• shaderlab-13chapter


    • 深度纹理,存储的不是颜色值,而是一个高精度的深度值[0,1] - 归一化的设备坐标(Normalized Device Coordinates,NDC) 精度(24or16位)

    • 1)使用延迟渲染时,G-buffer中直接可得。2)否则通过单独的pass,unity使用ShaderReplacement技术选择那些RenderType为Opaque的物体,判断他们的渲染队列是否小于等于2500. 如果满足,就渲染到深度和法线纹理中。

    • 获取深度纹理的方式: camera.depthTextureMode = DepthTextrueMode.DepthNormals

    • 世界坐标的获取过程:
      1 采样深度纹理得 深度值 [0,1]范围
      2 映射到NDC坐标
      3 VP矩阵逆转换,再除以w。得到世界坐标
      (MVP过程的,P-投影矩阵<观察空间 to 裁剪空间>)



    纹理采样得到深度纹理的深度值往往是非线性的,需要转换到视角空间的深度值[0,1]范围 。 (非线性的原因:透视投影使用的裁剪矩阵)

    • Unity封装了转换过程--LinearEyeDepth和Linear01Depth --Zview,Z01 (转到视角空间,转到0-1范围)
    • Unity函数DecodeDepthNormal --得到深度值和法线方向。(深度:[0,1]范围的线性深度值, 法线:视角空间)

    1 采样深度纹理得 深度值
    2 映射到NDC坐标
    3 VP矩阵逆转换,再除以w。得到世界坐标
    4 上一帧和当前帧算出速度

    // Get the depth buffer value at this pixel.
    float d = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv_depth);
    // H is the viewport position at this pixel in the range -1 to 1.
    float4 H = float4(i.uv.x * 2 - 1, i.uv.y * 2 - 1, d * 2 - 1, 1);
    // Transform by the view-projection inverse.
    float4 D = mul(_CurrentViewProjectionInverseMatrix, H);
    // Divide by w to get the world position. 
    float4 worldPos = D / D.w;  //为什么不是  D * D.w
    // Current viewport position 
    float4 currentPos = H;
    // Use the world position, and transform by the previous view-projection matrix.  
    float4 previousPos = mul(_PreviousViewProjectionMatrix, worldPos);
    // Convert to nonhomogeneous points [-1,1] by dividing by w.
    previousPos /= previousPos.w;
    // Use this frame's position and last frame's to compute the pixel velocity.
    float2 velocity = (currentPos.xy - previousPos.xy)/2.0f;
    float2 uv = i.uv;
    float4 c = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);
    uv += velocity * _BlurSize;
    for (int it = 1; it < 3; it++, uv += velocity * _BlurSize) {
    	float4 currentColor = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);
    	c += currentColor;
    c /= 3;
    return fixed4(c.rgb, 1.0);

    第二个pass—后处理的标配。zwrite off。OnRenderImage
    是在不透明pass执行后调用,如果不关闭 影响后面透明pass

    ZTest Always Cull Off
    ZWrite Off

    interpolateRay 有像素到相机的方向和距离信息



    问题:CheckSame函数里 diffDepth < 0.1 * centerDepth的centerDepth是必须要乘的吗?为什么?


    v2f vert(appdata_img v) {
          o.uv[1] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(1,1) * _SampleDistance;
          o.uv[2] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(-1,-1) * _SampleDistance;
          o.uv[3] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(-1,1) * _SampleDistance;
          o.uv[4] = uv + _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * half2(1,-1) * _SampleDistance;
    half CheckSame(half4 center, half4 sample) {
    	half2 centerNormal = center.xy;
    	float centerDepth = DecodeFloatRG(center.zw);
    	half2 sampleNormal = sample.xy;
    	float sampleDepth = DecodeFloatRG(sample.zw);
    	// difference in normals
    	// do not bother decoding normals - there's no need here
    	half2 diffNormal = abs(centerNormal - sampleNormal) * _Sensitivity.x;
    	int isSameNormal = (diffNormal.x + diffNormal.y) < 0.1;
    	// difference in depth
    	float diffDepth = abs(centerDepth - sampleDepth) * _Sensitivity.y;
    	// scale the required threshold by the distance
    	int isSameDepth = diffDepth < 0.1 * centerDepth;
    	// return:
    	// 1 - if normals and depth are similar enough
    	// 0 - otherwise
    	return isSameNormal * isSameDepth ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    fixed4 fragRobertsCrossDepthAndNormal(v2f i) : SV_Target {
    	half4 sample1 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[1]);
    	half4 sample2 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[2]);
    	half4 sample3 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[3]);
    	half4 sample4 = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv[4]);
    	half edge = 1.0;
    	edge *= CheckSame(sample1, sample2);
    	edge *= CheckSame(sample3, sample4);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jaysonhome/p/13036954.html
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