrors(MessagingException e)
                //If transient error/exception, let's back-off for 2 seconds and retry
                log.Debug("Transient error happened! Will retry in 2 seconds");


    //this function is used to send a number of messages to a queue
            public static void SendMessageToQueue()
                int sendMessageNum = 10000;
                log.Debug(string.Format("=> SendMessageToQueue, send message number = {0}", sendMessageNum));
                //prepare the handler, client
                ServiceBusQueueHandler handler = new ServiceBusQueueHandler();
                QueueClient client = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, queueName);
                //the message num which is sent successfully
                int count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < sendMessageNum; i++)
                    //send a message
                    string strMessageBody = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    bool bRet = handler.SendMessage(strMessageBody, client, 10);
                    if (bRet)
                    //wait 2s, then send next message
                log.Debug(string.Format("<= SendMessageToQueue, success sent message number = {0}", count));
            public static void ReceiveMessageFromQueue()
                log.Debug("=> ReceiveMessageFromQueue");
                //prepare the handler, client
                ServiceBusQueueHandler handler = new ServiceBusQueueHandler();
                QueueClient client = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, queueName);
                //the message num which is received successfully
                int count = 0;
                //if we can't get message in 1 hour(60 * 60 =  30 * 120), we think there are no more messages in the queue
                int failCount = 0;
                while (failCount < 30)
                    List<BrokeredMessage> list = handler.GetMessages(10, 120, client);
                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        foreach (BrokeredMessage e in list)
                            log.Debug(string.Format("Received 1 Message, Time = {0}, Message Body = {1}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), e.GetBody<string>()));
                            //delete message
                            bool bRet = handler.DeleteMessage(e);
                            if (bRet)
                        log.Debug(string.Format("Current Count Number = {0}", count));
                        log.Debug(string.Format("Didn't Receive any Message this time, fail count number = {0}", failCount));
                    //wait 10s, then send next message
                log.Debug(string.Format("<= ReceiveMessageFromQueue, success received message number = {0}", count));
            static void Main(string[] args)
                log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["LogName"] = "TestServiceBus.log";
                Thread threadSendMessage = new Thread(SendMessageToQueue);
                Thread threadReceMessage = new Thread(ReceiveMessageFromQueue);


    三. 测试结果



    2015-04-30 15:01:49,576 [3] DEBUG TestServiceBus.Program <= SendMessageToQueue, success sent message number = 10000


    2015-04-30 15:02:03,638 [4] DEBUG TestServiceBus.Program Current Count Number = 10000

      所以仅从此次测试结果来看,Service Bus Queue并未丢失消息。所以组里遇到消息的问题,建议还是从自己代码入手检查问题,是否我们自己出了问题,而非Service Bus Queue。


    2015年5月5日更新:最终找到Service Bus丢失消息的原因,问题果然出在我们自己这边,发消息时,message id有重复的可能,导致可能会丢信。message id应唯一。


      Kevin Song



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/KevinSong/p/Azure.html
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