• Privacy & Logic

    What is Privacy?

    the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.

    A zone of inaccessibility

    You control who has access...

    Where do you draw the line?

    Daniel Solove

    Ladder of Privacy 

    •  Yourself
    •  Spouse
    •  Priest/Rabbi/Imam
    •  Parents
    •  Siblings 
    •  Children 
    •  Friends
    •  In-laws
    •  Coworkers
    •  Fellow Students
    •  Neighbors 
    •  The whole world-wide

    Recognizes people as adults, allows them to be themselves...

    It allows people to have different kinds of relationship with others. 


    Provides way of covering up actions that are immoral or illegal.

    Dysfunctional Families... Child abuse...

    Weigh one way vs. another

    Right to Privacy ...

    No where in the constitution ... 

    Implicit(not written-down) Right to Privacy through Court Decisions

    Roe v. Wade

    What is the right to privacy?
    The right to be lef alone?
    Is a violation of the right to privacy a violation of another right?
    Rational people - Social Contract Theory = agree to recognize some sort of privacy rights,

    because it would have a benefit to society.   


    European Union - Look to them for privacy rights


    Google / Spain

    “Right to be forgotten ...”


    True or False 

    Individual Statements....

    Argument - True or False

    Invalid vs Valid

    Syllogism (n. 三段论;推论)

    All men are mortal  True

    Socrates is a man  True  

    Therefore Socrates is Mortal  Conclusion 

    Valid or Invalid 

    Buffalo are magical creatures  False

    A buffalo is living in my backyard  False

    --->Therefore, a magical creature is living in my backyard  False, but it is a valid argument

    --->Therefore, buffalo wings are tasty...  Maybe ture, but invalid

    Buffalo used to roam the great plains 

    Indians hunted buffalo

    --->Therefore buffalo wings are tasty  Invalid

    Sound vs unsound arguments

    If all statements in the rugument are ture AND the conclusion follows from the premises...

    Sound argument 

    One statement in the argument is not ture, but the argument is valid -----> Unsound

    An argument that is not sound can still have a conclusion that is true.

    Inductive Argument - A type of invalid arguments

    Dosen't guarantee the truth of the conclusion. But, the premises can give an idea of the probablility that the conclusion is ture.

    85% of the students in this CS306 section are seniors

    You are in this class

    Therefore you are a senior 

    Fallacious Argument 

    - a type of invalid argument 

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    基于注解的Spring AOP的配置和使用
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JasperZhao/p/13179912.html
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